View Full Version : Tom please keep us updated on the sp issue

07-22-2003, 02:12 PM
This is serious thus if there are any new developments I would like you to make it clear to us. Also if you want us to do anything please start a new thread. How are all of the other company’s reacting? Are you all banding together or what? Thanks:cool:

07-22-2003, 02:21 PM
I am monitoring the situation but I can not comment any more than I have. It is up to you to find more info.


07-22-2003, 02:37 PM
Just like everyone, I would also like to now AGD's stance on this issue. But you guys have to remember the legal issues when he says something. Anything that someone says out of court can be used against them. Many lawyers hire people to casually talk to witnesses in the court halls and surrounding area. They check everywhere for information about people to use against them, even the internet. That's why lawyers tell their clients to not speak to the reporters.

07-22-2003, 03:43 PM
k how do we know whats true and whats not?:confused:

07-22-2003, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by epterry
k how do we know whats true and whats not?:confused:

There are other ways besides getting info from Tom.

07-22-2003, 09:37 PM
Hey here is a quote from Allen Turner(my boss) about the smart parts issue(he called and spoke with them after I asked every one in the WPPL about it)

WPPL Members and Friends,

I just got off the phone with Bill Gardner, Sr. the president of Smart Parts. He was very open about the patent issue.
They are pursuding two specific manufacturers for patent violations ICD and now a part of the WDP design (Angels).
The patent is not as broad as is being reported.

Bill said most of the information in the quotes are GROSS exaggerationions !!! In fact Bill was with Bud Orr last week and there was no discussion of the nature that is attributed to Bud in the quotes. Bill doubts thier accuracy.

Bill also explained that Patent law is very complex and they are only trying to enforce some specific designs that they feel are express violations of thier Patents. They are not attacking the E-Marker industry. No one can say with accuracy how this will resolve, but for now it only involves two companies and even if they win the patent it will only force the companies to change thier designs.

I dont like to perpetuate mis information that is why I called Smart Parts Directly, to get real information. Smart Parts is preparing a Press Release regarding the patent issue, I will forward that information to anyone interested when it arrives.

07-22-2003, 09:40 PM
Thanks for the report and feel free to repeat it in the main thread.

I closing this one so go to the other one on this so we can keep it all together.