View Full Version : Automag Classic Upgrades

07-15-2003, 03:18 PM
I'm getting an Automag Classic soon, and I've found this wonderful forum.
I would like to know what upgrades I should get for my 'Mag, including what Nitro tank type/brank, etc., or anything else you can think of.
Also, I only will have between $400-$500 for everything, except for the mask, which I already have.


07-15-2003, 03:27 PM
Nitro... Crossfire is good. The only customer service comperable to AGD!

Definatly think about the X-Valve!!

Intelleframe is a good bet, expecially if you get the X-Valve and ULE Trigger.

You'll need a drop forward, I would suggest a System X on-off cradle.

A Revvy or Rico is almost necessary nowadays. I would suggest a Halo/warp but that's way out of your range.

A Jersey, gloves, pants... And that's about it, I think... Am I missing anything?

07-15-2003, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by Splat
Nitro... Crossfire is good. The only customer service comperable to AGD!

Definatly think about the X-Valve!!

Intelleframe is a good bet, expecially if you get the X-Valve and ULE Trigger.

You'll need a drop forward, I would suggest a System X on-off cradle.

A Revvy or Rico is almost necessary nowadays. I would suggest a Halo/warp but that's way out of your range.

A Jersey, gloves, pants... And that's about it, I think... Am I missing anything?

Thankee, that was fast, bout how much would that all be, if you don't mind telling me.

07-15-2003, 03:35 PM
Does the 400-500 INCLUDE the gun?
If so, I reccomend an Intelliframe (~115 new) for your new gun. Then follow what everyone else says if you have additional money :)

07-15-2003, 03:52 PM
small crossfire I think you can get one for under $100.

Intelleframe $115

X-Valve--w/ classic valve trade in $225 http://store.airgun.com/acb/showdetl.cfm?&DID=17&Product_ID=19&CATID=5

System X cradle $40

Revvy $50

Ricco $57 -on sale

Jersey, golves, pants, ect. your call.

07-15-2003, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by FalconGuy016
Does the 400-500 INCLUDE the gun?
If so, I reccomend an Intelliframe (~115 new) for your new gun. Then follow what everyone else says if you have additional money :)

Yes it does (hey I'm only 15, cheap parents...):(
That's all I can scape up at this point.

07-15-2003, 04:11 PM
for 400-500 I would look in the classified fourm here. you can get an RT Pro w/ intelli and level 10. Since the Mag is like a brick(strong) buying used is definatly OK. Take a look

07-15-2003, 04:14 PM