View Full Version : Paint Freezing?

07-27-2003, 03:53 PM
ok, i wanna settle something between me and my friend.
he says that paintballs that have been on the ground for a long time get hard and can go through the mask. here is what he said. "the paintballs that can go right threw ur helm"
"THEY TELL U NOT TO PICK UP THE PAINTBALLS ON THE GROUND BECAUSE ITS MARBLIZED AND IT CAN GO RIGHT THRE UR HELMET"(i apoligize for the entire caps but i dont want to change his quote.) please tell me your thoughts on this.
thank you

Animal Mother
07-27-2003, 04:02 PM
You don't re-use paintballs for two reasons:

1. Dirt and sand sticks to it, you shoot that through your $100 Dye Ultralight barrel and you scratch and ruin it.

2. Gets lop sided and if it gets through your barrel without breaking it will usually spin off into the woods or so.

When you freeze something it usually expands, so freezing a paintball will usually expand it past .68 caliber.

No paintballs do not get hard once they have sat on the ground. Usually brittle and will break inside your gun or they will swell. You know the shells on your medicine caplets? Same stuff.. desolves in water. Once moisture hits a paintball from say the grass on the ground it's all over.

07-27-2003, 04:07 PM
thank you for your response, however, i want to get as many responses as i can so i can show him how wrong he is.

07-27-2003, 04:08 PM
Actually, when you freeze paintballs, they shrink a bit. The reason they expand when they have been on the ground for a while, is because the PB absorbs the surrounding moisture and that softens up the shell. Remember that the PB shells are basically the same kind of shells they use in pill capsules.

07-27-2003, 04:33 PM
Paintballs absorb moisture - unless you're in a REALLY dry area, any balls that have been lying on the ground will have swollen and the shells will have become a lot softer any more pliable.

If you put paintballs in the freezer the fill freezes and makes the shell dimple inwards.

EDIT: Heh, just realised that I wrote almost exactly what stb said....plagarism rules ;)

07-27-2003, 04:41 PM
most pbs cant be frozen now, only the really cheap crap balls will freeze.

07-27-2003, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by xXhAppyAznXx
most pbs cant be frozen now, only the really cheap crap balls will freeze.

true.. sorta, leave them in the freezer for a week and they will be solid.

And i only did this to 5 or so to see what happens to them. Not to cause damage

07-27-2003, 05:19 PM
a lot of fields will not accept certain brands of paintball just for that reason...b/c they can be frozen...and i see a lot of fields going to "field paint only" which i think is good IMO. Insurance for oyu and the Owner

Animal Mother
07-27-2003, 07:27 PM
Field paint only is a BAD thing.

Use my method. If someone shoots you with a frozen paintball, find that person and make them eat what's in their hopper and pods. Of course a firm tank whipping gets the job done as well.

If someone came up to me swinging I would fight back, same thing if someone shot frozen paint at me.

The paint I froze was a long time ago, maybe Nelson paint, it expanded once it froze. I use to play around with stuff like that. I actually found some off name gob stoppers that was .68 caliber. I had an old brass barrel for my PMI-3 so I loaded it up... it actually put dents in a metal door, LOL Then I got old enough to buy real firearms that do more damage to a metal door than denting it.