View Full Version : 1st Tournament...Need Some Advice

07-27-2003, 11:46 PM
Yup thats right, 1483 is going to be playing in his first ever tournament on August 10th and need the advice of AO. Im kinda nervous already about it, but its that anticipation kind of nervousness (like just before a big game starts) Im going to go out to Paintball Sam's here in Wisconsin this weekend and try and get some one on one help/coaching from maybe Emo from AGD Pride or FESTUS33.

Fire away with your advice for this tourney NEWB:eek:


07-28-2003, 12:02 AM
just like i say everytime. talk talk talk. most important thing is comunication. if u loose communication ur toast

07-28-2003, 12:06 AM
shoot a lot, dont hesitate to make moves, and communication. also dont expect to do really good. i've played 2 tourneys so far...finishing last or close to last both times.

07-28-2003, 12:09 AM
Don't take things too seriously.

07-28-2003, 12:13 AM
Originally posted by painball
shoot a lot, dont hesitate to make moves, and communication. also dont expect to do really good. i've played 2 tourneys so far...finishing last or close to last both times.

that sux bud my first tourney we took 2nd, 2nd tourney took 3rd, 3rd took 2nd, fourth took 6th, and fifth 2nd

07-28-2003, 12:20 AM
It doesn't matter how you place, just be sure that you learn from your experiences. In time, you'll learn how to react to certain situations. And like the others said, communication is key, especially if you're playing back! Don't hesitate to shoot a lot, but most of the time you'll find it isn't necessary. Oh yeah, it is doubtful you'll try anything ballsy your first time, but in time you will eventually muster up the courage to bunker someone! Oh yeah! :cool:

07-28-2003, 05:59 PM
I dunno darklord, I may try and bunker someone if the opportunity presents itself.;) Communication, thank god Im a good yeller. Thanks guys, I'll let you all know how we do after the tourney.


07-28-2003, 09:18 PM
here's what i used for tips for my 1st




07-28-2003, 09:20 PM
don't go out to win, go out to have fun, that way when you are done and you didn't win, you can say you had fun, so you will be successful.

remember to play hard, if the opportunity arises take chances, remember many experienced teams can get thrown off by some "newbie" player making an incredible move. I have done it myself.

have fun, shoot, yell, watch for dumb mistakes (i.e. dead man talking)

good luck

07-28-2003, 11:47 PM
here is some donts
dont b a panzy
dont b intimidated by teams that "look" good
dont b afraid to get shot
dont hesitate when u think u should move
dont worry about letting ur team down (as this holds most newer players from doin somethin to break games)

and here r some rambling tips
go out to every game with the intention to win (no single team or player is that good)
dont blame losing a game on any of ur teamates even if it was there fault.... after the game think about what u personally could have done better so that person wouldnt have been in the position to let u down...
make sure ur gun is as close to 300 as possible without goin over of course (that leads to negative points)
dont get ur team "psyched up" let each player do there own thing if they wanna get all psyched up then let them but it doesnt help some players
move up the field as much as possible dont stop at the 50 most teams bog down there... teams that smartly get past the 50 win 99.9 percent of all games

more to come prolly ive just scratched the surface... its such a nightmare reliving my first tourney

also KNOW THE SCORING.... flag is where all the points r, shootin people is good but u get more points for pullin the flag then shootin everbody (depending on scoring and status of flag after game)

07-28-2003, 11:52 PM
Originally posted by spider54
make sure ur gun is as close to 300 as possible without goin over of course (that leads to negative points)

no offence but this is really bad advise because you should be around like 280 if your up right near 300 if your gun spikes for some wierd reason u could have just lost the tourney. i keep mine at 275 because i seriously dought a 25 fps spike.

07-29-2003, 12:07 AM
well.... get some decent equipment and have faith in it... i run my tremor cocker right at 296.. and there is a huge difference between 275 and up near 300 it is so much easier to shoot people at 300 cross field shots and to me seems more accurate to me anyways... in tourneys it is bout having the upper hand a few feet per second may make the difference between a break and a bounce especially if it is bad paint which it is likely to b.... it isnt rec ball anymore

07-29-2003, 01:09 AM
well the thing is after 280 theres basicly no diffrence and from what ive seen and heard after 290 you start getting some hookage.

07-29-2003, 03:00 AM
Chrono your guns about 15 under. Pressure spikes will kill your final points for the round.

Walk the field an make basic plans. That way no one is running into each other.

Watch other teams play, you can learn a lot from them.

Check your air tanks after every round to see if you need a fill or not.

Reload all pods and hoppers after your round. You might have a quick turn around so having alot of full pods ready to go helps.

Dont talk to your team on the field YELL to them. Make sure each person knows what is going on. If some gets taken out let the team know. If it is someone on your team or one of your opponents, make it well known. If you get taken out call it out as loud as you can so your team knows.

If you can take a sub with you. A sub can help with the small stuff. Also you never know what can happen. One of your team mates might break a bone or something ( God Forbid ).

This is all stuff that my team does. Hope it helps you out.

Good luck from all of Team Mad Cow.

07-29-2003, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by elpimpo
after 290 you start getting some hookage.

wtf are you talking about?

07-29-2003, 02:17 PM
dont cheat-..like wipe'n or somethin gay like that.

have fun dont get all flusterated.

what ever the other team is wearn or shootn dont worry. ive seen whole teams with all new dye stuff and new timmys get last place because they all sucked(guns dont make the playa).

comunication is the key!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

have fun...hope u do well.:D

07-29-2003, 02:43 PM
yeah man... the key things are sportsmanship, knowledge, and communication. DONT WIPE! You may get away with it in rec ball but if tourney refs catch you wiping they will be all up on you watchin u like a hawk for the rest of the tourney. And on top of that you will get major point deduction. Also know where everyone on your team and everyone on the other team is at...make sure you yell at the top off your lungs and let everyone on ur team know where they're at. Good luck