View Full Version : In need of a team in IL

07-20-2003, 07:45 PM
I'm looking for a team in IL (In the Chicago area) to join. I've never played tourney ball but want to get involved With a novice/amatuer team. I'm 27 and getting married in November (which limits my time until that date) but wanted to start looking now and maybe get a bit of practice in. I wanted to start a team with my friends but they all *****ed out on me so I leave my fate to the good people of AO. E-mail or PM me if you want to talk (AIM is xambrosious but I am rarely on).


07-21-2003, 11:26 PM
Well, this is working well :p

If anyone knows where I can find a team please let me know....I'm itchin' to try out my hand in tourney ball.

07-21-2003, 11:39 PM
The same goes for me also...I'm in the Chicago area as well...

07-22-2003, 01:35 AM
I'm in N. IL also, been playing (I'm captain) with my high schools team (NCPA tourneys) but only 2 of us 5 are really dedicated and its a little annoying so I'm also looking for a team to do some tourneys with and practice regularly, maybe do next years CPSA?

07-22-2003, 01:39 AM
Any of you guys can come out and practice with Damage Inc. Our next team practice is August 3rd at Badlandz. Email or PM me for more information if you are interested.

07-22-2003, 01:42 AM
hm... it seems to me that if there are three guys in the same region looking to join a team, couldn't you just start one a three man team?
just a thought

07-22-2003, 01:43 AM
ya guys. go to badlandz and play w/ aftershock. i have and it was fun. damage i may have to get up there and play w/ you guys also

07-22-2003, 12:59 PM
If I can get a few guys together who are all looking for a team then we will start our own. I think I can make it to badlandz on aug 3rd....we'll make it a tenative date. Thanks for all the help guys, I can't wait to get my arse kicked at a tourney :D


07-22-2003, 03:09 PM
Well now that Im back at a community college... (and not playing in the NCPA)... Im VERY interested in finding a new team. Play front almost exclusively, but can play mid as well.
Aim/email: [email protected]


07-31-2003, 02:06 AM
As I stated above. Damage Inc is practicing this Sunday August 3rd at Badlandz. All of you are welcome to come out and practice with us. The Shocktech Factory team and Aftershock are supposed to be practicing this Sunday also. Come on out!!!

07-31-2003, 07:30 AM
Come down to centeral IL, we got fields and tons of teams :)

bloomington/normal area. Sudden Impact, they have tourny's about once a month, usually about 20 or so teams show up, most from chicago. (its actully in a small town called funks grove)

But speaking of badlandz, im helping out with the Illinois State Open on Sept. 13'th. Its college PB, you should all come check it out. Apparently bad boyz toyz is having a huge sale that day, bring some cash ;)

08-01-2003, 12:20 AM
With any luck I'll be at badlandz on Sunday. I'll be the fat guy with the black to green fade warped shocker so come say hi ;)

If I don't have the shocker then it's a black nickel plated warped minimag w/ x-valve.

See ya soon!