View Full Version : 3-man tourni tips??

07-19-2003, 01:20 PM
Anyone have any tips?

I have never played in a tourni before and we are playing in one tomorrow. Any tips on positioning the 3 of us ? Any other basic tips would help too, thanks

07-19-2003, 01:22 PM
The great thing I really liked about playing three man was you really dont have to rely on back guys. One player can do very sufficiently for himself, so if you have three guys that can do this your set. Play very aggresively, and always keep your mind set that you are the only one left on your team, thats how I looked at it. :D

07-19-2003, 01:25 PM
Typically if the field is small enough I like to send someone up the middle off the break ... more times then not you can get the flag and control the middle.

Keep a real good-eye on your tape guys ... being only three people its easy to lose a tape and the whole flank if you arent watching.

I usually like to play one back and two forward, mostly to get ground in the beginning and still able to have a guy watching the spread of the other team from the start.


07-19-2003, 02:05 PM
shoot the other team

07-19-2003, 02:54 PM
Look up my first tourny thread, or tips thread, I cant remember if I had one just for tips or not, but its full of them if I rmeember

07-19-2003, 03:10 PM
Id go with 2 men back, one in the middle. That way u have a good chance of getting someone off the break which makes a HUGE difference in a 3man. Make sure ur gun is working. I borrowed my freinds cocker because my gun wouldnt shoot at all, and the cocker broke down 6/7 games, with double feeding and just not shooting and such. We would have made the finals if it was working.

e mag
07-19-2003, 03:16 PM
you have an xmag and have never played in a tourny? just get lots of paint and let your mag take care of everything else.

07-19-2003, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by p8ntballsnowman
Id go with 2 men back, one in the middle. That way u have a good chance of getting someone off the break which makes a HUGE difference in a 3man. Make sure ur gun is working. I borrowed my freinds cocker because my gun wouldnt shoot at all, and the cocker broke down 6/7 games, with double feeding and just not shooting and such. We would have made the finals if it was working.

Yah, I don't need to worry about breaking down, I have my Xmag.

07-19-2003, 04:20 PM
Watch the tape, lose control of it and you're done for. I've been in an elimination tourny where I circled the field chasing someone, all because I took control of the tape. I moved all the way back to their break point and they just ran. If you can keep their attention on the center of the field, and move up the tape, you will have a good chance of winning. The only danger of advancing alot on the sides is that if you lose someone, it's a third of your team down. Goodluck and have fun.

07-19-2003, 04:24 PM
When you walk the field and say "We cant let anybody in that bunker or we will lose" then send somebody to that bunker. Have them keep their head down and let their bunker get pounded, and that should leave one of the two of you open to move around a lot more.

In three man I feel that getting 2-3 guns up off the break and not letting them get the flag is more important than taking ground.

07-19-2003, 05:00 PM
I'll probably be using the X for covering off the break.

07-19-2003, 05:40 PM
talk talk talk thats the most important thing in any tourney. always have 2 guys laneing off the break. after the break you can send 2 guys up or just 1 guy but be sure too have at least 2 in back to start. be agresive. im not a fan of the snake in 3 man because it takes to long. make sure that u dont just get to a bunker and stay there keep things moving change up were u shoot from. never play head on with a guy always cross it up

07-19-2003, 05:44 PM
2 front 1 middle. have your front guys sprint to postition and have your middle guy jog to position, constantly firing. (when i say middle, i don't mean the 50 i mean your 25)

The Dreaded Jew
07-19-2003, 05:56 PM
if thge field is too narrow and/or short i say keep either two or all three of you in the back if it can hold all of you and try and sweet spot the other team then put pressure on any remaining guys and send one guy to grab the flag and finish up the other team

07-19-2003, 06:22 PM
How does tourni scoring work??? Lol I have yet to figure that one out. I know I'm a n00b with an Xmag

07-19-2003, 06:34 PM
It depends.. For us it was like.. 10 or 5 for each player you hit, and then minus 1 for every player thats hit on your team... And then the flake pull was like 20-30 and the hang was like 50-60.. That was a 5 man though, so I dunno, lol

07-19-2003, 06:36 PM
For three man, move....ALOT. Be aggressive and don't make complete stupid moves and no games shouldnt be won within 1 minute, less than that is a total lack of aggressiveness on your part.

i like tictacs
07-19-2003, 07:09 PM
Originally posted by durtysoufcraka
shoot the other team

you're cool, can i be your friend?

07-19-2003, 11:49 PM
tictacs, take a chill pill

if the field is short (almost square like) have at least 2 guys burning lanes off the break, and have one guy playing up front

always have a secondary move in your mind, and be ready to make that move if you can (usually taking the left or right 50 on a 3man will blow open the game if your guy can stay in)

in 3man movement and laying paint is key, the second you guys go down a man, dont just hunker down in your bunker and wiat for the inevitable, you have to keep up the momentum and try to even it up/get the flag/stay in the game

the best bet would be to take the 2 back corners and STAY CROSSED UP THE WHOLE TIME and have one guy move up the middle and go for the flag

07-20-2003, 01:44 AM
Well in my little experience playing 3 man, I've seen team setups like this:
1) One back, two front
2) All back
3) All front (aggressive team!)

Rarely do I see 2 back and one front.... could just have been the series I've been playing in though. Anyway my team's setup was usually #1, and sometimes 2 back one front. You really cannot rely on one or two setups each time! Another thing, walk the fields! From there you can determine the "kill bunkers" (the pivotal ones) and where you think people are going to go. If you're playing in a series that lasts for several weeks, it helps if you watch and remember how the teams play, so you can adjust to their playing styles.

I used to play in a 6-week series, I was almost always playing back. If you do play back (sometimes you are forced not to, especially when there is no bunker to cover you when you can turn and shoot), I can offer a little advice. First of all, communicate! Right off the break there are usually 2-3 guys who have to move, depending on the setup. I have found that there's usually some crazy SOB who tries to rush the 30 or 50 off the break. At that point, send that guy to the deadbox! Oh yeah, if you haven't played tourneys before, always, ALWAYS remember to shoot in front of the guy you want to get out! ...when they're running of course. In this manner they will run into your stream (gotta love it when that happens!). Anyway don't forget to pull and hang the flag, too!

When the game is getting close to the end, and say it's your team (2 guys) on 1 guy, you can pretty much use one guy as a distraction as you bunker the remaining player. Oh yeah, might I add, when it's a 3-man tourney, and you do the 2 back players setup, your front guy is going to be the only target. All the 3 guys on the other team will focus on him alone, if you and your other back guy stay tight enough. This way you can eliminate their front guy, and probably take out a back guy as well!

There really is nothing more satisfying than a bunkering, or a flag hang. I love it!

Oh and one last thing, if the you-know-what hits the fan, and you know you're gonna lose, pull the flag so you can at least get points!

Mav D MagMan
07-20-2003, 03:08 AM
Points - Depends on the tournament series Coffee. Around here (SoCal) they usually modify Pan-Am rules... www.panamcircuit.com

Most of the time:
1. Points for flag pulls (capturing the centerflag)
2. Points for flag hang (getting flag to opp. side of field)
3. Points for eliming opp players.

Our series were usually 1. 25 for the pull, 2. 45 for a hange, and 3. 10 points per opp elimd (so x3)

Total Possible Per Game: 100 pts, only way to loose points was the chrono hot...

Something I wrote up for another forum:


I've also posted a lot of general stuff that could help you some, search around that forum a bit.

Now in response to the posts on here (in order from first to last)

1. 3 individuals dont last long in the game, you're all in too tight a field and if you loose a wing player because you gusy didn't communicate that an opps move into a bunker that could hit him, you're screwed :p It's much harder to beat a 3-man team than 3-non-communicating individuals. I do agree that a strong player can carry a team pretty well though.
2. While the flag is worth more than that middle "runner" he's pinched between the op's offense and will be an easy elim. It's a lot harder to play with 2 guys cornered than 3 who can move...
3. That is the general idea ;)
4. Don't blame the equip, be sure you have it ready the day/night before and that morning :)
5. You can't win the game with ROF, we've played teams that have tried (darn angel toters) :P
6. Pushing the tape's an excellent way to get great angles and elims(especially if the don't know you are)
7. Eric made some great points, throwing more paint on the break not only denies them ground but also gives your more of a chance of catching one of them
8. Sounds good, just have a pod ready before your fill so you aren't wasting time. Practice if you got to
9. Almost agreed with everything - One fields I've played snakes have run the entire field, even with 5 minutes they're great for going down the entire field (if you can) and taking their team with you. You can show up *anywhere*. - Also some fields have tall bunkers across the center, then cross ups arent as effective and you have to play head on paintball...
10. Great plan for the break
11. Not much to say, except it's not too easy to move guys out with only two guns on three guys.
12. See above
13. N/A
14. Stupid moves are mandatory your first tourney, vid tape it and then you can look back and laugh ;) You can win games on the break, if you play them right
15. Be nice TicTac
16. Naw dude, the runner gets pinched, the backs get cornered/picked off on an angle. I think games against two backs like that are a breeze ;) Plus come to the outside ont he break, not crossed up. Because if they come wider than you, you're screwed :p
17. I like his thinking, most of my info agrees with it lol!

Hope I've helped some, if you want some 3-man tourney pics to view check these out: http://www.dotphoto.com/GuestViewAlbum.asp?AID=858884

Login: paintballgod
Password: spyder

But get out, relax and have fun this ain't the World Cup, it's for rec play.

Capt. Team SoCal Sun (http://www.geocities.com/socalsunpaintball/)

P.S. Good luck dude!

*Edit* I think we're too late lol! Ah well, hope you do well and that this info helps someone!

07-20-2003, 03:17 AM
May have just helped my team and I. We are hitting a 3 man friday. Ahhhhhh darn pre game jitters lol.:D

Mav D MagMan
07-20-2003, 03:19 AM
I'm really glad to see that I may have helped someone.

Don't sweat it, it's just playing paintball man :)

Jitters are natural, the 10 second silent start really gets to you though... I hate sittin there feeling my marker shaking with adrenaline lol but it only helps you hit your primary bunker quicker and pull the trigger faster. ;)

So have you guys played together/practiced before?
