View Full Version : Results of Michigan Monster game?

07-28-2003, 03:53 PM
Its been awhile since I've been to it, but, we went Saturday. Insane what 2000+ players look like and sounds like in the game.

I did see a few mags, but, Tippmanns and Cockers were the most common marker.

My levelX performed extremely well. Had one misfeed during rapid fire and it just went "phhhfft" and continued on like it should have.

Anyone know the outcome? We bolted early, but, at lunch time we (yellow) had double the points of red. It felt like every firefight was a slaughter of the red players.

07-29-2003, 11:15 AM
so you were there. i was on yellow team too and the game was definetely covered with tippman and cockers LOL.
I wonder if you played the last game it's like 20 mins before the day's game ?
we have to take the village and it was covered by red and we have to attack from that small road ? Then everybody finnally charges slowly toward the village and shooitng simultenausly and we took the vilage? that was awesome !
there must be like hundreds of people shooting together !

07-29-2003, 01:46 PM
booyah, that was a great battle. i was using a typhoon that day, standing around and such.

the next day ended similar, what with yellow defending the city. they attacked from the castle more than the road though, and us skirmishers had to pull back in.

It's quite a sight, first attacking a village filled with people, then seeing it from the other perspective, hundreds of people running at you from the woods...

Yellow won overall, keeping true to the Red Jinx. Not only won, but for the entire game outnumbered, sometimes 2 to 1.

07-29-2003, 05:07 PM
I was there both days, first time playing the Monster Game, man what a blast. I was on red, I was in both of those end of the day charges, I've never seen so much paint in the air at once.

The announcer said they would have the final score about 15 minutes after the last quarter ended, but I didn't stick around to hear it. Did anybody?