View Full Version : Level 10 - Really simple question, please come quick :)

07-16-2003, 02:31 PM
I just got my level ten, and I was wondering, as I didnt see it on the instructions on the website (I dont have instructions that came with level 10)

Do you keep that rubber washer that is between the level 7 bolt and the valve?
Also, is there anything inside the powertube tip besides the powertube tip, the oring on that tip, and the little brass ring inside? Is there some small oring or something?

07-16-2003, 03:16 PM
i dont really know whats your asking. (with the level7 thing)

but it goes.. Bottom up,
#1 White Washer thing
#2 carier/oring with the oring facing down
#3 shims
#4 Lx pt tip.

hope that helps

07-16-2003, 03:21 PM
If you're talking about the bumper that goes between the bolt and the valve. I don't know about those that bought the kits, but I had to use my old L7 bumper.

After talking to the local airsmith, he said you should be able to use it without a bumper. But you may cause excessive wear. That, and the fact that it is noisier. (Metal striking metal)

07-16-2003, 03:24 PM
Thanks both of you, but baja got it fuji got it :) thanks