View Full Version : Hot twins in the back yard (pics)

07-27-2003, 01:58 PM
trauma trixs

07-27-2003, 01:59 PM

07-27-2003, 02:01 PM
Hrmm... NTN already has a copyright on baby poop green, but this looks like a prime canidate for baby poop yellow...

Hehe, they look nice

07-27-2003, 02:01 PM
now just mine

07-27-2003, 02:01 PM
oh now those are sweet..:D

Baby poop green, I got a baby poop green impulse.. It's just a little lighter. ;)

07-27-2003, 02:02 PM
What are the 3 buttons on the back for?

07-27-2003, 02:07 PM
to turn on the markers and go through the menus on the lcds;)

07-27-2003, 02:20 PM
Really nice gun, want to trade?????:D

i wish.........:(

07-27-2003, 03:16 PM
dammit. . . i was about to sell my gz to get a viking, but now i think you convinced me to get a trauma.

07-27-2003, 03:18 PM
What kind of drops are those?

07-27-2003, 03:21 PM
Hefty, keep in mind that the Viking and the Trauma Trix really arent in the same price range. Thats more Excalibur territory.

07-27-2003, 03:28 PM
But we r still talkin bout aka products here... which r horribly over priced and most definantly not worth the money.... trust me on this one i live in indiana (aka homegrounds) and have seen plenty of vikings and excals my conclusion on them after shooting and just watching all of them is that they look like bricks on a trigger frame almost like the shocker (that was more of a shoebox tho)... any kind of gun is better than any aka guns.... the sidewinder however is absolutely the best reg there is

07-27-2003, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by spider54
But we r still talkin bout aka products here... which r horribly over priced and most definantly not worth the money.... trust me on this one i live in indiana (aka homegrounds) and have seen plenty of vikings and excals my conclusion on them after shooting and just watching all of them is that they look like bricks on a trigger frame almost like the shocker (that was more of a shoebox tho)... any kind of gun is better than any aka guns.... the sidewinder however is absolutely the best reg there is

What the hell are you talking about?
AKA guns shoot sweet, almost everyone who shoots one likes em. Overpriced?!?! The Viking is like the cheapest high end electro out there and if you set it up good they are really LP, rarely ever chop, and are fast as heck.

07-27-2003, 03:53 PM
well i was gonna get an imortal viking which is around the same price of the trauma.

up here in washington, there are many vikingsand excals. ive never soon one break down or anything. but my friend got a trauma trix and when he first gassed it up, the trinity busted off and shot across the parking lot like a bullet. since then hes tried 3 other trinitys and the last one seemed to work. by then he was so sick of it, he sold it.

now i cant decide, AKA products are very nice but so are pro paintballs products. i never really had much luck when it comes to matrixs, my last one didnt ever work. maybe ill give it another try.

07-27-2003, 04:19 PM
is the rip drive worth it?

07-27-2003, 05:00 PM
Yesterday a guy at Topgun in NJ had one, he had nothing but problems withit. It was leaking like crazy. He replaced some stuff inside and was getting crappy efficiency. For one game it worked good and it ripped.

07-27-2003, 05:44 PM
Originally posted by spider54
But we r still talkin bout aka products here... which r horribly over priced and most definantly not worth the money.... trust me on this one i live in indiana (aka homegrounds) and have seen plenty of vikings and excals my conclusion on them after shooting and just watching all of them is that they look like bricks on a trigger frame almost like the shocker (that was more of a shoebox tho)... any kind of gun is better than any aka guns.... the sidewinder however is absolutely the best reg there is
Well, name me one other gun that performs like a Viking for $750 (go ahead). You should try not basing all you opinions on a gun by how it looks either. I have experience with an Excal and a Shocker, the Shocker was much huger, heavier, and more brick like than the excal.

07-27-2003, 05:45 PM
What the hell is spider talking about? He's saying AKA sucks becasue of their looks? That man is the model shopper for the paintball industry today.

Okay dude, AKA DOES suck because they look like bricks. That must be why you see all those people using them.

07-27-2003, 05:49 PM
Originally posted by Steeratt
What the hell is spider talking about? He's saying AKA sucks becasue of their looks? That man is the model shopper for the paintball industry today.

Okay dude, AKA DOES suck because they look like bricks. That must be why you see all those people using them.
It's ok, once he gets his gun milled and anodized in a quadruple platinum fade he'll dominate the field.

07-27-2003, 05:51 PM
Yeah I heard that milling and anodizing ups the ROF, increases range, and improves accuracy.

07-27-2003, 06:09 PM
acctually i have a mag (possibly one of the ugliest guns there ever was)... and for 750 u can get a pulse with vision and the lpr.... who is everybody using them... static a top psp team dropped aka mid-season and i dont see many of the other teams in psp or nppl shootin aka guns.... o my the whole low pressure bandwagon.. christ get over the myths it isnt "too low pressure to chop" thats a bunch of bs i dont like aka other than their sidewinder

on to the overpriced... the viking and excal basicly exactly the same the difference excal closed bolt and i believe 20-40 psi lower opporating pressure.... is it worth another $500??

07-27-2003, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by Steeratt
Yeah I heard that milling and anodizing ups the ROF, increases range, and improves accuracy.

yea and i hear that low pressure is easier on the paint.. doesnt deform the ball when it fires.. wont ever chop.... its a marketing scheme get over it

sorry for the double post

07-27-2003, 06:22 PM
Matter of fact, I don't think Excals are worth the premium, but thats another story. and really isn't what you said before.

Did I list low pressure as an advantage? Low pressure was not even a factor in my purchasing decision. And if you look at AKA forums, you'll see that it really is not a factor in ANYONE's purchasing decision. So how about YOU get over the whole low-pressure thing, hmm?

How about these advantages:

-Very high ROF
-WAS board
-ACE for $20
-Lifetime warranty
-High build quality
-great customer service

I can't believe you even mentioned team useage as an indicator of marker performance. Please explain the absence of AGD products, or the use of spyders by at least one pro team. Very often, the performance of the marker has very little to do with how its represented in the pros. Do you even know why Static dropped their AKAs?

You mention that you can get an Impulse vision for $750. I fail to see how that is a better deal than a Viking with beam-break eyes for $760. And everyone is using it, so it must be a good gun? Therefore, guns which arent widely used (AKA and AGD) must therefore suck? Please!

And please don't consider me anti-mag. I love mags. Hell, I owned an emag. It just didn't work well for me. The Viking does. Maybe I'll give an X-mag a try...

07-27-2003, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by spider54
acctually i have a mag (possibly one of the ugliest guns there ever was)... and for 750 u can get a pulse with vision and the lpr.... who is everybody using them... static a top psp team dropped aka mid-season and i dont see many of the other teams in psp or nppl shootin aka guns.... o my the whole low pressure bandwagon.. christ get over the myths it isnt "too low pressure to chop" thats a bunch of bs i dont like aka other than their sidewinder

on to the overpriced... the viking and excal basicly exactly the same the difference excal closed bolt and i believe 20-40 psi lower opporating pressure.... is it worth another $500??
Yeah, but for $750 the Viking is still a better gun.

-Better Warranty
-Higher quality
-Less maintanence
-Less kick
-Tougher anodizing
-Far better efficiency

You my friend are the type that falls for hype. What other teams use should have no effect on your decision, did it ever occur to you that Smart Parts may have more spare money to sponsor teams with?

And like steerratt said, no one said anything about LP being advantageous. It's just a side effect of this well designed gun.

07-27-2003, 06:45 PM
And cause everyone uses them, they must be great! :p

sorry, couldn't resist!

07-27-2003, 07:49 PM
- Least number of adjustments. Ideally, none at all because velocity is adjusted through input pressure; one velocity adjustment and adjustments for the trigger are ok.

- Least number of moving parts.

I shoot a mag because if I pull the trigger, a ball will come out. It may come out in two pices since I don't have my level 10 installed yet, but that's another story. ;)

I have yet to see a game lost by 2 bps. I have seen plenty of games lost because markers will not shoot at all.

- Chris

07-27-2003, 09:39 PM
i'm sorry, i must have missed the part where we switched from talking about the sweet trauma trixes and switched to talking about AKA's and everything else. all i have to say is that both of those guns rip and look great too.

07-27-2003, 11:33 PM
-the drops are nitro duck's modular drops.

-I never had a problem with my halo , until my halo was at odyssey getting the rip drive installed after chicago psp this year, I was using a team mates halo-B and it kept shutting off, the rip drive would have been handy then.

plus they look cool.:D

another pic for ya

07-27-2003, 11:39 PM
Yeah, I like those drops, they look like they are quick disconnect with that thar pin thingy.

They do seema bit tall, however. Do they make a shorter one?

07-28-2003, 12:00 AM
those pin things are nw disconnects, I love them and have a disconnect on all my markers, so I can switch my air easily.

the drops might look tall, but they are not bad at all, just about the same as an Angel with a angel air hooked right to the angel grip.

07-28-2003, 12:06 AM
I like the disconnects, didn't realize they were seperate from the drop. Where can you get them, and how much are they?

I like the industrial look of the drops, but since they seem to be an integral part of the air system, it'll have to wait.

very nice markers, BTW. I'm thinking seriously about getting a Trix for my next marker, if they can work out some of the reliability issues.

07-28-2003, 12:21 AM
they cost 30 . that is for 2 bases and one tank piece.

a bunch of online places sell them I believe or you can get it from NW them selves. website is www.nwpaintball.com I believe or something close to that

07-28-2003, 12:23 AM
Rock on! Thanks man.

07-28-2003, 10:16 AM
yeah i got a rip drive on my halo too, it does look cool lol. and u can watch is spin while u shoot :D :rolleyes:
but it deffinately has 2 very functional purposes. one for if teh hopper electronics mess up. or two, u can turn the gun upside down, and empty the pre tensioned ball stack so that when u take the hopper off, your balls stay in the hopper where they should be, not shoot out and fly all over the place

07-28-2003, 11:30 AM
I live fairly close to Pro Paintball (i live in the fingerlakes area of ny,between seneca and cayuga) and i've seen pictures of the FF trauma trix but just off the website. Those look really nice. I've shot a matrix before, they shoot really nice too, the kid who owned it could rip on it. mY ONLY bad to the matrix is when you dryfire it, it sounds like a boat imo ;)