View Full Version : Automag starter package? Why not

07-30-2003, 06:28 PM
Ok - I opened up this idea in a different thread, but have decided that perhaps it is an idea in its own. The question is exactly that, why does AGD not offer a package that brought a tournament level (ok, low tournament level maybe) marker to the beginner scene. To offer a package that parents would not panic at the price of with AGD quality. I think its possible, in the sub $400 level. My thoughts, and specific name brands are not important, just that there are name brands... Here are some retail prices I found

Automag Classic Powerfeed $239.00
JJ Ceramic 14" barrel $ 34.99
Crossfire 47/3000 tank $ 74.95
Ricochet AK Hopper $ 59.77
(I had links in here, they did not work, contact me if you want the links to where I found these prices)

Again, change the brands, whatever, the above comes to $408.71 - I expect AGD could get better. Include a bag (500 rounds perhaps) of a high end paint that works well with automags and fits the barrel while (I'm thinking marbalizer or such). Now if AGD makes barrels/hoppers/preset air tanks or any of hte other stuff, then of course I recommend it instead. The purpose of high level paint, etc. is to give an awesome first impression (I honestly beleive some "cheap" markers are "accidentally" set well above 300FPS to give a better impression of honesty, how many people never bother to chrono their new marker in rec play). I'm not saying to set velocity high, just noting it. Yes, we are out of the entry price range for some - but this is a package that is ready to shoot. Again, I say change the marker name to a "tournament classic" and market it hard. Think the tag lines "The MAG you can afford to shoot" "Tournament classic - the tournament winning design for you".

Again, maybe Im off in what could be sold, but I would have (when buying my first marker) paid $400 to get a mag with everything ready to shoot. To me this would have been someone who knew better than me, setting up a package that was a price I could afford. I think if the proshop employee, was to reach down and hand a boxed product to the new paintball parent and say You just need everything in this box and a mask and your all set (can we sneak a mask in there?). I mean, it would take the guesswork out of it. I have seen many parents stand in a paintball store, confused as the clerk tries to explain to them what they need, and make no purchase because they get, this gun, this tank etc. and the $$ add up beyond what they should in there head. Its too complex on them. This could make it easy on the parent (or new buyer), and sell a lot of guns I think.

BTW - this is based on observance, I bought my own paintball marker, but still... had an AGD boxed set been there, I would have jumped at it.

07-30-2003, 06:43 PM
Just leave out the barrell. Really. No matter how good a barrell you put in, people will instinctively replace it anyway.

07-30-2003, 06:46 PM
Any store can offer the same deal if they want.

07-30-2003, 07:05 PM
Yes, any store can, but not in a big AGD box complete with Crossfire (or whatever), J&J (or whatever), and RPS (or whatever) logos

07-30-2003, 07:36 PM
pbgear has the tko package all its missing from what you say is the tank which you can pick from a list they have

07-30-2003, 11:39 PM
Thats idiotic... in essence your asking for a newb package. (Leave the to Kingman, BE, and whatever Paintball Stores want to do)

It would take away sales instead of add. As of now AGD is marketing to all different types of players, but with recent releases (upgrades and parts wise) they are leaning towards the non-newb/ more-so tourney player.

07-31-2003, 06:54 AM
Originally posted by *ArKfEaR*
Thats idiotic... in essence your asking for a newb package. (Leave the to Kingman, BE, and whatever Paintball Stores want to do)

It would take away sales instead of add. As of now AGD is marketing to all different types of players, but with recent releases (upgrades and parts wise) they are leaning towards the non-newb/ more-so tourney player.

You do realize that currently the Classic Mag outsells all other AGD products right? This is business, yes the top end is fun to work with - but its like cars, your going to sell a whole lot more Saturns than you are Corvettes. While I do realize that what we would rather see is top end ultra compettive stuff there should be more profit in selling the stuff that the R&D has been paid for already, and is a top seller. While I will agree this idea was not for everyone and was a newb package I was looking at potential ability to sell. Wrong... I may be wrong, it may not be able to sell. But idiotic, no... the idea is more thought out, and backed by the fact that the Classic is a top seller. But, I am coming to a new realization. Perhaps TK is happy with current sales and does not wish to increase them (this is not a bad thing).

07-31-2003, 07:13 AM
I think this is an excellent idea.

I know Worr Games has a similar package for the autococker.

The only thing I would do different, and it would require a new product from AGD, is to include a composite double trigger frame.

To really get this to move I would focus sales on retail stores for a much broader sales base.

If they could do this at a $400 price point, I believe this could be just the appropriate level above the Kingman/Tippmann markers to entise those players who want more gun, but not neccessarily a tourney marker.

07-31-2003, 08:06 AM
Well the idea was something Tom mentioned months ago. Well sort of that idea.

If I was packaging something I would go with one of the new Oddysey Back man TSA units. And probably an Edge kit. Thats what I would put together. Add $150 bucks to the Mag and you can put those two with it. Much better set up. Very complete.

07-31-2003, 09:38 AM
My very first gun was a mag package from paintball gear. Got it when the flatline 3k had just come out. Package came with a flatline, 12" lapco barrel, 12 volt revvy, and the coolest part was a black powerfeed body mag. All this and I think it was 380 bucks. Wish I still had that gun, twas a fun one.