View Full Version : $5.00 Paintball feild passes to almost any feild in the country

07-20-2003, 03:28 PM
Click this link to purchase paintball feild passes for JUST $5.00 :)
to almost any feild in the country


07-20-2003, 03:35 PM
hi spammer , welcome to ao, this is called spam, those passes are no good and i suggest you delete this thread before ao rips into you, so in other words

07-20-2003, 03:38 PM
how is this spam?im just trying to sell some feild passes also how are they no good please explain Mr wisdom :rolleyes:

07-20-2003, 03:41 PM
this is spam! first, they don't even sell passes to all the fields i go to! HA! and your just trying to get paintball bucks off of us...
btw .. this is what it is...


07-20-2003, 03:45 PM
Yes, they are completely pointless. All they accomplish is screwing you're local field out of 5 bux.

This is how it works at the field I work at. Someone buys these passes for 5 bux a pop off the internet. After it's all said and done at the register, They have spent the exact same amount of money that they would have without the passes - - just that 5 dollars of it went to the internet company and not to the field. It saves them ABSOLUTELY no money whatsoever. All this 'company' does is squeeze themselves in as the middle man, and make a couple bucks by taking it away from the field. The customers don't look into it before they buy, and think that they are "saving" some money, when in fact, they are NOT.


07-20-2003, 03:51 PM
Shouldn't the fields not accept these then, since the field is just getting screwed out of a bit of money?

07-20-2003, 04:11 PM
Hey, I think I will take a few.:rolleyes: My local field only charges $4 anyways.

Animal Mother
07-20-2003, 04:27 PM
Wow the field in my area that takes theses passes requires you use their field paint, which goes for $60 for a case of white box no name paint. Oh and no scubas allowed anywhere so you have to pay $15 for all day air.

Lets see.. pay $10 to go to my local field 10 minutes away and use my $30 a case BigBall paint and my scuba tank that cost me $4 to fill..

or.. drive 45 minutes, pay $5 to get in and $60 for a case of white box crap and all day air for $15.

Yeah I'm gonna jump right on that. :)

Doc Nickel
07-20-2003, 04:45 PM
After being "spammed" with this over at my board, I looked into it.

Nope, it's not a "scam". But it is worthless and on about the same level as Amway or letter-stuffing schemes.

Your "$5 pass" gets you entry. Period, end of conversation.

The pass does not cover air, paint or equipment rentals, and are only valid to first-time or new players.

Fields that take the passes are few and far between, but more and more sites hawking the passes are springing up- but strangely putting details as noted above in very fine print, or even not listing them at all.

Meaning the vast majority of people who buy thse so-called "passes" either cannot or will not use them.

Meaning you're giving some kid with a badly-designed website $5 for a scrap of paper.

Huh. I guess it is a scam, isn't it?

Spread the word.

07-20-2003, 04:51 PM
Okay than, that means this thread is not totaly worthless is it?

07-20-2003, 04:53 PM
Well put Doc! thanks for the foot work and debunk...

I will let this stay to warn all others. If it sounds too good to be true it prolly is...

07-20-2003, 08:20 PM
Jack, it covers ALL rental equipment--no air or paint though.

Rental at my field is 30 dollars. This would allow a player to only pay 5 dollars for rental, then they could spend 10 bucks on 200 balls plus air.

Check the website FAQ, it says it; and yes, I have seen other players use these before. ;)


07-21-2003, 12:44 AM
i knew it wasnt <B>*POOF*</B> you guys just dont want me to get free paintball gear >:) i been without a gun for too long and im trying everything to get one im poor so i have to kinda not spend money :) but i also have to do it without stealing so therefore what else is there to do ? GET IT FOR FREE :) and you <B>*POOF*</B> are trying to take that away from me NEVAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<B>*Warning: No Cussing*</B> -Miscue

BTW, your sig is too big. Change it immediately... or else!

07-21-2003, 12:59 AM
You live in your own little world don't you?


Buyers beware. Its a rip off....

07-21-2003, 02:06 AM
Originally posted by cphilip
You live in your own little world don't you?

Phil, all of us live in our own little world. :)

Yeah ne way my field charges like 3 bucks anyway, if you knew it was bull then why in the hell would you post it?

07-21-2003, 02:43 AM
I checked about this as well, not only looking into the people who sell the tickets but the fields who are said to take them, specifically TAG in NorCal. These passes are nto a scame, they are a great deal for [B]rental[\B] players who would normally have to pay 30-40 dollars for admission/rental fees plus paint/air at rental prices. This drops the 30-40 charge down to 5 for them. If someone who is self-equipped was to use one of these passes at TAG, they would be required to purchase field paint and pay for it and air at rental prices. It's not a scam, it's just not worth it for most of paintball aficionados, meaning all of AO....

So maybe this spam would be better fitted for a non-paintball website, so that the tickets can actually bring new people into the sport? Try looking for websites devoted to hot girls and their needs. I'd sure love to see more of them around at my local fields. But nOoooo..I hate spam!..bah..hmmm..im confused..Hot Girls, or no spam? DAMN!

07-21-2003, 06:52 AM
first of all get a job, then honestly tell me you think this is new and your teh first person to ever post this, i really need a good laugh

07-21-2003, 07:25 AM
as I am sure dansim knows this...

very few of the fields in MA that paintball promotions says accept these passes, actually accept them.

the ONLY confirmed fields (that I know of) that accept this is P&L in randolph, taunton and bridegewater. (I might add that thieir paint prices are outrageous.. $100 a case.)

apparently, they now claim boston paintball supply accepts them, however I was there yesterday and overheard a phone conversation about these, then talked to the proshop guy about it...

the guy who does this just makes up these passes and trys to sell them to people.. where fields dont actually accept them.

beware on these.

Spartan X
07-21-2003, 09:03 AM
Well I'll just add a thought. If you can not afford the retal fee or entree, you should not play paintball. Paintball is a VERY expensive sport.

07-21-2003, 09:09 AM
Well you certainly cannot afford to just throw 5 bucks away I should think. If you can send it to me and I write you out a pass that will get you outa jail free. Or something. Whatever you want it to say.... hows that?

Wc Keep
07-21-2003, 10:36 AM
how bout you guys send me 5 bucks, i send you a pass good for a whole year to come play at my backyard...i mean field. its about to open. we have a couple of trees picnic tables sheds and some chairs for bunkers. but just dont hit the house....i mean proshop cause my mom....the owner will get mad and ill have to kick you out.

07-21-2003, 10:49 AM

07-21-2003, 10:49 AM
end of discussion

Frontline Newbie
07-21-2003, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by afrankart
Hey, I think I will take a few.:rolleyes: My local field only charges $4 anyways.
and I thought my fields 15 dollers was cheap. Do you have to buy realy overpriced paint?

07-21-2003, 03:29 PM
Well here in the greater NYC area we have to pay more than twice what you guys pay. With my own equipment its $20 to play and $100 a case. $40 to play walk on with rental equipment. A ne wfield in Staten Island charges $50 to play which is outrageous. I too have to pay $10 for all dy air, which to me is a good deal. By the time I pay enough of those $10 to pay for a scuba tank will be over a year from now. Oh well.

07-21-2003, 03:56 PM
No, it's pretty cheap, $4 entry, $5 byop charge or like $75 for a case of evil, and $10 all day air.

07-21-2003, 04:15 PM
My place is $7 entry/byop, $6 all day air, and $55 for Draxxus Blaze, $65 for inferno and $75 for hellfire.

07-21-2003, 05:42 PM
It works

$5 gets you entry and rental, normally a lot more money...
but it only works in large groups at the only field in the area that accepts this (however this field is decent)

07-21-2003, 05:56 PM

This is worthless. In South Jersey, 2 places accept them.

Manhunter in Atco which is only open when races are running. It is set up at the end of the parking area at the Atco Raceway! No set hours or anything. Better use the pass fast or else there won't be anywhere to use it! Can you say Grand Opening/Closing in the same sentence!

The other place is Roughneck!:rolleyes: We all know how reliable Tez is don't we. First off, he doesn't even own or use the rec fields in the description. Those are Usana's and are out of service. Tez may run a few practices on his speedball fields up front, but that is few and far between. Hell his store in Glassboro, NJ has been open for over a year and their sign is a piece of posterboard over the front door. The borough renovated the outside for him, but the inside is a dump with NO inventory!

Real reliable partners these guys have chosen.

Don't waste your money!!

07-21-2003, 06:30 PM
Ok, let me throw in a few more details on this.

We (meaning the field I work at) accept these 'passes'

What the fields are allegedly getting out of this deal is advertising. In theory, people find this promotions place on the web, the promotions company sells them the passes and refers them to us- - - SO, we 'should' be getting significantly more business out of this.

In the past 6 months, we've had 3 parties that used these "passes" on us. The "passes" cover field fee only- - NO rental equipment, air, ect.

Let me state again that eveyrone that has used these on us has been with a private group- - looking to make it "cheaper"- - - Just like the people at paintball promotions promised. Well, here's how it works.

Normally, for a player to walk on for the entire day with full equipment rental costs $17.50. That includes field fees, all day co2 for the rental guns, goggles, marker, hopper, ect. The only thing that is not included in that price is paint. That's extra. Field paint only. 59.95 for the "regular" F.P. (severe hurricane).

Now, when we have a private party/ group- - they get a discount on the renatl cost- - - $12.50 per person. Package still contains the same items.

Now when someone goes online and gets these "$5" field passes (which cost 5 bux) we accept them as counting for the field fee- - and then charge each player 7.50 for the "discounted" rental package, plus a 2.00 air fee. (heck, that's still cheap for all day co2).

Hmmmmm. . .. let's see how much money the bargain pass people saved: normally, it costs a person in a party a total of $12.50, right? well the pass-users wind up paying: $5.00 to some online company for a coupon.
$7.50 for rental package.
$2.00 for air.
Total?- -14.50

Ya know what's really funny? when the folks from paintball promotions originally contacted us and said "here's what we're gonna do- - please accept these 'passes'", we told them that the coupons would only work for FIELD FEES. We told them to Inform potential customers that there would be additonal charges for rentals and air. Paintball promotions has ( on all three occasions) misled the customer into thinking that they were actually going to spend less in the long run if they bought these passes. In fact, all they are doing is spending the same amount (usually more), except that for now a portion of it goes to a 3rd party "middle Man" instead of to their local field.

Apparently the promotions company dosen't tell the customer all of the details. Every party that has used these has seemed somewhat confused when they actually came in and talked to us about the whole thing. Many are under the impersonation that the 5 bux would be the only thing that they had to pay for. Of course, when WE call paintball promotions, they tell us that "all information was presented to them up front. they just misunderstood".

It seems that some people are SO convinced that the internet is SOOOOOOOOO much cheaper than anything out there- - that the local fields are just out to rip folks a new one - - that they will give money to some internet company lord knows how far away just to (in theory) save money at a local (private, i might add) business WITHOUT talking to us first, to see what the prices were in the first place!!!

Geez. The passes cost 5 bux, and the way we treat them - - they are WORTH 5 bux. You pay five dollars for a five dollar coupon.

People, PLEASE> > > I understand that some fields are more expensive than others. . and that some are small private business, and others are not. (i.e. CPX) Especaially if you only have one field in your immediate area (the vast majority of the country), and that field is a little "mom and pop" operation- - TALK TO THEM FIRST!!!! Most of the people working in paintball at this level are just trying to make a living- - -NOT rip you for all you're worth and make sure that they have a new beamer every year.

It appals me that people CONSTANTLY make decisions that cost them more in the long run based off the mentality that the 'net is cheaper. Don't even get me started about gun' sales. . . thats another soap box for another day.

Finished with my rant. ..

Chuffin' red in the face,
