View Full Version : emag valve issue

07-31-2003, 09:24 AM
I'm having a problem with my emag valve. I've got a lvl10 bolt using the 1.0 carrier, I have absolutely no problems when I'm using the short stock spring on the bolt, fires every time. However when I try to use the mid length spring (want it to be easier on paint and I can tell with the short spring in it's fully compressing every time, loud smack noise) it barly dribbles paint out the end of the barrel, even if I turn the velocity up all the way till just before the blow off valve goes. I get dribblers or non-fires at this point, not reliable at all. At first I thought because my e-mag was older (EM00250) that the reg piston needed to be replaced with the newer higher pressure one designed for LX. I replaced that, same issue, I've also replaced every o-ring in the entire valve, no change. Could it be my spring packs need replacing? anyone have any suggestions?

07-31-2003, 11:13 AM
Maybe you're carrier is too tight. Have you tried a larger carrier? Also, maybe in your setup, the short spring will do the job. Check the bolt impact power by firing with a squeegie held in the barrel end of the breach. You can get a good idea of the force exerted on the ball. If it is gentle, then just use the small spring. you can check later after a break-in period to see if anything changes.

Keep the bolt stem well lubricated during the break-in process.

07-31-2003, 11:40 AM
Thanks for the reply!

the next larger carrier leaks, I've fired a few cases of paint thru this thing already. I'll try the squeege thing with the short spring. I've been playing with the short spring in there without problems for the past couple of months, no chops or anything, I just get worried that I can hear the spring totally compressing on every shot. I make sure to lube the shaft on the bolt after every time I play, and the bolt slides pretty smoothly on the powertube. maybe it's not a problem, just that with my RT valve on my mini I can use the middle spring without problems...


07-31-2003, 12:36 PM
You mention that it works with the 1.0 carrier and the shortest spring. I use a 0.5 and the shortest spring haven't shopped a ball yet. (Marbz, Ultra evil, chronic, old hellfire) Point being is, it seems pretty harsh. But I have yet to chop a ball. Quite a few chuffs though.

Are you trying to change because you have chopped, or just seems like it will chop?

07-31-2003, 12:38 PM
nope I've not chopped a single time, just the fact that it sounds like it's abusing the internals of the gun, it has a much louder smacking sound than my minimag rt does with the middle stength spring on the LX. As I said it may not be a problem, just trying to figure out why it won't fire reliably with any spring other than the shortest one.

thanks for the response.

07-31-2003, 05:12 PM
The ping of the automag is a normal one. The short spring has been used forever in the level 7 mags. If it works and doesn't chop, then run it that way. Reliability is a big issue. If you can't get the laonger spring to work, then don't worry about it for now. Try again once the o-ring gets broken in.

07-31-2003, 05:13 PM
will do, thanks!