View Full Version : Automag not shootin???

07-23-2003, 09:19 PM
For some strange reason, my automag refuses to fire throught the full cycle..ill pull the trigger, and occasionally itll fire, every other time itll go half way of the cycle and come back. Itll do that with or without the barrel. Whenever it does actually fire, it fires normal. I reinstalled the level 10, but that didnt do much. My mags 1 yr anniversary is comin up soon, and i havent had any problems just yet. It only came with one star, so i dont feel like wasting it just yet if its a minor problem...
ive never done any thorough cleaning of it, just separating the 2 valve pieces and cleaning the insides. Maybe its time for an overhaul? Im gonna be 'ballin next week, and it would be nice for it to start roaring again..


Heres what i have on it..
32* CF
Ricochet hopper
Level 10
PMI 88/45
Thats all that should matter..

07-24-2003, 01:27 AM
Turn up the velocity and see if it will start firing properly. Start the more labour intensive debugging after that.

07-24-2003, 10:51 AM
well..thats the problem, when it fires right, it shoots fine..velocity seems to be fine..its like rolling dice, if it lands on one side, itll shoot a ball, if it lands on the other, it wont..rollin it every time i pull tha trigger..


07-24-2003, 08:38 PM
Yes, but have you actually tried turning the velocity up? Which spring are you using?

07-24-2003, 09:11 PM
First, turn up the velocity. Then try a shorter spring, if that dosn't work try a bigger carrier. finally try adding or taking shims out.

07-27-2003, 03:43 PM
sure, ill try that..but..velocity is already 280ish..hmm..maybe some internal work? ive never cleaned out the insides really..


07-27-2003, 03:45 PM
oh yea..im using the longest spring as well..u know in the videos they put a dollar in, and it bounes off the dollar? well, my level 10 just squishes it..thats the other thing, its not as "soft" as AGD led me to believe... long spring..maybe ill try medium, but..i was using long spring without trouble..


Mav D MagMan
07-27-2003, 08:26 PM
The long spring is actually the cause of a lot of trouble (over time). Try dropping a spring size and make sure your carrier isn't too tight (its worked for me, for the last 6 months now)

When I set up the lightest possible setup, I didn't smash a rolled dollar, but it has to be before the "vent" part of the sequence (which changes based on your shim number). Try holding the dollar against the bolt...

After a year, I'd also reccomend swapping out the "soft" parts, you can get them all out of a single parts kit!


07-28-2003, 11:14 PM
ty, ill try that :) i have to go get my n2 refilled 1st..hope my local shop has some parts kits.. ty again everyone! update soon :)
