View Full Version : parts needed for z-grip frame

07-29-2003, 12:02 AM
I have a classic mag with a benchmark single trigger frame, and just found a z-frame locally to buy. It is just the frame and trigger, does not appear to have a sear or anything else( no safety parts or anything). What would I need to purchase to have 2 complete trigger frames?

The obvious is a new sear assembly, but I don't know where to get the safety parts (will the ones in a new 'old school' trigger frame from AGD online store work for the z-grip?) or if there is anything else I may need. Thanks,


07-29-2003, 07:35 PM
yup it takes all the same internals, do you really need a safety though?

07-29-2003, 10:28 PM
actually, the obvious is NOT a new sear assembly. Unlike 'cockers, tippmans, and pretty much every other mechanical gun out there, the automag does not have the sear 'built in' to the trigger frame.
the sear and trigger rod is actually housed in the body rail on all automags, minimags and RTpros. although it does extend down in to the trigger frame when the gun is assembled, it is NOT a part that 'installs' into the trigger frame. All you have to do to make the z-grip work is by simply taking the benchy off, and putting the z on.

The only thing that the frame is "missing" is a safety. You can probably get another one from AGD- - it will consist of 3 parts: the actual safety push button, a small spring, and a very small ball bearing.

As far as needing the safety goes, I personally do not have one on my z-grip- - the combnation of a powerfeed plug and a barrel bag keeps any accidents from occuring (not to mention just dont touch the trigger until you are ready to fire)


07-30-2003, 12:39 AM
Thanks Smokee, I never even considered that the sear is not in the trigger frame. I've just had a mag for a few weeks and only had her all teh way disassembled once now. I don't have the ball bearing and spring in my benchy, so i've been trying to get those parts as well and just never considered going without a safety in the Z. I may just go pick up that Z-grip and see how she does.