View Full Version : hypothetical question about producing aftermarket parts

07-29-2003, 10:18 PM
OK, in regards to companies like Benchmark, Proteams Products, ANS, whoever makes that reactor valve, centerflag, and private manufacturers of aftermarket parts like Tuna, etc, etc, etc.... do they sign any agreements, waivers, or contracts with AGD regarding the production of aftermarket parts, pay any royalties or initial fees, understand AGD can request them to stop production immediately, can basically take the idea for their own, or involve anything else besides their item voiding AGD's warranty? The fact their product is an extension of AGD's creation, a schematically similar part as it needs to fit the Mag, or designed to work in a way identical to a Mag (using the AIR, RT, or X valve) does this hold them to any contractual or legal restrictions with AGD? Interested in knowing.... thanks guys!