View Full Version : Final Opinions

07-16-2003, 10:59 PM
Ok fellas, I need the final opinions before I get this stuff.

#1. What mask? Dye Invision or JT Proflex? I have worn both, both are very comfortable and highly recommended, I think im going with the Proflex, what do yas think? Opinions?

#2. What tank? I am pretty sure I am going to get the Nitroduck X-Stream 45/45 tank. It is only 2.6lbs and is adjustable, 900psi into the RT sounds good to me. Opinions? Other tanks that are adjustable for under 250?

#3. What barrel kit? This is a toughy, but I think I have narrowed it down to an Evil Pipe Bomb or a Scepter kit. Pros and cons and choices of each anyone? Any other kit? I also heard the Pipe is kinda loud, true or not?

LMK FEllas, thanks! :D :D :D

07-16-2003, 11:10 PM
If yer a big guy, go with the pro flex. The invision leaves alot of chin exposed. I'd get a tank bigger than a 45, cuz remember, you can't use that thing down to 200 psi like other guns. You gotta make up for the pressure with volume. As for the barrels, whichever you like. The pipe is loud and cool, but I don't think they even make them for twistlock mags, so scepter. Hope this helps.

07-17-2003, 01:46 AM
Are you sure the Xstream goes up to 900?
I say this cause Pro Paintball only claims 700 (http://www.4freeflow.com/products/dualregtanks.html) and I belive that others in the forum have had similar results with them.

Of course I can't help you with an adjustable under 250, not new anyway.


07-17-2003, 08:55 AM
for the mask: Definatly the proflex. I like the soft ear pieces alot, and its just comfy. And it doesnt leave black marks on your face like the invisions.

Tank: Umm idk, but all i can say is get a larger tank. A 68 ci tank is still small.

07-17-2003, 09:10 AM
Scepter owns, I have one, but it depends on what you're looking for. You really cannot go wrong with a set of DYE barrels either, maybe 3 or so, or a full freak.

07-17-2003, 01:26 PM
Mask: I like Invisions, but they're not for everyone. ProFlexs are REALLY nice too. :-)

Tank: NitroDuck x-streams are SWEET. my 68/4500 can hit 900 no problem. There was a handful of them that needed to be retweaked at the factory, so if you get one that only hits 7-800, call Paintball Mania/Nitro Duck, and they'll fix it for ya, no problem.

Barrel Kits: I've shot CPs, Scepters, Empire Kits, Freaks, and I still really like the J&J. It's simple, the milling is "classic" (meaning, not TOO exciting, yet nice), and the barrels are the size they SAY they are, which is sadly not always the case with the rest of the kits. for $150.00 with 4 backs and a tip, in a nice little padded case, ya can't go wrong. In fact, some places run 'em even cheaper. I got mine from www.paintballdiscounters.com for 114.99, back in March. Don't know what the current price there is, but it was 150 everywhere else at the time.

that's my $0.02... for what it's worth. --Dave