View Full Version : '03 Shocker Report! *SP HATERS STAY OUT!*

07-28-2003, 06:01 PM

Hey guys,

I went to my local store today with a friend. They just got in 2 of the new shockers. Well after much begging and pleading i got the guy to fill up the maxxy system and let us test fire it!

Let me say, this thing is crazy fast when you get on the trigger. Large trigger is very easy to walk. The board sounds exactly like a cricket board when you turn it on and off (blue light, and it chirps).

The gun looks pretty much exactly like the pics except this one was black (they had the blue at their other store). Very small gun. The lowrise looks great and would be amazing with a halo. Foregrip was fairly comfy, but it appeared that it wouldn't accept an aftermarket reg. (the gun pressure release valve was at the bottom of the foregrip). The bolt was a white 4-hole venturi, looked like delrin.

When we shot it, it literally had NO KICK WHATSOEVER! It was as if you didnt have it gased up and were just clicking it, except it was louder (dryfiring btw). I literally felt almost nothing even during strings. I got about 8-900 shots on a hot/fresh 68/3000 fill so it wasn't that great.

For right now they are only shipping out the full shocker package with a gun, 68/45 maxflo system, and a full freak. My local store was selling that for 1300. They said they'd have just the gun for about 850 in 6 weeks (he also said it would likely come in faster than that though).

That gun was one of 30 that were shipped out last week in the first public retail batch. I don't know how many will be coming out in the near future so look out guys!

Post here if you have any more questions. (please no negative SP comments)

Spray Painter
07-28-2003, 06:07 PM
that sounds cool, whats the operating pressure? in the pictures the foregrip looks really thin almost like it could break off easily, is it really as thin as it looks?

07-28-2003, 06:10 PM
they seem pretty cool id like to get one

07-28-2003, 06:49 PM
the foregrip is different from the ones in the origina pics it looks more like a torpedo reg shape.

the operating presure is 175 psi

07-28-2003, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by cris8762

When we shot it, it literally had NO KICK WHATSOEVER! It was as if you didnt have it gased up and were just clicking it, except it was louder (dryfiring btw). I literally felt almost nothing even during strings. I got about 8-900 shots on a hot/fresh 68/3000 fill so it wasn't that great.

was that 8-900 shots without paint? if you were shotting with paint that count will definatly go up. id guess to around 12-1300 shots. so i think thats pretty good for a 68/3000.

07-28-2003, 07:03 PM
yeah that was without paint

07-28-2003, 07:03 PM
Hmm .. I may have to look into this instead of a Matrix.

Did it have an ACE?

07-28-2003, 07:06 PM

07-28-2003, 07:20 PM
no ace =(

it looked just like that one (same fore grip) but it had a REALLY LOW lowrise that matched the gun

07-28-2003, 07:52 PM
And I'm guessing no new max flow either?

It looks like there is a spot for ACE though.

07-28-2003, 07:55 PM
howd they put a prv on the bottom?.. is it mounted as a fitting (such as macro)? or does it come out the side?

Sounds to me like the only problem with this gun is that you HAVE to have a nice adjustable LP tank for it to work well..or a THOR reg...or a bottomline stab.

07-28-2003, 08:14 PM
it's a little brass like blow out valve thing, i didnt really look at that too much, i was too busy clicking/shooting it =)

yeah there was a spot for ACE

yes you need a LP adjustable tank or a bottomline adjustable reg (bottomline maxxy, thor, stab, etc.)

07-28-2003, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by cris8762
it's a little brass like blow out valve thing, i didnt really look at that too much,
yeah, i know what it is.. but, i was wondering how they ended up mounting it cause its hideously ugly on most guns.. they ended up making silver ones..on most new impulses now.

07-28-2003, 08:28 PM

it's actually recessed into the foregrip, u can see like a silver base with a small brass pin in the middle taht is recessed like a 1/2 inch into the foregrip

07-28-2003, 08:34 PM
Well I managed to shoot one today (no paint). A guy that plays for one of the Nasty teams came by to get a little trigger work doneand get some set screws taken care of.

Its just like a ULE mag nice light, small and easy to aim. The for grip as teh built in blow off, there is a shroud around the fitting so its rescessed into the grip itself.

The trigger has 2 adjustments. Pre Travel, Fire, After travel. The gun is still using a micro switch with I am guess a Magnetic return.

Gun looked good and shot damn fast. The Eye kits will be out soon, as this player will be having his installed this weekend.

As to the electronics, there are 2 boards, one mounted to the noid and 1 mounted long ways in the grip north to south. Both rather small. One ofther thing to notice is the fact they are using like 30 guage wire for the loom to the boards. Think back to the orginal LED Angels. ICK !

The finger in breach test was ok, I would say its a tad harder than a well set up LX. But it would stop on Blaze, Team COlors, Big Ball. I would think that it would chop Evil, Ultra Evil, Hellfire etc.

This will be an intresting gun. Only problem I see if the first run SP bugs :) If you recall the Early shockers and Imps you will know what I mean.


07-28-2003, 08:52 PM
yeah the finger in breech test was interesting, a little harder than i expected but still not too bad

this thing was freaking fast as crap!

i'm trying to sell my impulse right now to get the $$ to get one!!!!

07-28-2003, 09:03 PM
just FYI: the original poster said 30, probably just a misprint. They actually released 300 this last week. All with maxy and freaks.

07-28-2003, 09:04 PM
o ok, i was wondering why my dinky little store got TWO if there were only 30 released total....lol

07-28-2003, 11:56 PM
I would think that shooting the gun WITH paint would add a LOT more kick to it. After all, I know my gun has no kick when I shoot it w/out paint.

Sorry about the sig

07-28-2003, 11:57 PM
no you dont really understand, when i shot the gun with just air, i FELT ALMOST NOTHING literally there was NOTHING at all.

Go dry fire your gun, you'll FEEL something. With this shocker, it's like someone is tapping teh barrel with their finger, that's it!

07-29-2003, 12:00 AM
ok ok. I believe you that it had no kick. But I do still think that shooting paint would have to add at least a LITTLE kick to it. Other than that, I think that gunz awesome, and I also would like to try it out.

07-29-2003, 12:10 AM
you're right it will probably add a little, but from what the guys at the store told me (they used it in a tourney *Myrtle Beach CFOA* and they said it had the least kick of ANY gun they'd ever shot, timmy, trix, imp, angel, anything!)