View Full Version : Does the ULT = smaller emag battery?

07-29-2003, 04:00 PM
I remember there was alot of talk about why the emag battery had to be so freakin big, wasn't it because the sear required so much force and therefore the solenoid required so much voltage? Well now that the trigger pull is ounces instead of pounds, do you think we'll be seeing smaller batteries soon?

07-29-2003, 04:14 PM
No. The solenoid that is used is going to draw a set amount of power each time it is activated. The only way to change that is to change the 'noid.

07-29-2003, 04:24 PM
I should have explained myself a little better. A smaller noid would be part of this overhaul. With a lighter trigger, there would be no need for such a huge 'noid.

07-29-2003, 04:43 PM
Problem is, it would require a fair bit of machining...

But honestly, you don't want the ULE trigger on the Emag. It will actually slow down the gun. The same thing that is lessening the trigger pull weight will also effect the speed at which the Emag will recharge and be ready to fire again. the ULT was really designed for the mechanical RT guns.

07-29-2003, 08:20 PM
Dayspring, it would require very little machining. The solinoid is retained by a plate that it screws into. That would be an "easy" part to make mount a different solinoid. A new plunger would be relitively easy as well. You could use the existing frame. Just a new mounting plate... it would actually be a pretty slick/simple conversion now that I think about it. And most importantly it woudl retrofit all existing mags ;-)

I heard some hints that there may be a hollow plunger to allow use of the ULE with the current emag solinoid, and not have the problems with ROF due to mass on the sear.

A resistor inline could also reduce it's amp draw..... but again use of the ULE trigger is an issue prone one.

Has anyone considdered li-poly batterys to power the frame? though you can't use the batterys dry or the cells WILL die. They have some rather disgusting energy densitys. My gut instinct is the battery could be 1/2 the size if we used li=poly cells. the other problem is that they are a real problem to charge. Though expensive, you could get a smaller pack, and still have the same equipment.

Combine a lower power solinoid, with the ULE, and a much lighter plunger, we could do some really radical things to the size of the emag frame......

anyone considdered adding in a capacitor to the frame, and going with a more marginal battery? (think spyder battery/centerflag frame comprimise)

07-29-2003, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by einhander619
I should have explained myself a little better. A smaller noid would be part of this overhaul. With a lighter trigger, there would be no need for such a huge 'noid.

Avoid the noid!

07-29-2003, 08:29 PM
*munches on his fresh domino's pizza* :-) No noid here.

Kaiser Bob
07-29-2003, 08:32 PM
li-poly is awesome, but as youve already pointed out sooooo impractical for consumer use, and might we remember the average technical savvy of joe paintballer? :)

07-29-2003, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by Muzikman

Avoid the noid!
That's catchy.

07-29-2003, 08:51 PM
Originally posted by Kaiser Bob
li-poly is awesome, but as youve already pointed out sooooo impractical for consumer use, and might we remember the average technical savvy of joe paintballer? :)

the charger necessary to make that a safe investment would be complex and expensive.... as would teh battery pack and connector.

I've seen all kinds of nasty issues relating to li-poly batterys being charged in a pack. I havne't seen anyone "matching" li-poly cells yet. hmm... i wonder what a matched set of n size cells would do for those who hate the size of the emag battery?

07-29-2003, 09:36 PM
am I the only one who actually LIKES the size and feel and location of our current battery??

it seems EVERYONE wants a different battery location, size, or shape.....oh well..I've got my X...who cares what you guys do

07-29-2003, 09:39 PM
Spoken like a true BE supporter:)

07-29-2003, 09:46 PM
"I" like the current emag setup. :-) I just know how it could be done differently.

adam shannon
07-30-2003, 12:50 AM
Originally posted by Kevmaster
am I the only one who actually LIKES the size and feel and location of our current battery??

it seems EVERYONE wants a different battery location, size, or shape.....oh well..I've got my X...who cares what you guys do

my thoughts exactly. without starting a flame thread, why are people unhappy with the current battery size/shape. my old impulse had a vert max flow that was wider, longer, and just as hard to get your thumb behind or around than the e/x mag battery. and most markers that dont have a built in reg like the mag need a secondary vert reg.

i can understand if your moving up from a marker that just has a foregrip or gas-thru grip...but imo the e/x mag battery isnt that big and is pretty comfy to hold.

so what exactly do some of you guys not like? what would you rather have instead?

07-30-2003, 01:15 AM
Grips for them! :)

07-30-2003, 02:04 AM
The giant emag battery is an injustice to a great gun design. It's like buying a Lexus and then tearing the hood up so you can put a supercharger on it. How out of place can a battery that big be on a gun that would have had a profile no larger than a pump? You can power a frickin RC car off a battery that size! Not to mention the fact that the battery is somewhat proprietary. I like to be able to buy batteries off the shelf for my devices.

While the ability to fire the gun without batteries is a spiffy idea, I question the practicality of such a feature. If you run out of juice... Have a backup battery ready! In an sport where "athletes" can step onto a field with as much as 2 cases of paint strapped to their backs, I don't think it would KILL these guys to carry a spare battery in their toolbox. This wouldn't be an issue if you could just buy some normal rechargables off the shelf and use them as-is.

I think AGD has something up their sleeves with the ULT and electros. That would be silly of them just to stop here. It would be REALLY REALLY NICE if they made the next big thing a screw-in upgrade to the intelliframe or something. Drop the ability to fire the gun without power, and go completely electro inside the grip frame. If the user wants to go back to mechanical, he can just put the old sear assembly back in or something. I really think this is doable. Unfortunately, I figure AGD's not going to go this route.

As far as batteries... they should have it so you can hook up any external power source... like say your Rev, Warp, Halo, or Evlution. I figure if you have to suffer having a big unwieldy motorized loader on your gun, you might as well take advantage of the situation.

Seriously, if the other half-witted marker manufacturers can figure it out, I'm sure AGD can do it as well. We got the intelliframes, we got the solenoids, we got the lightened trigger pull, we got power in our hoppers, we got the electronics... With the L10 we don't even need an ACE. So how much more prime could the situation be for this to happen?

07-30-2003, 08:29 AM
i LOV how you can tell an emag from 100' away by that battery. it has that look that NO OTHER marker has...

its great

07-30-2003, 09:16 AM
i like the emag battery pack
the gun looks distinctive, balances against the tank well and provides an easy to grab foregrip. Everyones has to have somthing to complain about on AO or else they would explode. This place must give tom an ulcer.....

07-30-2003, 10:21 AM
Jeez, guys, I was never complaining. Where I eventually wanted to go with this was change the emag battery from what looks like a ammo clip into a more slender foregrip-looking piece, cutting alot of weight off the gun in the process. Just a little bit of progress, just a little bit.

07-30-2003, 02:19 PM
smaller battery means less weight, which is good.

07-30-2003, 05:00 PM
Does this mean I am one step ahead of the game? A new solenoid mounting piece will be easy to make. It may just even fit in a Y grip and/or inteliframe....:eek:

07-30-2003, 07:31 PM
Now that's the spirit!