View Full Version : Emag electronics won't work?!

07-23-2003, 10:31 AM
Last night the electronics in my Emag worked fine. I took upper part of the gun apart, never delving into the electronics, to re-glue the magnet into the upper part of the trigger. I reassembled the whole thing this morning only to have the electronics not light up. Normally you can hear the electronics firing, but I get no indication that it is working. I charged the battery last night before I used it last night, I tried charging it some more this morning when it didn't work. The battery and electronics all appear in good condition. I don't have a multimeter here, so I can't start checking anything out, and even if I did, I really wouldn't know what I'm doing. I don't have any air at the moment, but I assume manual will still work, But I prefer electronic mode. Without it my Warp is useless. Any ideas? I really don't want to send it in if I don't have to.

07-23-2003, 10:39 AM
Don't double post. I answered you in Paintball Talk.