View Full Version : Broken little switch on Emag board

07-25-2003, 12:24 AM
At IAO my emag was on the fritz. It was turning on and off spuratically (pardon mis-spelling). Anywho, when I got home, I took it all apart and after pulling the board out of the trigger frame, I came to the realization that the problem was the contact with the screw that holds the board in place. It needed to be cleaned up a bit and whatnot. Well, in the process of removing the board, the top button (switch) for going through the menus came apart. Well I tried to put it back together, but the small metal cover (for those who have seen one apart, there is the part that is soldered to the board, then a plastic piece that slides, then the metal cover to hold the plastic piece in) came off. I tried putting it back on, but it is pretty tweaked. Any ideas on a remedy for this? I am thinking about trying to super glue it, but I dont want to mangle the switch and whatnot. Thanks

Andrew Gore

07-25-2003, 12:40 AM
If you send just the board to me, I can fix it.

07-25-2003, 09:51 AM
I got it all fixed. I busted out the magnifying goggles and a mold ejector pin and got it all together without super glue :) That's always a relief. Thanks for the offer. If I have any problems with it, you'd be the first person I go to.
