View Full Version : EMag Emode Occationally 'Kaking Out

07-15-2003, 09:29 PM
Heres the deal, shoot shoot shoot oh about lets say 100 rounds for instance. Then the electronic portion of the trigger seems to stop working. I flip to manual, fire once, and the electronics zip to life again. Seems to be good for a while more, then same thing occurs.

Ideas? Theories?

Another oddity: I apply pressure to my trigger all the way right (when sigting down the marker) and pull the trigger in EMode, nothing. I apply left pressure and it's fine....

07-15-2003, 10:20 PM
definitely sounds like an HES magnet problem. have you adjusted the trigger recently? it sounds like the HES magnet is in just a tad too far.

if you can, is get it to "malfunction' again. when it does, turn it off and the back on, but dont touch the trigger. if the "ADG 1.37" display blips, it may be in too far.

another thing to try, if it happens, is to push the trigger forward with some substantial pressure. then pull it back normally, sometimes that works. but once again, that would say that the HES magnet is in too far. those two should help to narrow the list of variables.

07-15-2003, 10:43 PM
I only just got this Emag a few weeks ago. According to it's last user, it was recently in to AGD for a tuneup and new sear assembly.

So perhaps unscrew the HES magnet a turn or two?

Your theory on the pushing trigger forward bit makes sense, since in M mode, the trigger swings much more, and then the electronics come back online...

07-16-2003, 07:15 AM
I`ve had this problem on my Extreme E-Mag,open the grip plate on the right side, then fire the gun til it stops,use your finger and push the solonoid and see if it shoots again,if it dos,just glue it too the grip frame. :)
It might also be the HES magnet, depends if your trigger is sloppy from side too side.

07-16-2003, 08:21 AM
Definitely a HES problem/ttigger magent relationship problem - Tom went over this at the last tech class in April. I would back it (trigger magnet) bout until the marker stops firing, then start moving it back in. If it fires when the trigger is pushed side to side then it is not adjusted correctly.


07-17-2003, 08:36 AM
Try cleaning the screw hole that holds the circuit board in the frame. Some of the emags were having bad ground problems here. Just make sure you are getting a good ground for the circuit board.