View Full Version : ule body chromable?

07-23-2003, 12:58 PM
is it possible and how much would it cost

07-23-2003, 01:02 PM
Not sure, if your going through a half decent anodizer the plating will be alittle expensive. Try www.whitewolfairsmithing.com ... not sure if he still does plating or the prices but go look.

Also i think he does nickel, but see if i wanted that chrome look and wanted certain parts to be "chrome" and others black, blue or whatever. What i would do is take the parts that i wanted chrome and send them out to a good anno'er and instead have them do some serious polishing and just do a clear coat over it. Its cheaper and lighter :D

07-23-2003, 01:10 PM
If I were you I would just get a raw ULE body. Then you could polish it and get a clear coat anno. This would be cheaper and look about the same.

07-23-2003, 03:10 PM
Chroming can be done on any aluminum surface that is properly prepared. The surface has to be raw aluminum to start. That means you either have to strip an existing annodised ULE body or get a raw aluminum ULE body.

07-23-2003, 05:37 PM
Yes it can be done bring it to your local Harley shop they do the best work. Price arond $45.00