View Full Version : Does anyone else find this annoying?

07-23-2003, 09:02 AM
Is anyone else sick of this gang, cult, and group stuff that just spews from this site like an un-capped oil derrick?

It started with the "pie revolution" and I for one was getting sick of "I like pie" being plastered everywhere. Now we get a whole batch of more annoying phrases that we have to deal with. "Chuff Chuff" is one of the most retarded things I have ever heard. This new "DUR" thing has only been on this forum for 3 days and already it is all you see. Is this the image AO wants to portray to others that might casually read these forms? Do you want to look like un-educated dolts?

The thing that amazes me is the quantity of lemmings that frequent this forum. If someone has an idea, be it good or bad, there are droves of people that act like sheep and beat a dead horse until it is so tired that people get turned off. I am sure these are the same people that use the same tired lines from a movie until they get so sickning, that they make you sound like you have a below 80 IQ.

Speak YOUR mind, not someone elses!

If you don't have anything to say SHUT THE CHUFF UP!!!!!!

07-23-2003, 09:08 AM
Erm, possibly just a teensie bit of an over-reaction there? :)

It's not as if they're exclusive clubs which only the select few can join, they're just a bit of fun - personally I think they help promote the feeling of 'family' that this forum has....although you're currently sitting in the grumpy uncle role. ;)

07-23-2003, 09:19 AM
Originally posted by lamby

If you don't have anything to say SHUT THE CHUFF UP!!!!!!

considering the fact that he used chuff in his post, i would say that hes just joking... but sorry to say, your sence of humor isnt good at all

SG Avenger
07-23-2003, 10:07 AM
It all depends on where you hang out. At first I thought it was kinda childish and lame. But realy is it any different from joining a school club. Or joining an online Clan/Guild to play video games.

Other people are forum junkies, so a club would be along the same lines. A Pie Revolution, rediculous? Absolutely.. but tell me you havn't seen some completely retarded names of Guilds/Clans online.

07-23-2003, 10:25 AM
hey lets remember that we are one community here and groups help to sub divide it. J/k Thaught I would take the Hippy stand and then changed my mind when i realized it was a crock. Groups, gangs, revolutions are ok. as long as you dont get upset by them.

lack of grace
07-23-2003, 08:49 PM
Id have to say I agree with you lamby.

07-23-2003, 08:59 PM
Half the reason I joined was to figure out WTF is a "Chuff Chuff" I really don't care what people say as long as it doesn't make outsiders think we're a bunch of chuffing pie eating Mag fans that have nothing bettter to do than think up funny words. :D

07-23-2003, 09:04 PM
i also agree even tho im in da pie thinger its like everyweek something pops up

07-23-2003, 09:34 PM
It actually didn't start with the Pie Revolution. Both the Wang Force and Pepper predated it. To my best knowledge, neither exist anymore.

Don't take it so seriously, everyone's just having a little fun.

07-23-2003, 10:46 PM
For those who know, know better.

Lamby: your in the DUR and you dont even know it! And its not because u used Chuff Chuff either. HA HA HA. As for those of ya who didnt read the creed, read it now. And as for any misconceptions u have about the DUR read the modus operandi. Your "flavor of the week" could be another person's preference.

And as for persons who "casually" browse the AO forum, if they look hard enough they know what the DUR is all about. So yeah let em look. And if they dont look, i think its their loss.

07-23-2003, 11:14 PM
Its what happens everywhere, if you take it seriously, you are taking it wrong.

Although, the untermag revolution seriousness has gotten to me (because of tom's posts :))


07-23-2003, 11:28 PM
Pepper...now theres a name I haven't seen in a while. Long Live WANG FORCE!!!:D It didnt start with PIE, try the Capo club..:rolleyes: Atleast get your story straight.

I like PIE, thus is why I belong to the PIE REVOLUTION
Capo rules, thats why Im in the Capo Fan Club

Is that hard to understand? I think not.:)

07-23-2003, 11:37 PM
Pie will never die...its fun to do this stuff. it makes it more fun for the majority of us...join one u'll see.;)

07-23-2003, 11:57 PM
Originally posted by FalconGuy016
We should resurrect it, anyone still have the logos?

07-24-2003, 12:19 AM
Originally posted by lamby
The thing that amazes me is the quantity of lemmings that frequent this forum. If someone has an idea, be it good or bad, there are droves of people that act like sheep and beat a dead horse until it is so tired that people get turned off.

Wow dude. Welcome to humanity.

99.9% of the popultion is sheep. Remember, the masses do not benefit the one but it is the one (or small group), whose diligent and hard work supports the whole.

I'm willing to bet that very few here can make penecillin (sp), vulcanize rubber or mill their own Xmag battery pack yet we all, as a whole, benefit from the knowledge and guidance of the few who can.

Take a few beers, watch the Discovery channel and feel right again brother.

07-24-2003, 12:20 AM
Most of todays youth in the United States can be considered "sheep"

07-24-2003, 12:23 AM
Im in the pie revo

You got a problem huh? do ya buddy boy?????:)

07-24-2003, 12:44 AM
the DUR is an exception. most people on these forums have always been antihype. it just took one post for someone to decide to put a name on it and call it a revolution. it really isnt, its just a bunch of people that have the same belief.

but ya cmon man, loosen up, have some fun. i dont consider myself a sheep. i can make my own decisions for myself, and if i decide to get my name added to a list of other people who beleive in the same things as me, thats my own choice. it doesnt make me a sheep.

have you ever noticed this about cliques in general, even when they say they arent going to be one of the crowd, be different, individuals. everyone in their clique ends up dressing the same. does that make them sheep? no it means they all have the same beleif and choose to stick w/ others who do the same.

Mega Man
07-24-2003, 12:45 AM
Originally posted by Carbon
For those who know, know better.

Lamby: your in the DUR and you dont even know it! And its not because u used Chuff Chuff either. HA HA HA. As for those of ya who didnt read the creed, read it now. And as for any misconceptions u have about the DUR read the modus operandi. Your "flavor of the week" could be another person's preference.

The DUR you say everyone is in..........its called AO! If we are all in it, why do we need to make a new name for it? I don't mind the clubs that were always and will always be on here, ex: Capo, Pepper, Wang, Pie, etc., but do we need one that is overly advertised and used, that really doesnt need to be their? I think the general people of AO are diverse and knowledgeble about all aspects of paintball, why do we need an "underground" where people say "chuff chuff" when we could just use common knowledge and reasoning to spread our opinion and "truth" to the world of paintball? Let's not start a flame, I'm just stating my opinion.

07-24-2003, 12:46 AM
Originally posted by robertjuric
the DUR is an exception. most people on these forums have always been antihype. it just took one post for someone to decide to put a name on it and call it a revolution. it really isnt, its just a bunch of people that have the same belief.

but ya cmon man, loosen up, have some fun. i dont consider myself a sheep. i can make my own decisions for myself, and if i decide to get my name added to a list of other people who beleive in the same things as me, thats my own choice. it doesnt make me a sheep.

have you ever noticed this about cliques in general, even when they say they arent going to be one of the crowd, be different, individuals. everyone in their clique ends up dressing the same. does that make them sheep? no it means they all have the same beleif and choose to stick w/ others who do the same.

LOL :rolleyes: Sorry man I can't buy that but it is too late for me to argue :) goodnight

Well I guess a little bit of my opinion.

everyone is a sheep, just part of different flocks

07-24-2003, 12:55 AM
im not arguin w/ ya :), thats just my .02, take it for whats its worth, we all have our opinions, i just voiced mine, he voiced his. we're all happy, cant we all just get along? :)

07-24-2003, 07:26 AM
Originally posted by lamby
[BThe thing that amazes me is the quantity of lemmings that frequent this forum. If someone has an idea, be it good or bad, there are droves of people that act like sheep and beat a dead horse until it is so tired that people get turned off. I am sure these are the same people that use the same tired lines from a movie until they get so sickning, that they make you sound like you have a below 80 IQ.

Speak YOUR mind, not someone elses!

Whatever dude. It never ceases to amaze me that whenever one group of people doesn't like what the other group is saying they start throwing accusations of mob mentality. I goof around alot in political forums and it always kills me when one guy utters the liberal line, I respond with the conservative line, and then he accuses me of being a sheep. I've never understood that. If he can follow the liberal line without being a sheep then why can't I follow the other line on my own volition, just like he did?

That always bugs me.

07-24-2003, 09:05 AM
Having a belief and preaching the belief does not make you s sheep, however if the reason that your response is generated is because of the fact that "it is the new thing", or "everyone else seams to be in it" DOES make you a sheep. I just wanted to clear that up first.

I am a VERY political person and love to "fight" with the liberal left at any possible turn. I don't do it because my friends do it (mostly the contrary)I do it because that is ME, that is what I stand for.

The revolution concept is good, dispelling rumors is good, healty arguments are good, freaking out and throwing a demonic looking star all over and barking out train noises because TK did is BAD.

I like this forum, as there are many wise people here. I enjoy thier insight very much. I also like to adress problems that I had to a large group of people, people that in return can fix/address the problem. I am just stating a fact that there is a reason that AO is labeled a "cult" by many. I think if you want debunk myths, start with presenting a professional demeaner. Nobody will take a nut case serious even if the nut case is in large group of like minded individuals.

I think a major factor in all this is age. When you get older you see the things that you did in the past were lame, or just plain stupid. AO is made of people of all ages, but a large majority (which perfectly reflects our sport) are high school and under kids (young adults for you politically correct types). There are major differences between them (GEN Y) and me (Gen X/MTV generation) You can see it anywhere, they do not act like we acted at the same age. But I guess that is due the fact that we did not have net access that made anonimity such common place. We had to contact people in person, and therefor required a different level of respect. Different is not bad please do not miss read this!!! it is just diferent.

I was in a click in school too. That was due to the fact that I played sports, hung around mostly with people with same likes (motor sports), and lived my life a certain way (adrenlin junkie). I did not change myself to "fit in". There were many of my "friends" that would not mingle with opposite clicks. I did not care, I partied with everyone and mostly got along with people from all clicks.

My whole reason for posting this thread was to address what I have seen as a problem (in my eyes at least)I do not want a forum as great as AO to be corupted and downgraded to a clicky, cultish mass.

There you have it, my explanation.

Have a GREAT AO DAY!!!!!

07-24-2003, 09:51 AM
well compared to other forums, I dont think your going to get much more proffessional than AO.

I see what your talking about, and Ive seen people join every "revolution" or club just to join them.

im pretty much they same as you, im in a clique, if you want to call it that, i play football. so im mainly hanging around them. but most of the day, im doing my own thing, talking and mixing it up w/ everyone. if you want to see mindless drones come to my school, the whole baseball team will just shock you. uhhh what was it this past year, Clark's Wallabees, its a shoe, and an ugly shoe, at that. EVERYONE had them it was crazy, a couple people started wearing them and before I knew it damn near 3/4 of the school had them.

oh btw, I talked to law last night. we had a semi deep conversation. hes got an interesting view on sheep :). lol

07-24-2003, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by lamby
Having a belief and preaching the belief does not make you s sheep, however if the reason that your response is generated is because of the fact that "it is the new thing", or "everyone else seams to be in it" DOES make you a sheep. I just wanted to clear that up first.

I am a VERY political person and love to "fight" with the liberal left at any possible turn. I don't do it because my friends do it (mostly the contrary)I do it because that is ME, that is what I stand for.

The revolution concept is good, dispelling rumors is good, healty arguments are good, freaking out and throwing a demonic looking star all over and barking out train noises because TK did is BAD.

I like this forum, as there are many wise people here. I enjoy thier insight very much. I also like to adress problems that I had to a large group of people, people that in return can fix/address the problem. I am just stating a fact that there is a reason that AO is labeled a "cult" by many. I think if you want debunk myths, start with presenting a professional demeaner. Nobody will take a nut case serious even if the nut case is in large group of like minded individuals.

I think a major factor in all this is age. When you get older you see the things that you did in the past were lame, or just plain stupid. AO is made of people of all ages, but a large majority (which perfectly reflects our sport) are high school and under kids (young adults for you politically correct types). There are major differences between them (GEN Y) and me (Gen X/MTV generation) You can see it anywhere, they do not act like we acted at the same age. But I guess that is due the fact that we did not have net access that made anonimity such common place. We had to contact people in person, and therefor required a different level of respect. Different is not bad please do not miss read this!!! it is just diferent.

I was in a click in school too. That was due to the fact that I played sports, hung around mostly with people with same likes (motor sports), and lived my life a certain way (adrenlin junkie). I did not change myself to "fit in". There were many of my "friends" that would not mingle with opposite clicks. I did not care, I partied with everyone and mostly got along with people from all clicks.

My whole reason for posting this thread was to address what I have seen as a problem (in my eyes at least)I do not want a forum as great as AO to be corupted and downgraded to a clicky, cultish mass.

There you have it, my explanation.

Have a GREAT AO DAY!!!!!

I see where your going at, and I think one explanation to your view on some of this is that there are a LOT of younger people on these forums that are still in grade school. It is just the kind of behavior your going to see out of some members. I wouldn't let it worry you thought.

07-24-2003, 10:50 AM
has anybody actually read the DUR creed? It is a way of thinking about new players and all players as one group, together. what's wrong with it.... Alot of plyays today don't believe in helping out a noob, thre DUR does... Remember that.

07-24-2003, 11:06 AM
Originally posted by lamby
I think if you want debunk myths, start with presenting a professional demeaner.

Frankly, all my days are spent in a professional demeaner. This is where I go to talk about paintball, probably the least professional thing I do. I am courteous and respectful (the bulk of the time), but professional? Nah, when I'm talking about paintball if I want to make train noises, or goat noises, or even sheep noises I will. My paintball time is not my professional time.

07-24-2003, 11:10 AM
pie rev is a bunch of pw's


07-24-2003, 11:14 AM
Originally posted by lamby
Is anyone else sick of this gang, cult, and group stuff that just spews from this site like an un-capped oil derrick?

It started with the "pie revolution" and I for one was getting sick of "I like pie" being plastered everywhere. Now we get a whole batch of more annoying phrases that we have to deal with. "Chuff Chuff" is one of the most retarded things I have ever heard. This new "DUR" thing has only been on this forum for 3 days and already it is all you see. Is this the image AO wants to portray to others that might casually read these forms? Do you want to look like un-educated dolts?

The thing that amazes me is the quantity of lemmings that frequent this forum. If someone has an idea, be it good or bad, there are droves of people that act like sheep and beat a dead horse until it is so tired that people get turned off. I am sure these are the same people that use the same tired lines from a movie until they get so sickning, that they make you sound like you have a below 80 IQ.

Speak YOUR mind, not someone elses!

If you don't have anything to say SHUT THE CHUFF UP!!!!!!

I chuff with the part about I Like Pie, chuff I don't like pie. I think pie is chuff.

07-24-2003, 11:33 AM
As someone stated before, all AO did was put a name on the whole movement. For those who know, the revolution started when a more experience player helped out a noob with his marker or game. Oh yes, the actions of what we know as DUR, can bee seen when the ref tells a kid who got lit up, to buck up play another round and shows him all the cool firing lane spots on the field.

AS far as demonic stars for a logo, that an opinion. It could of been a blue star, or even a pink one for that matter.

and so what if youve align your paintballing lifestyle to the DUR creed? Whats wrong with being helpfull and curteous? Isnt that what we were all taught, since kids to be. Its not like us DUR folks eat children and have blood sacrifices.:rolleyes:

07-24-2003, 12:12 PM
Originally posted by Carbon
Its not like us DUR folks eat children and have blood sacrifices.:rolleyes:

lol nice analogy:p

lack of grace
07-24-2003, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by PissedGodzilla
has anybody actually read the DUR creed? It is a way of thinking about new players and all players as one group, together. what's wrong with it.... Alot of plyays today don't believe in helping out a noob, thre DUR does... Remember that.

Whats wrong with it is it didn't come for most of your minds..It came from Tom Kayes and you all are so sure you "believe" in what he denoted himself passionate about.

Don't deny that 3/4's of you havent posted derogatory statements in regards to other users for asking simple questions or just being a newbie or something like "Don't get a cocker get a mag!" Look up your member names and search your posts, I'm sure youll be surprized.

So my final comment on this, then I'm going to forget I ever saw this. - If you feel the need to be part of something then fine, that is your perogative. I frankly think that it's rediculous.

As George Carlin so finely put it - "Symbols are for the Simple minded."

07-24-2003, 12:56 PM
I agree with lamby, we are in the same generation. I tried to say something similar in one ot the other threads but not nearly as eloquent.

In regards to DUR, there is nothing wrong with the idea, belief, life-style, philosophy, etc. No one has any problem with that, it's this club thing. If you live/act in that manner then great you ARE part of the so called "revolution". You don't need to be part of a club to tell you that you are or aren't. When you read posts that say "if TK is in then I'm in", or "can i be member number XX" or "why is xxx in but i posted before him". Do they get it? It's like those people that get in line at a convention because there is a line forming without any idea of what the line is for.

Yes there are other clubs on the forum like Pie and Capo, etc. But those are basically "fan" clubs. So do you want to represet the idea, philosophy, belief etc of DUR as a "fan" club? or promote your sport by the way you live your life?

07-24-2003, 01:40 PM
I think some AO'ers are misrepresenting or over analyzing what the "club" started as, and what the "revolution" ended up becomming, at least in the sense of a timeline. It was a "club," or appeared to be one - like Capo or PIE - when Carbon posted the "When Mags become mainstream" thread and included the comment "I'm gonna start my own flippin' club!"

It did not fully evolve to DUR until after TK's two posts, the Creed and the Modus.

What I think is most interesting about how quickly all this occured - is there any doubt Das Untermag would've been dead in a day without TK's post and stickeying the thread? - is that it parallels the announcement of the Smart Parts patent(s)/lawsuit(s).

I know TK has made several posts clearly stating that the "Revolution" was not to be used in connection with any action/boycott of Smart Parts. However, AGD (I mean the company, not the individual) has, to this day, been very liberal about sharing the technologies that have been developed in their offices. AirGun Designs, for the 10+ years I've known of the company and seen AutoMags in action, has always stood behind the concept of openess, free-flow and exchange of information for the betterment of the sport. This is the direct antithesis of Smart Parts - or to be fair, most people's opinions of SP.

I think there is a parellel between the wildfires of DUR and SP's patent lawsuit rumors. The wordings of both the Creed and the Modus, and the timings of their release, are ... ironic(?) given the current state of the industry.

07-24-2003, 02:07 PM
It doesn't bother me any more than people whinin about it does...

lack of grace
07-24-2003, 02:11 PM
or mods that say things like that just cause they are mods and they can, expecting everyone else to shutup in fear of getting banned.

07-24-2003, 02:15 PM
Did I threaten you? Its my opinion. Take it or leave it... Oh wait! You wanna whine about that too? :rolleyes:

lack of grace
07-24-2003, 02:17 PM
I think I'll leave it...

07-24-2003, 02:24 PM
Thats fine... see nothing realy suprises me more than seeing people coming on the internet and not being able to just ignore things they do not like. I mean guys...its the internet. And complaining about them is like arguing with a stump. Its not gonna make any difference in the world of things. People gotta learn to ignore and control what is withing thier own sphear of influence. Its all you can do.

I ignore most of that kinda stuff. And just look for it to be within the rules or not on here because I am charged with that duty. But beyond that I just ignore when I can. If I feel compelled to argue I never ever assume it's gonna make a difference. And never take it personal.

lack of grace
07-24-2003, 02:34 PM
...dont forget that you to where unable to keep your opinions to yourself.

I didn't foget... I clearly stated it

Originally posted by cphilip
I ignore most of that kinda stuff....But beyond that I just ignore when I can. If I feel compelled to argue I never ever assume it's gonna make a difference.

One of the main reasons for stepping in on this one is to defuse a potential flame. And the entire point of this thread is to critisize a particular group so there is great potential there for it to escalate to that. So I move in and try and calm things down when I see that. Get it?

Complaining about what others do is not gonna make much difference is my point. As long as they are having fun and not breaking any rules why do you realy care? And what these guys are doing doesn't bother me. Nor what you are doing doesn't either. Maybe you misinterpreted what I said to mean they both bothered me? I suspect so...

07-24-2003, 02:36 PM
Whats wrong with it is it didn't come for most of your minds..It came from Tom Kayes and you all are so sure you "believe" in what he denoted himself passionate about.

Who cares where it came from... You cant deny people have had sentiments of a unified/ relatively well informed paintball community from the begining. It could of been Joe Schmoe that started the DUR, and the movement probably would of not rocketed they way it did. SO what. The fact is someone would of eventualy posted a simmilar creed or modus and people still would of joined. Why? 'Cause its an underlining of the human condition to want to help. Maybe its because the true DURist know it is NOT an elitist's revolution. For those who know the DUR is not about TK.

I cant deny the TK's celebrity like status accelrated the movement, so? If ya dont wanna join the DUR because it aint "you" thats fine! Hell, why doesent someone start an Anti DUR? And if your sick of the DUR, dont worry, we wont hurt you, we're not gonna slashs tires. If anything we'll help ya put new ones on.


lack of grace
07-24-2003, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by Carbon

Who cares where it came from... You cant deny people have had sentiments of a unified/ relatively well informed paintball community from the begining. It could of been Joe Schmoe that started the DUR, and the movement probably would of not rocketed they way it did. SO what. The fact is someone would of eventualy posted a simmilar creed or modus and people still would of joined. Why? 'Cause its an underlining of the human condition to want to help. Maybe its because the true DURist know it is NOT an elitist's revolution. For those who know the DUR is not about TK.

I cant deny the TK's celebrity like status accelrated the movement, so? If ya dont wanna join the DUR because it aint "you" thats fine! Hell, why doesent someone start an Anti DUR? And if your sick of the DUR, dont worry, we wont hurt you, we're not gonna slashs tires. If anything we'll help ya put new ones on.


HAHAHAHA!!!! Go listen to rage against the machine!

Did any of you see him in his gap clothes in the new pepsi commercial!?!?! HAHAHAHAH Now thats funny!

07-24-2003, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by Hasty8

Take a few beers, watch the Discovery channel and feel right again brother.

Minus the beers part, this is possibly the most intelligent thing I have heard in a loooong time. :D

As for everyone getting all worked up about DUR. Regardless of whether you are for it or against it or indifferent, you all need to realize that it is just a name for something that has existed since the beginning of these forums and will exist long after the symbols and creeds fade away. This is evidenced in the numerous threads that created the need for Deep Blue and other specialized forums.

I will not claim membership in the defined concept as I feel I am already a part of the genuine movement. And that membership started when I joined these forums years ago. I don't need to announce that I am a member, but rather just quietly go about my quest to learn more about the sport of paintball, the equipment, the game, etc.

Don't let this be something that divides, just ignore it like most of us do.

lack of grace
07-24-2003, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by Carbon

Who cares where it came from... You cant deny people have had sentiments of a unified/ relatively well informed paintball community from the begining. It could of been Joe Schmoe that started the DUR, and the movement probably would of not rocketed they way it did. SO what. The fact is someone would of eventualy posted a simmilar creed or modus and people still would of joined. Why? 'Cause its an underlining of the human condition to want to help. Maybe its because the true DURist know it is NOT an elitist's revolution. For those who know the DUR is not about TK.

I cant deny the TK's celebrity like status accelrated the movement, so? If ya dont wanna join the DUR because it aint "you" thats fine! Hell, why doesent someone start an Anti DUR? And if your sick of the DUR, dont worry, we wont hurt you, we're not gonna slashs tires. If anything we'll help ya put new ones on.


You join a club because you "Want to help."? Come on man...are you kidding me..

07-24-2003, 02:49 PM
Dang it! I did it again. I hit the edit botton instead of the reply button!!!! Argggg...

Long day. Sorry about that LoG... :(

lack of grace
07-24-2003, 02:54 PM
no big deal....I will lay off ;)

07-24-2003, 02:56 PM
Naw heck say what you feel. That was a "shot gun" intervention not aimed at you in particular... ;)

07-24-2003, 03:29 PM
FYI- the Wang Force thing was a joke that was started at Shatnerball last year. There was nothing about it that was supposed to be taken seriously. Since that time, there have been many other "groups" that have come and gone- Capo Fan Flub, Pie, Pepper, Ferret, Benchy etc...

Did it all kinda start with the Capo and Wang ones? Yep. Does it really matter in the long run? Nah. It serves as a rallying point for people. If that means that we get to know each other better and have somebody to talk to, then so much the better.

07-24-2003, 03:48 PM
Seems like there are some people having real sense of humour failures, at the end of the day does it REALLY matter that much?

If people want to have fun and invent new clubs/societies/cults etc, who cares? No one is forcing it down your throat, they're not exclusive - they're inclusive.

...and I don't think age is the issue here, I'm only a month younger than lamby and think the whole DUR, PIE, Capo, etc etc stuff is just a bit of fun.

/me hands out the anti-sourpuss pills :D

07-24-2003, 07:33 PM
Gadget: I Agree. Ill help order some more anti-sourpuss pills.

Beam: Right on man! You what revos all about.

LoG: you missed it...I didnt join a club to help, i would of helped anyway without the club. I just "gave" a "name" for it. I threw up a flag and looked to see who would do the same. Theres alway the nay sayers, just because they can say nay. And when they say nay, they alway try to justify it.