View Full Version : I must have done something wrong! (kinda long)

Psycho Chicken
07-18-2003, 09:00 PM
You guys will love this one.

So I have been wroking on my xmag ever since I got it back from IOA (thanks agd techs). Finaly gotten my trigger almost the way i wanted it (2 o-rings and 1 magnet), and then she started to leak out the front. Now as we all know that means to switch down to the next lowest carrier on the lvl 10. After that I decided to TEST it to see how sensitive it was (big mistake). I go into my closet and bring out 18 month old hellfire, thinking to myself if it works for agd it will work for me (hellfire in the breech test on video).

Now this hellfire had a foot and a half drop test. So i'm outside and set it up, holding the hellfire in the breech ready to pull the trigger. BLAM, the thing explodes in my face. I mean all up in my hair, glasses,face and clothes. Looked like in cartoons when something explodes in their face and they just lookup into the camera. My brother was rolling around on the floor laughing is butt off. I just had to shake my head and laugh to myself. Maybe i did somthing wrong?

I did trun around and test it on some fresher paint, my lvl 10 is some, but still could use some work.

Just thought you would love this, the experiments of a fool and his gun. :D

Sorry no pic or video, maybe next time.

07-18-2003, 09:04 PM
Lol that would be funny to see :)

I have a LX question though, if it leaks in the bolt, but it changes tone when the bolt is moved around, that means carrier right?

Psycho Chicken
07-18-2003, 09:07 PM
yep, that's what mine was doing.

07-18-2003, 09:17 PM
ummm well could you try it again and get the video camera this time

mmmkkk thanks

07-18-2003, 11:25 PM
from my understanding if you have the correct carrier, try starting out with the longest spring and no shims.. If its still too hard start adding shims until it leaks or you hit your desired lvl 10 performance, then move down to medium spring and so on.....

Mag Master 04
07-19-2003, 12:19 AM
that must have been a good time man, wish i was there to see it...:D :p :rolleyes: