View Full Version : Y-Grip update

07-27-2003, 11:41 PM
In case there are any of you out there who are balancing on the edge of buying one of the Y-Grips, here is a little update after a day of play.

This was my first day of play after receiving my Y-Grip. The day was mostly woods-ball, and ran from two until five, when it started to storm. I put just under a case through the Mag.

The frame performed flawlesly, as was expected (not much to go wrong with a frame). It allowed me to remain pretty tight, without any wrist strain or fatigue. There was no adjustment period, either. I just went out and started shooting.

Tonight, as I sit here and type, I feel no soreness or tightness in my trigger-hand wrist. This is something I could not have said in the past.

So, while I am actually one or two bps faster with a stock frame (believe it, or not), this Y-Frame is unfathomably more comfortable than a standard frame. Hopefully I will become as adept with this frame (I shot my other frame for nine years). So, 10 bps cold from a classic (sound-clip verified), and no wrist strain, equals excellent purchase, in my opinion.

07-27-2003, 11:52 PM
I love when someone posts abut the y-grip when they like it, becuase it just pushes me to get one even more. thnx:D

SG Avenger
07-28-2003, 08:28 AM
I absolutely adore my Y-Frame, it's increased my rate of fire, as several people at the field I play at have noticed.. I played saturday, and came back sunday, and they kept telling everyone, "You see all that orange paint, yeah that's from this dude right here. [me]"

Comfortable and stylish. Though I think when the next person asks me where the batteries go in my gun, i think i'll hold up my middle finger and say, "I've got your batteries right here!"

07-28-2003, 06:26 PM
Speaking of stylish, I am wondering what my setup would look like with a set of ivoroid grips and, possibly an ivory-colored rail. I have seen it done on many showpiece Colt 1911 firearms, and I think that the color is a nice complement to the polished nickel.