View Full Version : Saw a Great (Obnoxious) move the other day

07-31-2003, 12:12 PM
The other day I playing woodsball and I saw one of the funniest moves I've ever witnessed. A guy on the other team was doing Deadman's walks all day, and I kept blasting him all day long, which was annoying him. However, most of the rentals didn't really get the Deadman's walk concept and he would occansionally get a few of them.

Well, one move I saw is he was walking along our left flank (I was center right) and when the guys on my left flank started shooting at him he just stood there and yelled at them to stop. AND THEN THEY STOPPED. They were so conscience of overshooting when he started yelling they stopped shooting, and then he ran for cover. Now, he didn't cheat, he didn't yell that he'd been hit or that he was out, he simply yelled at them to stop shooting. I eventually got him, but a few of my rentals got whacked for their troubles.

And I got shot in the back while I had my field of fire split to two directions.

07-31-2003, 12:19 PM
LOL, I gotta try a dead man's walk some day.

07-31-2003, 12:20 PM
whats the "Deadman's walk"

07-31-2003, 12:24 PM
when you make believe your dead and start walking to staging area.. but before you leave the field shoot everyone :)

but you cant say your out.. or i dont think you can hold your gun up in the air.

07-31-2003, 12:33 PM
I was playing the other day and this one guy who was on my team for that game did it. He got a guy and then took over his bunker. ;) Worked pretty well.

07-31-2003, 12:52 PM
We had a bunch of guys on the other team doing that ALL day long. Then they were getting pissed and yelling at people because our entire team would lite them up when they were actually walking to the dead box with there guns down.

Our responce. Ether hold you gun UP and walk off or stop playing dead and then getting pissed when we shoot you up.

07-31-2003, 02:24 PM
The best time to do the Deadman Walk is at the end of the day. Blast the whole team, then hop in your car and drive off before they can kick your tail.

07-31-2003, 02:40 PM
I do deadman walks all the time. The last time I did it I was taking my time walking down a tapeline near a snake, holding my gun just by the foregrip. A little 12 yr old in the snake points his gun at me and asks, "Are you out?"

My response: "Would I be walking like this if I wasn't?" He didn't shoot me. Muahahaha! ;)

But I was feelin merciful. I didn't shoot him .

I know, I know...it was a moment of weakness. :p

07-31-2003, 03:18 PM
One weekend at the local field, there was a very small # of people. Well there was this family of players (wife, husband, and son) and the wife and husband were killing the other team. So the ref goes up to the son and says "hey, since theyre beating you guys real bad, play dead mans walk" Well the son did and took out the entire team. It was funny.

Jack & Coke
08-01-2003, 04:18 PM
For tournament: Dead-man's walk = ok
For friendly group play or walk-on: Dead-man's walk = bonus ball :)

I start all walk-on days with a high level of trust. A level of trust that leads to a conscience effort not to over-shoot my opponents.

I ask myself, is this a cool, easy going, honest group? Are these guys a bunch of newbies playing for the first time? If yes, then the level of trust is high.

The moment I catch someone pulling a "dead-man's" walk, that level of trust is gone for the day.

Now it's prison rules. ;):D

Nevermind the "accidental" 10 bonus balls from my general direction...

The fun starts when I switch to their team and play back. Muhahaha!!! :eek:

08-01-2003, 08:47 PM
I've done a deadman's stand, before. I got to by bunker on the tape, and didn't see anybody. A minute goes by and still nothin. So i had my RT by the foregrip and was just standing there. Al lof a sudden, I see this kid on the other team playing up the tape to my bunker. The kid must have thought I was out, cuz he stood right next to me! He says, you're out, right? "No, but you're in alot of trouble right now." I gave him a chance to run back to his last bunker before we went at it, though.

Animal Mother
08-01-2003, 08:58 PM
I always feel bad doing a deadman walk at a weekend rec game. It's a bunch of kids with Spyders and I can't take any glory for tricking them.

I know I know... they need to know the rules and it makes them a better player.. but no one has fun when I do it so I stopped. Because the only reason I run my butt around a little dirt field dressed like a fireman on crack shooting balls filled with jello is because it's fun. If you are not there to have fun then you shouldn't be playing paintball.

Now in tournaments... hehehe.. refs had to actually hold back one team because they were PISSED when I did it. I made it halfway accross the field and I started lighting them up from the side, hehe.

Remeber, do not put your barrel plug in, yell hit, or put your hands in the air. Because you are really out then. But just slump your head and walk at a steady pace to the side. Even look like you're watching the game from the side. Then... light 'em up.

One thing though... will only work once for the day, lol

I was feelin' studly and tried it twice in one day.. Oooh that one hurt, hehe