View Full Version : leaks down my barrel, please help

07-14-2003, 10:28 PM
:confused: ok, I jus got a new minimag. i used it one day, and i played 4 about 3 hours, and i think i may have short stroked but im not sure, but all of a sudden air starts leakin like mad out the barrel. i am really really not 2 familiar with this gun. but i have the impression that this is a common problem. My manual didnt help much. I checked the power tube o ring, and it looked fine, i greased it a little, and still leaks. so jus 4 the hell of it, i put some teflon on there jus 2 see wat would happen, and still leaks. so im not really sure. and any1 who anwers please be as detailed as possible, and give it 2 me in words your dog would understand, cus i really dont know 2 much bout this gun yet. thanxs a lot:)

07-15-2003, 10:32 AM
That used to happen to my gun, I know that if I would adjust the barrel, it would fix it quickly. It hasn't happen lately. Only like once or twice. But I recently got all the O-Rings changed and oiled my entire gun up. Good luck buddy.

07-15-2003, 01:01 PM
it could be that, but i dought it, cus i 4got 2 mention that wen i hold down the trigger, it stops. got any other ideas?:( :(

07-15-2003, 04:33 PM
have level 10?

07-15-2003, 05:58 PM
no, jus a j&j ceramic, black ice reg, and drop