View Full Version : Old school RT help

07-23-2003, 08:13 PM
Ok, my rt is ehhhh, went crazy. I gas it up last night to see if it works, fire like 200 dry shots, works fine. I come to the field today and everything goes wrong. Screw in my tank, its fine. I go to pull the trigger, it fires, but the bolt sticks forward, this is with my stock bolt, I switched it in thing that was the problem. I would have to manually push it back. Then it would fire again, but there was a little leak out the velocity adjuster. Everytime I would fire it would leak out of it. I would get some solid strings but i would have to hold the trigger back, hold it for a second, release. I have oiled everything, changed pt oring. It is an old school RT serial number in the 3900's, I'm thinking reg piston, but it could easily be the on off.

07-24-2003, 12:07 AM
now u said u put the stock bolt back in what was in before it lvl 10?

if the stock boly is sticking you may need a new spring when tehy get worn out they can cause bolt stick i believ.

Also try changing barrels some barrels have a tighter fit then others.

Oh and if its Lvl 10 thats sticking i belive it sticks with some barrels.

Hope this helps

07-24-2003, 01:57 PM
that could be try about bolt stick, because i have always used my stock rt barrel with teh stock bolt, now i switched to my teardrop which is smaller, but what is the leak out the back mean?

07-25-2003, 04:07 AM
umm i know that the leak is because of one of the orings in teh valve but i cant remember which ill go get my RT video and watch it in a min

07-25-2003, 05:10 AM
ok i refreshed my self in teh ways of the RT and i think i have your problems solved.

ok teh bolt stick is either because your bolt spring is worn out or you need a longer powertube spacer if u dont ahve a spacer kit get one.

The leak if it is coming out the velocity adjusting hole it is because your reg seat needs to be replaced.If it is coming out between your body and your valve it is one of the orings on the banjo bolt and it needs to be replaced chack all those out and get back to me.

07-25-2003, 09:31 AM
Ok, I put my old lvl 10 back in, got the gun cycling but you have to hold the trigger back for like 1 second, then release. I replaced 2 orings and that delrin washer on the reg piston because it was leaking out of that little vent hole. Now the bolt does the same thing. I just tap the trigger like I normally would with the rt, and it fires but the trigger wont return? It will slowly leak down the barrel for 5-10 seconds then return. But if I hold it down for like 1 second it works fine. Could it possibly be something with my on off, I measured it and its .750 inches.

07-26-2003, 08:54 AM
no i dont think that its teh on off pin what spring are you using with the Lvl 10 Long med or shot and u may want to play around with the carriers(sp) a bit and remeber to put a couple drops of oil on the bolt piston oring befor shooting.