View Full Version : Warp problems

07-24-2003, 07:12 PM
i just got this warp, set it up and it doesnt work. When i press the button it just goes and doesnt stop till i let go. And when i start shooting it the balls wont go all the way into the breach, they get stuck in the hose. I am using a regular powerfeed body..

07-24-2003, 07:43 PM
That is what it is supposed to do when you push the button. If the paintballs are getting stuck in the tube then it is probably routed to sharply.

Do the paintballs travel all the way into the breach and stack up tightly when you press the prime button? Are you using the vibration sensor? Is the warp snipping every time you fire? How much does it spin? It needs to spin at least 1/4 turn.

07-24-2003, 08:25 PM
Ya it gets stuck right before it enteres the breach Whats the vibration sensor and i only push the button once right?

07-25-2003, 08:58 AM
The button is the prime button. You should fill the hopper with balls and then press the prime button until balls are pushed into the breech. AGD warps have a vibration sensor inside which it uses to detect the vibration of the marker when it fires a ball. Once it detects vibration, the warp spins. You can adjust the warp by changing jumpers and adjusting a pot. Look at the stickies in this forum for directions. HTH.

07-25-2003, 04:43 PM
Are you useing the 90* adapter iny were in your hose run?
I was haveing the same problem with my warp on my Highrise powerfeed body, the balls dident want to feed. I replaced the friction disks, and shimmed to fit smaller paint thinking they were slipping on my small bore paint. I tryed adjusting the powerfeed plug and the 90*'s plug but it dident help, so I tryed to run the tube without the 90* and now it works great.

07-27-2003, 06:10 PM
as far as it constantly spinning, sounds like your sensitivity is too high. turn it back a little, until it just spins a little and stops.

in regards to the balls getting stuck, it could be your powerfeed plug. pull it out just a very tiny bit and try it. there should be a little set screw in the powerfeed plug that you can turn it to push the plug away from the tube a little more. this makes the feed of the balls a little better when making that sharp turn right into the breech.

things to try...

Recon by Fire
07-27-2003, 06:20 PM
I also had some recent Warpfeed troubles:

Today I went to play at the field for the first time with my warp. I have already used it at home with no troubles at all. But today it the warp quite working before I even finished chronoing. I found the problem was the PTP 12v wiring, I guess it just burnt out or something (it is brand new too!). So I removed the 12v wiring and it worked. But then I repeatedly kept having the warp jam up on me. It appeared the paintballs were getting pinched in the wheels right before being fed up the chute to the marker. I was using cheap field paint and I believe this was the problem as the shells are somewhat soft. Anything I can do about this? I had to take me warp off and play without it.