View Full Version : looking for a "definitive" source for mag info

07-25-2003, 08:11 AM
okay I am totally new to the automag and as of right now I don't own one but hopefully within the week I will be either purchasing one or trading for one.
is there either a thread on here or can someone give me a link to a site that covers mags from the basics up to the most radical modifications and upgrades?

as I said before I am new to mags and I know next to nothing about them but I have decided that it's about time I learn,for several reasons:
1 being a field manager I do a lot of gun repairs.
2 the Automag is one of the few non-electronic guns I haven't owned.
3 I have a "compulsion" to learn about as many guns as I can.
4 I am working on getting a mag and NEED to know a little more about the gun I'm getting and how to troubleshoot, repair, and upgrade it when the time comes.
5 I don't want to repeat the mistakes I made when I started playing with cockers...mainly buying junk upgrades and aftermarket parts that weren't worth the price of the metal they were made out of.


07-25-2003, 08:53 AM
Hi Richard, and welcome. You've found the definitive source for Automag information right here at AO. The best thing about Mags is that they work right out of the box. The only functional upgraded part you should ever add to your Mag should be made by AGD (or ProTeam Products in the case of spacer kits). If you'd like more information on how the Mag works, do some searchs and you'll find some pretty great graphics. Good luck!

07-25-2003, 10:26 AM
I knew that AO was "the place" I just didn't know if there was a single thread that covered the basics and such.
I've been floating around the site for the past few days and have found out some stuff on the Automag but , to be honest, I didn't run across a "Automags for dummies" or basics thread.Which is what I was initially looking for.

I'll keep looking..

07-25-2003, 11:24 AM
The best way to learn about a mag is to have experience with the marker. Combine that with the great help from the many AO'ers and you will know all you need to know. As for the "automags for dummies" thread, your probably have to look for more specific info, rather than all of it crammed into one post.

07-25-2003, 11:54 AM
Check this out...

I think I've seen one for the RT and some that are much better but you're going to have to use the search function.

07-25-2003, 01:26 PM
that just trippled my Automag knowledge

Mav D MagMan
07-25-2003, 03:28 PM
This is a great place to start as well (sorry AO but these threads are organized better!)

Automag FAQ:


Automag Listing:


(The Mag Teardown's a great illustrated resource)

But the AO is great for answering any questions beyond what the above topics cover.


07-25-2003, 08:10 PM
A Member on this board "WarpFeedMod" has posted some of the AGD gun videos for download, If you have a fast net connection you may want to download them and take a look. The cover use and repair of the guns. You could allso order a VHS copy of the videos from AGD.
Heres the link. http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=94024