View Full Version : Ergonomic and micro-switch ready

07-20-2003, 04:03 PM
Ergonomic and micro-switch ready what does that mean they come on the y grip

07-21-2003, 12:55 AM
Ergonomic-The applied science of equipment design, as for the workplace, intended to maximize productivity by reducing operator fatigue and discomfort.

07-21-2003, 01:28 AM
Originally posted by RangerBoii226
Ergonomic-The applied science of equipment design, as for the workplace, intended to maximize productivity by reducing operator fatigue and discomfort. =feels better:rolleyes: :p

As far as the "micro-switch ready" part, this (http://www.airgun.com/downloads/eureka3.pdf) is what we are referring to.

07-21-2003, 01:34 AM
Yess, gotta love dictionary.com :)