View Full Version : AGD Teams at IAO Results

07-18-2003, 03:13 AM

Since we have a ton of AO'ers here that are having too much fun to post I am trying to keep you up to date. I will use this post to keep adding info to so come back for more.

AGD Kids took 2nd in three man!

1st place team in 3 man were using two warps and one emag!

AGD's Lock and Load took 4th in five man novice!

AGD Kids are in the finals for 5 man!

Lots of drama when the Kids played the Oh Nos (John McKown from our own Delaware.net). Our guys got taken out on a one for one and then John threw his gun down. After a 45 minute debate between the judges it was determined that the Kids were placed back into the game with none of the Oh No's alive and were therefore given the pull and the hang without ever touching the flag.

Pride and Lions are here and gearing up for the 7 man. They have to play each other in the first game. Video and pics of the controversy should be up friday.

Don't forget to checkout the pics and videos here!!


07-18-2003, 07:05 AM
Wow that video was awesome. 3 players out on one bunkering move wow. Nice job you guys. Keep it up. Congrats to everyone who played. Looks like those Xmags are doing there jobs:D

07-18-2003, 07:12 AM
Originally posted by AGD
Pride and Lions are here and gearing up for the 7 man. They have to play each other in the first game. Video and pics of the controversy should be up friday.

Ugh, It's like the William's sisters always having to play each other.

07-18-2003, 07:47 AM
Not realy good. Could they not have been placed in seperate brackets? Oh well at least they get it out of the way early and the loser had a change to recoup and come back later.

John threw his gun down? And after having been the recipient of a one for one? Musta been something else happen to get him going! Geeze... He was OUT! Seperation from equipment rule PLUS unsportsmanslike penalty on top it sounds like. What marker did he throw? Hope it was not the X mag...

07-18-2003, 08:01 AM
The AGD kids were kicking *** up and down the feild all day yesterday. We (disturbance) played the oh-no's and they are a very good team but AGD took it too em and whiped them out. Good job guys.

07-18-2003, 08:02 AM
how about some new pictures???? more trade show would be nice.

07-18-2003, 09:02 AM
Nice videos......watching Chester play is pretty amazing...

Good luck to Pride and Lions....

I'll be talking to skirts later today and I'll be sure to rub it in that Capo has replaced him.

again good luck......and hopefully the "Yo boys" will come back with some good stories (they always do)

07-18-2003, 09:57 AM
Wow! AGD is marking their territory!

07-18-2003, 11:13 AM

07-18-2003, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by AGD
AGD's Lock and Load took 4th in five man novice!

Why are they playing novice???? L&L is better than that. They are leading the Amatuer division in the CPSA and they are playing novice in the IAO?

07-18-2003, 11:45 AM
Originally posted by AGD

Pride and Lions are here and gearing up for the 7 man. They have to play each other in the first game. Video and pics of the controversy should be up friday.

That sucks :( I wonder if that was just chance

07-18-2003, 12:08 PM
Anyone know how Team BlackCell Is doing???

Wish there was a way to find out..

07-18-2003, 12:15 PM
Originally posted by PissedGodzilla
Anyone know how Team BlackCell Is doing???

Wish there was a way to find out..
keep watching warpig.
I think they're playing 7-man and there hasn't been any news on that yet.

Duke Henry
07-18-2003, 01:16 PM
FYI, although I am sure most seen it on Warpig, AGD Kids wrapped up the 5 man with a 4th place finish. Good job people.

Tippmann Effect took first (I believe for the second year in a row), and Groundfire took second.

Again, good job Kids.


07-18-2003, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by damageinc54

Why are they playing novice???? L&L is better than that. They are leading the Amatuer division in the CPSA and they are playing novice in the IAO?

Most teams like lock n' load will play a division down in national tourneys, cspa isn't a national tourney

07-18-2003, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by tony3

Most teams like lock n' load will play a division down in national tourneys, cspa isn't a national tourney

They have no need to be playing a division down. They are good enough to play and compete in the Amatuer division. Besides, what better event to really test themselves against the best AM teams than at the Amatuer Open???

07-18-2003, 02:04 PM
No, Tippmann took 2nd 5 man last year and 1st in the seven that same year. Still 4th is good. May not be the year of the mag but AGD is still making a its presence known.:D

07-18-2003, 02:21 PM
Pride off the break.... so many xmags hehe


07-18-2003, 02:31 PM
is that the kitty mag and her companion i see there in the middle of the picture? :D

07-18-2003, 02:36 PM
is it me or are the videos of AGD kids having sound problems? i hear sound for like the first second, then it makes me feel like im going deaf. something wrong here?

07-18-2003, 02:41 PM
Yup, that's Clare playing for pride.

Originally posted by JT2002
is it me or are the videos of AGD kids having sound problems? i hear sound for like the first second, then it makes me feel like im going deaf. something wrong here?

yeah I was having problems like that also.

07-18-2003, 02:43 PM
ok good so it wasnt my ears :rolleyes: :D . well u better go and fix it quick! (you know who u are. :D ;) ) cuz i cant stand trying to watch a cool vid with no sound:p

07-18-2003, 03:22 PM
Doesn't look like Pride is doing to well according to Warpig's scores.

7 man scores so far (http://www.warpig.com/paintball/tournament/iao/2003/7pre.shtml)

07-18-2003, 03:48 PM
does anyone know a john wise, and his team? i dont know if he was going to play or just for the trade show.. he uses a hyper rt with an evo...


07-18-2003, 05:02 PM
I'm supposed to be there for the 7-man but a serious medical problem with my mother kept me from leaving town. Don't know who they got to replace me for the 7-man but they won 3 out of 4 of games in their first day of play. With a 2nd and a 4th so far this week I hope they step it up and bring back a 1st.

Steve D
AGD Lions

07-18-2003, 05:12 PM
What happened to BlackCell? I didn't see them anywhere on the standings. I saw Deadcell in 54th place.

07-18-2003, 05:34 PM
More videos up!! Check them out!! AGD Factory doing great Pride still pushing!!


07-18-2003, 06:01 PM
ehhh, pride isnt doing so hot....but agd factory team is kicking butt!

07-18-2003, 07:11 PM
Which AGD pride member was that in the 1st movie
i must say that was clean
nice job :)

07-18-2003, 07:22 PM
is it just me, or did chester take one point blank in the junk in that video #7. I hear people saying walk it off, and i see a crumpled mass in the corner of the screen for about a second.

07-18-2003, 09:09 PM
AGD Pride 3 12 15
Wuh oh :(
AGD Factory 99 98 99 12
Doing well :)


07-18-2003, 09:18 PM
Aw Chester :(

07-18-2003, 09:33 PM
Factory ended up playing pride in one of their early games...

let's just say factory won :D

07-18-2003, 09:41 PM
:confused: :mad: Didn't anyone take any pictures of Team AFTICA in action?!?

Wc Keep
07-18-2003, 11:23 PM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye
What happened to BlackCell? I didn't see them anywhere on the standings. I saw Deadcell in 54th place.

blackcell won 1 of 3 of their friday games. they are doing 7man not 5 man.

07-18-2003, 11:55 PM
Tippmann Effect took first (I believe for the second year in a row), and Groundfire took second.

HOW???These guys must be REALLY good. I guess the gun is only a small percentage of a teams ability, but TIPPMANNS. THAT JUST ISN'T RIGHT:mad: Especially since they beat AGD kidz:confused:

Duke Henry
07-19-2003, 07:22 AM
Originally posted by Da1spaz247

HOW???These guys must be REALLY good. I guess the gun is only a small percentage of a teams ability, but TIPPMANNS. THAT JUST ISN'T RIGHT:mad: Especially since they beat AGD kidz:confused:

Well, I was corrected earlier, as Tippmann Effect took first in the 7 man last year, not the 5 man but still yeah they are good.

Funny too considering their roster has changed quite a bit between IAO's.

07-19-2003, 08:25 AM
Yeah Tippman Effect is real good. I saw them playing yesterday and they were wooping on teams.

07-19-2003, 08:50 AM
lol tippman effect got rocked in the 3 man competition ;)

07-19-2003, 09:50 AM
Originally posted by Wc Keep

blackcell won 1 of 3 of their friday games. they are doing 7man not 5 man.


Hey what is up with 7 man? Are there only 2 divisions, Novice and Amatuer? I checked out Warpig and didn't see a rookie division for 7 man.

07-19-2003, 10:58 AM
i dont think anyone has taken any pictures of aftica at the moment because they only have about 30 points remington

Wc Keep
07-19-2003, 11:34 AM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye


Hey what is up with 7 man? Are there only 2 divisions, Novice and Amatuer? I checked out Warpig and didn't see a rookie division for 7 man.

i dont know why but the iao doesnt have a rookie 7 man

07-19-2003, 11:53 AM
Most often has to do with how many entered. If they do not get enough to enter in Rookie and even Am they just eliminate it and move em all up and consolidate the two brackets and run one bracket.

07-19-2003, 12:04 PM
ADG Factory Team 99 98 99 12 100

I'm not sure but I think that 100 was against Tippman Effect


07-19-2003, 01:57 PM
ok, who's got the video of AFTICA's game 5 when they scored a 96? :)

07-19-2003, 02:27 PM
wow, they really roll the team in video 8

chester is amazing to watch, i've never seen him play before and he is......really....good

07-19-2003, 02:46 PM

AGD Factory won 6 lost 1!! Going to the finals with three other teams!! I think they are first seed. They blew Tippman Effect off the field and didn't loose a man.

Pride came back strong and has 3 wins and 3 losses with one more game to go.

Black Cell and Aftica played each other and had a great time.

More videos and pics going up now!!

Chuff, chuff,


07-19-2003, 05:56 PM
AGD Factory is currently in 1st place and are on to the finals! Tippman Effect is in 3rd place. :)

AGD Pride finished in 6th place!:(

07-19-2003, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by Brett23
No, Tippmann took 2nd 5 man last year and 1st in the seven that same year. Still 4th is good. May not be the year of the mag but AGD is still making a its presence known.:D

Yes, ADG is quite well. Along with Tippmann Effect again this year! I don't know what 3-man did, couldn't find out. Only know they placed. 5-man Amateur won 1st! And I left yesterday so I have no clue about 7-man. I'll have to check FON or Warpig later when I get time.

Though from what I see here (look at above posts) they're doing only decent as compared to AGD.

edit: Yeah, just checked FON. Happy Days to Tippmann.

07-19-2003, 11:39 PM
On Warpig, it looks like one of the kids is using an old school rt. See, you don't need an electro to whip electros;)

07-20-2003, 12:35 AM
Live update from the mad kinkos location:

Myself Riot[Z-grip] and Magman007 are chillin here paying to much for internet privilages...

Anyhow to give the AFTICA news for all to see and represent as we are required to do...

We kicked major arse! (well in the .org group format)

Our primary win came from crushing the dreams of some serious team who was currently in 2nd place (not anymore hehehe!) overall in 7 man novice. Anyhow after NTN's fantastic hopper destruction (wait for sick Vid) of some poor Absolute players equipment. we had to go play our lovley friends Blackcell.

Fun was had during the 7 on 7 AO-ONLY melee. And we have to hand it to Blackcell for almost making the semi's and almost whiping out half their own team. :P

(nice purple truck day)

Anyhow finals are tommrow and we are cheering on our AGD brothers on the Factory team.

Laters kids. and may the world tremble under our AFTICA battle cry.... FUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-20-2003, 09:16 AM
Originally posted by edweird
Live update from the mad kinkos location:

Myself Riot[Z-grip] and Magman007 are chillin here paying to much for internet privilages...

Anyhow to give the AFTICA news for all to see and represent as we are required to do...

We kicked major arse! (well in the .org group format)

Our primary win came from crushing the dreams of some serious team who was currently in 2nd place (not anymore hehehe!) overall in 7 man novice. Anyhow after NTN's fantastic hopper destruction (wait for sick Vid) of some poor Absolute players equipment. we had to go play our lovley friends Blackcell.

Fun was had during the 7 on 7 AO-ONLY melee. And we have to hand it to Blackcell for almost making the semi's and almost whiping out half their own team. :P

(nice purple truck day)

Anyhow finals are tommrow and we are cheering on our AGD brothers on the Factory team.

Laters kids. and may the world tremble under our AFTICA battle cry.... FUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok all i can say is Down the road a bit is a Cyber cafe much much cheaper you bunch of freaks.
Hey i am glade we had that room next to you guys we had a blast and we cant wait to do it again. and thabnks to you guys for turning me onto the AO forum

A <~~ I know your code word dont even try it!!

see ya on the flip side

07-20-2003, 11:13 AM
UP! I wanna see that video! :D

07-20-2003, 04:55 PM
From warpig..

AGD Factory Team 18 12 18 48 4th
Rush 94 15 9 118 3rd
Tippmann Effect 97 95 94 286 1st
PBX Reaper 9 96 97 202 2nd

Maybe next year they'll bring back a 1st place win!

07-20-2003, 05:56 PM
Victor! Hey man how goes it?

Im glad to see you made it onto AO.

AFTICA didnt do so bad for an internet group of players! hell we even won a game! i didnt see POG or RMOG do that! I had a great time, and there wil be many more pics etc once Everyone gets back!

07-20-2003, 06:19 PM
Indubidably! Way to go Tippmann Effect. In the end having a last player left..... yet pulling a 4-on-1 Victory!

But supposedly there's some dispute over the last player. Just wish I could've been there, I had to leave before the finals and get my *** back here to host my own game. My guess would have to be somebody thought they shot him or they actually did shoot him. Or maybe went out of bounds. Beats me.

But over all to win both 5 AND 7 man amateur divisions.... with mostly simple mechanical Tippmanns? Now that says something right there.

And it says this....http://www.forceofnature.com/images/newspics/tipp_wins.jpg

07-20-2003, 09:18 PM
Lots of controversy about shady calls on that game. Put it this way, in my opinion, AGD won straight up, and the last Tippmann player wasnt pulled but shot MANY times by different AGD players. Tippmann was SPANKED by AGD Factory Team the day before, and it was going to happen again, and did happen..

07-20-2003, 10:02 PM

Although the Tippman Effect team appeared to be playing with the rental guns all the 12 yearolds we shoot on a weekly basis... this is hardly the truth

Ive been informed the only thing that is stock in their guns is SOME of the side panels for the model 98. Other than that they are FAR from stock.

Regardless its not in my character to point fingers or blame refs. Games happen and chaos ensues. Hell look at our team, a internet pick-up group of sweaty geeks with guns took down one of the top 7 man novice teams in contention

07-20-2003, 10:27 PM
-Aighty.... since none of my Teammates have yet to post. We, BlackCell... Won 3 Games, and Lost 4. Putting us in 27th Place out of about 50ish Teams in the 7man Novice Division; There was no Rookie 7man so we were placed in the Novice Division.

-Best game of the whole tourny was the game we played AFTICA... very fun shooting back at the AO Family.... Whooo Haaa !!

~da Baller

adam shannon
07-20-2003, 10:31 PM
just got back from iao...

chester got hit in the "piston" not the "o-rings" in that clip...he'll live and for better or worse be able to procreate.

we got some pics of aftica in action...i havent figured out where tom uploaded them to yet just getting back on AO...but they are somewhere.

video from the finals will be up tomorrow. all respect to tippmann effect in the last game, but "we was robbed"! very dubious call...especially when the ultimate ref is yelling "get that guy out of there" and a regular ref didnt do it. but all in all given that our guys were out of the 1st place running by the last game all we could have done was spoil the 1st spot for tippmann. they played great all week and deserved a 1st place.

07-20-2003, 10:46 PM
what vid # is this last game?

07-21-2003, 10:10 AM
Originally posted by adam shannon
just got back from iao...

chester got hit in the "piston" not the "o-rings" in that clip...he'll live and for better or worse be able to procreate.

:eek: :confused: umm thats good news i guess...

Hope your feeling better chester

07-21-2003, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by edweird

Ive been informed ...

Stop right there.

You're informed? By who?

Sorry, but you're only informed, you don't actually know do you? Unlike say.... myself. Who actually worked on their markers attempting to give assistance in trigger-bounce removal. Of course we didn't have enough time or parts, so unsuccessful.

If you want I can even give you pictures of most of the team using mechanical Tippmanns. Not saying that there's no E-bolts or E-grips, heavens no. Pleanty. But there's actually more mechanical Tippys than there are Electricized. Mainly because they had some markers pulled due to.... you guessed. Trigger bounce.

It's such a pain when you have a hammer of that mass! I won't lie, the overall design alone is what makes it such a pain. But I have a few ideas rolling through, all I need now is some time, some parts, and some spare change to do some testing. If all goes well I'm going to be one happy guy.

Now as far as the game in hand, I wish I could have been there. But I had to leave before the finals even occured, so I completely missed everything there. If TE honestly won, or has he been shot or went OB to where AGD should've won. Personally I don't care. I'd be happy even if AGD won.
Because as I said before in another thread. The winners would have been teams using something not Bob Long or Smart Parts!

07-21-2003, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by edweird

Ive been informed the only thing that is stock in their guns is SOME of the side panels for the model 98. Other than that they are FAR from stock.

No...ya think?

I mean seriously, obviously there's some major moddage goin on in those guns, those tippys are serious gats. Besides that though, they can really ball, just let them have the win. People are so hung up on the equipment used, and the sponsors supported of these teams, when in reality it doesn't really matter as much as everyone makes it out to.

Congrats Tippmann Effect, you guys rock.

Wc Keep
07-21-2003, 08:57 PM
Originally posted by SyntaxError

No...ya think?

I mean seriously, obviously there's some major moddage goin on in those guns, those tippys are serious gats. Besides that though, they can really ball, just let them have the win. People are so hung up on the equipment used, and the sponsors supported of these teams, when in reality it doesn't really matter as much as everyone makes it out to.

Congrats Tippmann Effect, you guys rock.

i second that. they have crazy amounts of skill and work hard to achieve what they do.

07-22-2003, 12:20 AM
Meph bro... chill out

I was simply relaying what I learned in a conversation over dinner at IAO. After all I dont want people thinking Tippman Effect was tromping around the feild with rental guns. I agree that they displayed some awesome ability and Army can back me up when I say I totally gave them props for the victory.


Oh and BTW yeah id love to see some extreme model 98 modifications that were done.