View Full Version : barrel wont fit

07-31-2003, 04:07 PM
i bought a dye boomstick barrel and when it came in the mail earlier today,i put it on my gun. it finally fit in after a lil pushing, but then it got stuck in the gun. it took me, wd40, a friend, and a bottle opener grip to finally get it out. i put oil on it and then tried to put it back in the gun to see if it was because of lubrication. after an hour and a half, i gave up because it wouldnt go back in the gun. any ideas what would cause this. i called dye and they told me to send it in. i was just wondering if there was something i was doing wrong.:(

07-31-2003, 05:22 PM
just tryin to help...but maybe they shipped the wrong thread

07-31-2003, 05:32 PM
when i bought an e-mag barrel for my classic mag it did that i had to file out a new place for the barrel holding pin to go into

07-31-2003, 05:53 PM
I had a similar problem 2 years ago when I brought a DYE stainless for my Minimag. I had to dremel out the twist-lock canal a little to get to work smooth. Sounds like much hasn't changed in the DYE barrel threading camp.

Good luck,

07-31-2003, 07:29 PM
I had a similar problem, but it was with the grip frame screw. It went in too far, put a little washer on it and the problem went away.

07-31-2003, 07:30 PM
my boomstick does this but i can at least pull it out with a good yank, if you absolutly can't get it back out then take your body off of your rail and it should slide right out, but since i'm new to mags and twistlock i don't know any solutions.

07-31-2003, 07:52 PM
Um... just want to know... what body you using?

This will let us give you clearer advice. As of now half the replys seem to assume that your using twistloc w/ the standard body and the other half assume your using a cocker threaded barrel on a ULE body

07-31-2003, 09:24 PM
The Dye Barrels fit LIKE they are supposed to...tight! It will wear in to an almost perfect fit after a few times in and out. Wish all barrels fit as good...:D

08-01-2003, 12:31 AM
or you could simply back the screw out on the twist lock assembly a little bit and lube it up some. backing the screw out a bit will give it less force on the detent when it's against the barrel. worked for me. dye stainless fits like a glove now.

08-01-2003, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by edweird
Um... just want to know... what body you using?

This will let us give you clearer advice. As of now half the replys seem to assume that your using twistloc w/ the standard body and the other half assume your using a cocker threaded barrel on a ULE body

yes the standard body and twistloc on my mag classic.