View Full Version : New Automag RT Pro questions

07-26-2003, 09:21 PM
Ive been researching about this gun and so far I like what ive read and heard, My questions are for people that use this marker or have had expernces with them

I was wondering what kinda of setup would you run for long straight shots not fast rapid just single or double blasts for long range

Like what kinda barrel etc..

pictures would be greatly aperciated


07-27-2003, 11:48 PM
Hey RajunCajun! Welcome to Ao! You get the official "Mag-Whip" where we knock you unconscious and scourge your wallet looking for paint-money. Just kidding..thats just me. I myself use a ULE RT-PROX, very very nice marker. As for a setup, I would recommend buying the RT-Pro with a compressed air (nitrogen) tank, a motorized hopper (with the X-Valve you could use a 12v revvy just fine), and possibly a dropforward if you prefer the feel. Now onto the range subject..i.e. barrel subject. The stock RT-Pro barrel will give you..pretty much the same range as most other barrels, just remember "paint-to-barrel-match". Live it, love it, then get...mag. If you do not prefer the stock barrel, (most dont) go out and buy yourself a barrel kit, I would recommend something along the lines of a Powerlyte Scepter, Freak kit, J & J Edge, or possibly an Empire. To get a super straight shot, with maximum range always, and I mean ALWAYS have a tight paint to barrel match. Having a whole kit to find this match helps incredibly. Do not let people tell you they can shoot further, if they somehow can and you have a tight match, then their velocity is just higher. :D Ill include a pic of my automag taken a few weeks ago. It had a J&J Two Piece barrel on there, very high quality barrel with a very tight match. Hope that helps.