View Full Version : left my tank pressurized...

07-29-2003, 10:06 PM
So i went on a 3 week vacation and left my PMI 68-3000 tank pressurized to about 2500 psi. when i check it again it is down to 1000 psi. It obviosly leaked out of somewhere. Im not surprised it leaked but does leaving it pressurized over long periods of time do any damage to the regulator, the tank or the acctual fittings? Will it shorten the life of my N2 tank? I may leave it pressurized for about a week until i can get out and practice a week after every game, as i really only play twice a month.

07-30-2003, 12:59 AM
from what i hear its a good idea to leave some pressure in the tank to keep moisture out.

if you want to find your leak, the next time you get it filled take some dish soap add a little water, then smear it over your reg. Wherever it blows a bubble...theres your leak!

07-30-2003, 07:13 AM
Yea you want to leave some pressure in it. But 30 psi is enough. More often its the fittings that have a slow leak. take it off and submerge it in water and watch for bubbles and see.

07-30-2003, 08:27 AM
yeh, thats VERY common...most all tanks lose air when gassed up to the marker for long periods of time. Some go down as fast as 200psi/day

07-30-2003, 09:31 AM
Thanks, im not too worried about it leaking though