View Full Version : PTP e-mag problem

07-25-2003, 11:18 AM
ok ive owned a ptp emag for about a year, have had quite a few problems with it since i purchased and always end up with a new one soon after if not immedietely after "fixing" the first problem. right now according to PTP the electronics in the gun work fine (after returning it 4-5 times with them malfuctioning since i bought it) when they returned it to me the gun doesnt hold air. when the gun reaches just below operating pressure the bolt slide foward just enough to let air out. I replaced the bolt spring and bolt washer it hopes that it would help. if you have any input on this matter it would be much apprieciated, thanks!

07-25-2003, 11:56 AM
just replaced the power tube o-rings and that didnt do anything....err very frustrating..

07-25-2003, 02:27 PM
from the looks of things it seems alot of people here have had similar problems with ptp e-mags...how did you guys fix the problem?

07-25-2003, 09:49 PM
Do you have LvL 10>?

07-25-2003, 10:06 PM
Send it to black VCG, end your pain :)

07-25-2003, 11:32 PM
i dont have a level ten, everything is stock ptp

07-25-2003, 11:57 PM
CULPIN PM (private message), BlackVCG. He's an AGD tech, and he works magic with them pro team emags. Mine was even more screwed than yours, and instead of waiting for pro team to stock a certain part for it he made one himself in the machine shop :) He's a great guy, and will fix your marker for a very reasonable fee.

He's also on AIM at BlackVCG

I'm sure he can help you out

07-26-2003, 11:42 AM
lol i did pm him. i dont know about that moss, my gun hasnt worked the way it was suppose to yet and ive owned the thing for over a year.....what luck huh:rolleyes:

07-26-2003, 01:15 PM
dude I traded my angel for a green micro emag that "needed a new sear". PTP said they'd fix it for free. 4 months later I was still gunless. Either the thing broke sears, or it just wouldnt fire...almost as if the solenoid wasn't getting enough juice to push the sear reliably, but it was.

After a while the tech there, I think his name was Paul, said he'd use these spare yellow parts around and build me a new one. It worked...til a part that was supposed to be hammered in fell out 1 day and I didn't even notice.

I sent my gun to Black, we both waited for PTP to send the part, a month goes by....black just makes the part, and the gun starts ripping. I have since sold the gun and the current owner hasnt had 1 problem with it ;)

i betcha black can take care of you

07-26-2003, 02:21 PM
I too would suggest sending it to Black, he really does work wonders with the MicroE's. ;) Just out of curiousity, what color is it? :D

07-26-2003, 06:00 PM
lol mine is nickel, it would be really nice. i had the same problem with ptp, took months from them them to return the marker, after returning it like 4-5 times due to malfuctioning electronics [sounds pretty similar to what i had] now its a mechanical problem...oh well