View Full Version : using to much nitro

07-29-2003, 05:11 PM
i have an automag with an x valve and it uses my 71ci nitro tank up in about 500 shots is there anything i can do to change this

Mav D MagMan
07-29-2003, 10:46 PM
Use a paint that fits your barrel better (if it's too tight or too small you waste gas).

What kind of barrel do you run?

Also drop your imput pressure a bit, your response wont be the same but it'll use less gas.


07-30-2003, 12:59 PM
i have jj ceramic an a smart parts im not sure what kind i have been using marblizers i dont have an ajustable tank its a preset what pressure do presets come out at

07-31-2003, 12:28 AM
You bought a preset tank without knowing what pressure it outputs?

07-31-2003, 12:56 AM
What kind of tank is it? Is it a 3k or a 4.5k? Also, do the people at your store fill it up all the way?

If I had to bet on the output pressure of the tank, I'd say 800-900.

07-31-2003, 04:34 PM
my tank is a 4500 psi they only fill my tank to 2200. 2500 if im lucky

07-31-2003, 08:11 PM
Your problem is the 2200psi fills, on average you would get 750 shots with a 3000 or about 900 on a 4500psi fill with a 75ci tank, so 500 shots with a short fill is about right.

08-01-2003, 02:09 PM
Boy, you know, I would have never thought to ask the guy if he tried filling his tank... I'll remember this next time.