View Full Version : I Hurt My Leg Today...Pics

07-28-2003, 07:39 PM
I was out on the lake chillin with a few of my friends today, it was pretty cool. Anyways, everyone starts going home so i decide i might as well. We pull up to my dock and i go to get out of the front of the boat. So i grab the metal latter, take a step off the front of the boat and then slip. My leg slid down the ladder, thump thump. It really just stings and throbs a little bit. No major damage just a few scratches and a bruised muscle. Thought you guys might like to see...lol

07-28-2003, 07:40 PM

07-28-2003, 07:53 PM
Bah, that's not a wound.

07-28-2003, 07:58 PM
Heh hand me a bat and i will show you how a hurt leg really feels. ;)

07-28-2003, 08:02 PM
lol, thats exactly what my "friend" did....but he used a pvc pipe...what good friends i have

07-28-2003, 10:05 PM
nice... saw better owwies on a three year old though...

Glad to see someone caused theirselves bodily harm though... lol j/k

07-29-2003, 12:00 AM
bah, try having your left kneecap go 5 inches to left o where it SHOULD be, then having to sit there for 90 minutes while the ambulance comes and the fire rescue guys do dumb crap (give me oxygen, move the leg to put a splint on it when it was fine where it was, and cut my pants "along the seam AKA all zig zagged and not even", also not give me anything for the pain and not pop it back in!!!)

that's pain!

07-29-2003, 02:25 AM
The Knee thing sounds like it would hurt but dude, im not sure that you know pain till you break a leg. I broke mine in gym class playing flag football. Broke it in three places. Thats not even the bad part. I had to wait seemingly forever for the ambulance (actually it was about 10 minutes). Then i went to the local hospital just to find out that i had to travel 2 hours in an ambulance to get to the university of wisconsin. Then, once i got set up in my room some idiots came to take X-rays. The one guy Loved to move around my shattered leg. Finally i was told that my doctor had left for home and i had to wait till the next morning to get into surgery.

That night was the worst night of my life. My leg spazzmed HORRIBLY and i woke up in emense pain. Finally, the next morning i was told that i may or may not get into surgery that day. About 2 hours later i got into surgery. That was by far the WORST pain of my life and i have a huge threashold for pain.

P.S. That was the 6th surgery i had on my legs.

07-29-2003, 03:33 PM
Bah! thats nothin! Well, I really don't have any serious injuries to talk about with me. Few broken bones, concusions, cuts, but nothing special. Although! My friend has some bad luck with his legs.

His brother shot him in the back of the knee with a 22. It came from the side of the knee, and went through the back, so it wasn't to bad. His other knee got smashed with an axe. The scars he has are pretty sweet.

07-29-2003, 06:46 PM
Why would his brother shoot him with a rifle?

I hate my brother but I would not shoot him.

07-29-2003, 11:21 PM
Ok, hasent anyone noticed, ever since I posted the pics of my infected toe everyone just wants to show off their injurys.

I started something with that toe, even after the surgery its still red.

07-29-2003, 11:38 PM
Umm, uggg!!!!!!!
thats nasty

07-30-2003, 10:06 AM
Originally posted by SlipknotX556
Ok, hasent anyone noticed, ever since I posted the pics of my infected toe everyone just wants to show off their injurys.

I started something with that toe, even after the surgery its still red.

And we all know that AO is better for it... thanks Slipknot