View Full Version : Hey...all you haters...Do you think SP has any real clue what they're doing?

07-25-2003, 11:44 PM
I've been reading alot of this Smart Parts vs. the World stuff lately and I've come to the conclusion that SP really has no idea what they're doing and how much people in the PB community despise them for it. Many say that they own these patents, legal or illegally gained, and that it is their right to enforce them. That's fine, you won't catch me arguing about that...but the problem that I have is that so many of the companies in pb possess patents or have opted not to pursue getting patents because they view the greater good of letting the sport expand without the cost and distraction of litigation. Most people will say that it is well within their right to sue who ever they want if we some is infringing on their patents..but I just don't think they've thought enough at the global result of their actions. Just my 2 cents on the topic.

07-25-2003, 11:54 PM
I hate to say it, but patent enforcement is simply part of the system. I know that it pisses the hell out of people and will cost me more in the future and my bleeding heart liberal side goes along with everyone on the forum who is attacking SP. (I even bought anti-SP stickers for my hopper lids, I'm impulsive, no pun intended)

But, if the judge agrees on the patent infringement, it is their patent, no different than any other case. Waiting to change the patent is sneaky, but hey, bussience is always brutal.

07-26-2003, 12:04 AM
My question wasn't really whether or not they can do it...but whether or not they thought of what would happen to the sport when they DO do it..if they really understand the ramifications of their actions...legal, illegal or otherwise...that, I think, is suspect in their logic..

07-26-2003, 12:20 AM
Well, since as i hear it they are only sueing ICD and WDP, they are going to be screwed even if they win, because most people will stop buying everything sp, and they will still be able to purchase other electros and imo this will be the demise of sp

07-26-2003, 12:22 AM
I dont think they have a clue.

People say o the lady that sued McDonalds for giving her hot coffee with hot writen on it or the fat person versus McDonalds.

You can say the same thing about big corporate greed. %1 of the people controls %90 of the money.

Just because they can do it doesnt make it right. It doesnt justify might makes right.

When the die and they go see Jebus and Jebus says what did you say to feed my sheep. They will say what sheep. Wheres my money and Jebus will say, Smithers release the hounds.

07-26-2003, 03:37 AM
Most of the stuff online about the hole thing seems to be so against sp, its hard to get a clear picture of how objective the information is. I personaly have been a big fan of sp's products, and havnt been pleased with their management. But the anti sp mantality is the same as mob's people just go with whats being said, even as far as to have called sp nazi's and dipicting the sp logo as a swastika. Lets be reasonably and leave sp innocent untill proven guilty.

07-26-2003, 08:24 AM
Smart parts should be renamed there’s nothing smart about them. Why would you bring the entire paintball industry down around you when, your just releasing your new markers and regulators. It would seem highly counter productive especially now. I don't disagree with smart parts for defending what they believe is theirs. There is a difference between protecting your rights and being vindictive and attacking every other manufacturer. I believe smart parts is using the guise of "were only going after 1 or 2 companies" as a way to set president to attack larger companies. Smart parts greed will cost them their customer base. I was considering a 03'Shocker but in light if recent events I doubt I'll buy anything smart parts for a long time if ever. Ultimately it is us the consumer that determines smart parts fate. If they can't sell any product they won't be around for long, no matter how many lawsuits they win. Well until they file suit making us purchase only SP markers. :D

Sp=Stupid Parts


07-26-2003, 09:56 AM
if its true that they are only going after ICD and WDP...w/e. that sux big time for those companies though and i feel truely sorry for them if they end up losing. all you say that nobody will ever buy SP products again after all of this, but ina couple months...maybe a year everyone will pretty much forget about it. its happened before and will continue.

07-26-2003, 11:28 AM
Why would you bring the entire paintball industry down around you when, your just releasing your new markers and regulators. Maybe to get their new products better sales? If they could hurt ICD, Impulses would sell well, and if they could force WDP to raise their prices the 03 Shocker would be the only cheaper high end electro besides the Viking. And I heard somewhere that SP wants to hit AKA later. To make it simpler look at it this way: If ICD had to stop producing Bushies the Impulse would dominate the midpriced electro market. You can get an Angel for about a thousand bucks right? If SP forced WDP to raise its prices the 03 Shocker wouldnt have much competition in the cheap high end electro market. So unless you want to spend over a 1000, the only electro choices would be the Impy and Shocker, so SP would make alot of money off this.
but whether or not they thought of what would happen to the sport when they DO do it..i Um Im not too sure about this, but I couldnt see what they are doing completely bringing the sport down.