View Full Version : Any old school skaters out there?

07-30-2003, 01:00 PM
Hey there AO,
I know some of you were like me, skaters back in the 70's, 80's and 90's...any of you still skate or collect old school skateboard decks/parts??

I used to collect old skatedecks from way back like the oh-so-popular-with-parents SMA Natas Kaupas Panther deck(OMG!!! It's spells SATAN backwards!)...or the Santa Cruz Jeff Grosso Coke Label deck. Just wanted to see if I was the only one still trying to carve a fat line through a pool or not.

07-30-2003, 01:16 PM
I might not consider myself an old school skater, but I did own a Jeff Kendall at one point in time. Launch ramps were cool back then.

But I'm more of an old school bmx freestyler. I go to Venice beach once in a while and bring my bike and bust out a few old tricks. I've tried the skatepark thing but I'm too old now...LOL!! Actually, my only problem is there's no one to ride with anymore. I used to ride by myself when I was really serious, but now, I do it for fun. Nowadays, riding by yourself isn't as fun as it used to be. :(

But good to know there's still some old guys holding onto their youth...makes me feel better. :)

07-30-2003, 07:51 PM
in my basement i have:
zorlac metallica mini, thunder trucks, bones streetstyles still ride it!
2 more zorlac metallicas and another mini
vision psych0 stick
powell peralta mike mcgill
santa cruz rob roskopp
vision mark gonzalez

my brother has a real old logan earth ski from the early seventies.

every time i see a kidney pool i wish it was empty, there were none around when i skated. we mostly skated aggro and street. gotta dig up some old launch ramp pics.

what kids ride today we called freestyle boards back in the day.

im gonna pick up a longboard in virginia beach when i go next week. when you are 35 its all you can ride with dignity.

07-30-2003, 08:46 PM
pic1: me/beer/powell peralta tony hawk/launch ramp
pic2: buddy rob/powell peralta R.I.P/launch ramp
pic3: ah, the good old days!

07-30-2003, 09:03 PM
Here's a few small clips of me riding just recently...however, the one of me eating it on the half pipe was about a year and a half ago:

Flatland Tricks(AVIs):
Trick 1 (http://us.f1.yahoofs.com/users/ecfeb6dc/bc/Yahoo!+Photo+Album/BMX/Old+Flatland+Tricks+1.AVI?BCxyHK_Aer9Uc5w_) Trick 2 (http://us.f1.yahoofs.com/users/ecfeb6dc/bc/Yahoo!+Photo+Album/BMX/Old+Flatland+Tricks+2.AVI?BCxyHK_AmsNuzT04) Trick 3 (http://us.f1.yahoofs.com/users/ecfeb6dc/bc/Yahoo!+Photo+Album/BMX/Old+Flatland+Tricks+2---1.AVI?BCxyHK_AQjT1wM8G)

Wannabe Half pipe(mpg):
Half Pipe Bail (http://us.f1.yahoofs.com/users/ecfeb6dc/bc/Yahoo!+Photo+Album/BMX/Eating+****+dropping+in.mpg?BCxyHK_AHCP3xXj1)

bah...last link won't work cause the site sensor's out the file's source....copy the URL properties and where you see **** in the link...just put the four letter word that usually refers to taking a dump.

land hurricane
07-30-2003, 09:13 PM
I dont have any old any old school decks, mainly because I wasn't alive then. But I have been learning old school tricks, just today I did a 180 x2 finerflip boneless (lol, thats a big name). I've been showing people who have never even heard of some of these tricks them and how fun they can be. I'll post some pictures later.

edit: i was looking two posts up at that picture of the guy with the long hair. did he fall hard? because he looks very tilted in the air.

07-30-2003, 09:51 PM
thats my buddy rob, no, thats actually not too tilted, to nail that jump the board should have been above his rump and then back.
i on the other hand ate it cuz i had the damn beer in my hand and was layed back too far!

07-30-2003, 10:02 PM
O man, I really wish I was around then, skatin bak then was so kool, no pressure to do crap, etc.

07-31-2003, 03:29 AM
i had a Jeff Kendall(Santa Cruz), Mark Gonzales, Chris Miller(G and S), Ron Allen(H Street) and a Natas Kaupas(Santa Monica Airlines) deck.

i remember all my friends wearing Jimmy Z pants and Vision Skate Wear clothing, you guys remember Jimmy Z's right?

you guys remember the moves back then? method air, japan air, crooked cop, no comply, shove-its, JTs, stale-fish, and nose-bones.

oh and remember the music back then for skaters? OLD School punk music. The Vandals, Agent Orange, Sex Pistols, GBH, Old Misfits( really old misfits), The cramps, 7-Seconds. . . . .etc etc.

land hurricane
07-31-2003, 09:30 AM
Originally posted by zen_dawg
You guys remember the moves back then? method air, japan air, crooked cop, no comply, shove-its, JTs, stale-fish, and nose-bones.

about the no comply; when you step off the board and the pop it with your back foot, how does it get in the air? and also once it does get in the air how does it level out?... i've always had trouble with that thing.

07-31-2003, 09:32 AM
Chicago wheels (blue), Chicago trucks, aluminum plank deck, with the ALL NEW non-slip deck tape! Groovin':)

Big trick "in the day" was how far you could ride two wheels, jumping over (or off) picnic tables and small cars (by rolling fast at it, then actually jumping over it to land on another board parked on the far side), multi 360's, riding two wheels on the nose, and the all-new-never-been-done-before "flip-kick" (which, back then, was only good for hopping up a small curb)!

It wasn't too long ago that I had a full set of clay wheels in storage. Alas, too many moves over the years, and they have been lost.

I do still have my racing skates from the 70's (I was on a local Speed Racing team). They still move me around with no problems, and I prefer those over in-lines.

07-31-2003, 11:17 AM
Nice to see I am not alone.

I had a lot of boards, but none were as fun as the transitional decks of the late 80's and early 90's. I had a large collection a couple of years ago, but sold them to get back into paintball. Should I find the pics I had of them, I'll post a few...bring back some memories.

07-31-2003, 11:32 AM
Originally posted by Army
I do still have my racing skates from the 70's (I was on a local Speed Racing team). They still move me around with no problems, and I prefer those over in-lines.
/me has mental picture of Army in skates...

/me shivers at the fright :p

land hurricane
07-31-2003, 04:27 PM
heres a snapped old school board

and here is me doing a 180 boneless


07-31-2003, 06:39 PM
so who were your favorite skaters back in the days?

on vert-mine was Christian Hosoi, remember the "Christ-Air"?
on street-Tommy Guerrero, from Powell Peralta.

so what ever happened to Christian Hosoi anyways?

07-31-2003, 07:12 PM
hosoi was king of the big air!
tony hawk was an up and commer
natas was always in thrasher and trans world skateboarding
there was this polish kid, cant remember his name.

in cali they had all the drainage ditches and full pipes in ventura, i loved seeing them in the mags, man connecticut sux!

i actually started listening to the red hot chili peppers because of the movie thrashin. they were on for @ 2 tenths of a second in a scene and i remember thinking that is the sickest music i have ever heard and the band was out of control. i watched the end credits 3 times until i found their name and immediately started scouring record stores until i found 'uplift mofo party plan' then i got 'freaky stylie' and their first one and they were my favorite for many years before 'mothers milk' came out and MTV got a hold of them

what was the other old skate movie? 'gleaming the cube'?

07-31-2003, 08:00 PM
Tony Alva was Da Kine!

07-31-2003, 08:32 PM
the above mentioned decks:
my wheels are getting dry rot, i would give my left one for a set of santa cruz slimeballs!

07-31-2003, 09:47 PM
i think they were called "Bullet 66" they were the large diameter wheels. they were absolutely huge lol

07-31-2003, 10:45 PM
i've been skateboarding for 8 years now, and i don't really collect old school stuff and i mostly skate street and street style parks, but also 15 minutes form my house i have FDR which is a whole bunch of interconnected bowls and i skate there pretty frequently, and i cna rip. i love skateing there, but i don't consider my self "old-school" i'm a skateboarder, and thats about it.


07-31-2003, 11:30 PM
HAHAH... I wish I could see you trying to skate a pool now phil. That would be hilarious. :p :D

08-01-2003, 10:22 AM
Christian Hosoi is doing time for possession with intent to sell.

The horribly awful Police Academy Part 4 had the original Bones Brigade skating at night with phophorous on their trucks to spark...that was some nice old school footage.

As for Curly Sue, I still skate pools brotha...just not trying to lay down the 5-0 grind over the death box anymore.

Dave_P you are speaking of Mark "Gator" Rogowski, he's doing life for killing his g/f if I'm not mistaken.

08-01-2003, 01:43 PM
i don't exactly old school skate, but i skate. Its soooo cool my dad helped me and my 2 brothers build a little skatepark in my backyard. it's so fun to skate. i will try to get a picture sometime.

08-01-2003, 04:06 PM
im gonna pick up a longboard next week, any suggestions?

08-01-2003, 09:50 PM
check this out:


wow, i cant believe if i kept my roskopp and all my metallicas in mint condition i would have over a thousand dollars worth of decks!!
in mint condition all those decks in my picture above would easily buy me an X-mag