View Full Version : screwed up!

07-21-2003, 09:39 PM
I know this is wierd but my mag is broken and I have no idea what it is ok. so I have a mag with a x- valve LX, intelliframe and a ULe body ok so it is not firering it feels stuck and I know it is not the volocity I think it may be the sear but I dont know PLease give me help and more ideas of what it could be and I will try it out and see so please! help me now!

07-22-2003, 03:45 PM
Has the marker ever worked right?
How much pressure is in your air tank?
How do you know its not the velocity?
Did you intellify the intellifeed? If so, will it shoot without the micro switch?
Are you using the sear that came with the X-Valve? If so, did you adjust it?
What are you LX settings? (Shims? Carrier?)
When was the last time you *completely* re-oiled your marker?

That should get us started.