View Full Version : does anyone use a mag htperframe with cocker board

07-29-2003, 11:51 AM
i got mine upgraded, now all i need to do is adjust the settings right now its at 9 for power, 1 for 3 way time, and 30 for back block time, and the darn thing coffs and hacks when i get on the trigger...so anyone with working settings please help me out. thanks.

07-29-2003, 08:02 PM
Here are the settings I used to fire at 20bps FULLAUTO (actually fire paint) using a plainview 9.6 volt Ni-MH battery, level 10 bolt and a Halo B:

15 - 20
Fd - 50
Fn - 20

It probably uses more battery power than necessary, but it works well. The plainview battery has more than enough capacity for a full day. If you want to change the settings make sure setting 15 and setting Fn add up to at least 30. Lowering setting 15 will give you the largest increase in battery life with the highest risk of bolt/sear damage. Good luck. :D