View Full Version : Have any of yall noticed this.

07-23-2003, 02:24 AM
Aight when I look at a gun that a company took or the file picture of it sites have on there website it doesn't look near as good as when people take pictures of the same excat guns at there house. I mean some of the timmys on the sites ur like kool but when someone takes a real pic of theres your liek whoaa. Its weird to describe. Am I jus messed up or does anyone else notice this also.

07-23-2003, 03:36 AM
It's all in the picture quality. On the sites you usually see small, low quality pictures. When someone takes theirown, they are bigger with a higher resolution, so they look better. It really depends where you are looking.

07-23-2003, 05:38 AM
Exactly. Check the picts of any product (cars, computers, food :) and what do you see?

The company wants to sell thier product. Are they gonna use their dinky 1.5 mega pixle camera, snap off a shot and call it good?

No way. They are gonna tweak the lighting and get the cleanest, best angle, color corrected 8 megapixel shot and take 50 picts and decide on the best one out of that and spend a whole day doing it.

It's the difference between selling the gun or not for the company. I am not selling anything, I just want you to tell me I have a cool gun and feel good.

07-23-2003, 08:34 AM
i think they want to show the good points of what they are selling off... also the background and lighting makes a difference in how it looks, and the reflectctions and things

07-23-2003, 12:13 PM
youve got it backwards, he's saying home pictures are better then company ones

07-23-2003, 02:07 PM
yeah i know that. but what i mean is they want to highlight the things that are good and take attention from bad ones. i think if something has a background, it looks better, not out of place etc. i also think pictures in daylight are better than indoor lights or camera flashes.

07-23-2003, 07:59 PM
plus ur usually seeing the stock gun on a webpage wheras alot of ppl who take pics of ther guns have modified guns.

07-24-2003, 12:19 AM
Ya, but look at Dye stickie 3's. Have you ever seen them in real life? Not exactly like the pic shows.....

07-25-2003, 10:42 PM
when companies are trying to sell you the brand new gun, they show the product in its pristine form, but when you see the gun in its natural habitat, its a beautiful thing. its like the difference between going on a safari, and going to the zoo. plus, people try to make it look as cool as possible, to their tastes. companies try to advocate its potential for cooleness. thats why you often see bland colors, and a miriad of custom parts that alter the appearqnce(e.g. splash kits, etc.)