View Full Version : Ummm, this is weird

07-31-2003, 07:28 PM
Should, I be worried?

riaa@mac.com: Hello Sir
riaa@mac.com: Sir?
Bloodinator2k: wnat
Bloodinator2k: wb
Bloodinator2k: what?
riaa@mac.com: Do you know why I am aiming you?
Bloodinator2k: ummm, well if u told me it would help
Bloodinator2k: are u gonna say something or just waste my time?
riaa@mac.com: I am Mark Brysonn with the RIAA
riaa@mac.com: You know who the RIAA is, correct?
Bloodinator2k: good for you, u want a cookie?
riaa@mac.com: Excuse me?
Bloodinator2k: what did u fart?
riaa@mac.com: Funny kid.
Bloodinator2k: haha
riaa@mac.com: Do you know who the RIAA is?
Bloodinator2k: some stupid peeps who should die
riaa@mac.com: Yes, while I work for them.
riaa@mac.com: well*
Bloodinator2k: ok?
Bloodinator2k: what do you want?
riaa@mac.com: I was told to tell you that you are going to be issed a subpena in the 2nd wave of our crack down on music piraters.
riaa@mac.com: As I am sure you know, our first "wave" is happening right now.
Bloodinator2k: realy? why? i dont use kazza, how did u get my aim?
Bloodinator2k: sn
riaa@mac.com: Easy
riaa@mac.com: As I am sure you know, we work with everyone from AOL to Apple, to your ISP.
Bloodinator2k: who is my isp?
riaa@mac.com: And as you see in our next wave, we are going after people other then Kazaa users.
riaa@mac.com: I don't have that information.
Bloodinator2k: ya, sure
Bloodinator2k: do you know my name?
riaa@mac.com: I might have your name
riaa@mac.com: Hold on
Bloodinator2k: ok
riaa@mac.com: I just answer phones and do what I am doing right now over here
riaa@mac.com: Let me check some papers
Bloodinator2k: ;p;
Bloodinator2k: lol
Bloodinator2k: then call me, why are you IMing me? what if I'm not even the owner of this SN lol
riaa@mac.com: I work the anti-piracy hotline
riaa@mac.com: And for all I know, you might not be the owner.
Bloodinator2k: if your trying to scare me, its not working, so unless you do something to convince me of who you are and u know who I am, then I'm not going to beleive you
riaa@mac.com: That's fine, you don't have to believe.
riaa@mac.com: It makes no difference to me, I am not getting any power trip out of this.
riaa@mac.com: It's just my job
riaa@mac.com: Your name is it, Lidio? Or is this just poor handwritting I am trying to read
Bloodinator2k: You people at the RIAA are idiots, and what are you going to get out of me? I have $12 in my wallet and no job
riaa@mac.com: Sir
riaa@mac.com: This is my job
riaa@mac.com: I am not the RIAA, I work for them.

07-31-2003, 07:47 PM
I wouldn't worry too much. There was a thread like this a while ago. Some people have been pretending to be RIAA representatives in order to scare others. I also don't see any reason they would need to tell you about a subpoena before it's actually issued.

e mag
07-31-2003, 07:50 PM
if a company like the RIAA was going to contact you to tell you this, do you really think they would use an instant messanging program? come on, someone im'ing to tell you you are going to be sued, it should be fairly obvious that it's a friend or someone who found your aol name somewhere online playing a joke on you.
edit: i wish one of these people would im me just so i could mess aroudn with them.

07-31-2003, 07:56 PM
After a while he told me that he just seen a me posting in a thread and wanted to mess with me:p

land hurricane
07-31-2003, 09:20 PM
yeah, i got about the same thing a few weeks ago. but i blocked him.

07-31-2003, 10:56 PM
Too bad he spelled subpoena wrong..

08-01-2003, 02:03 PM
it's bs...don't worry about it.

08-01-2003, 02:13 PM
That was just lars ulrich of metalica

08-01-2003, 03:34 PM
not to mention his name would be at .GOV, not mac.com

Frontline Newbie
08-02-2003, 12:21 AM
No, these kind of pranks are popular, look at the text file section of albinoblaksheep.com. It doesn't even sound real, and if you were, I'm pritty shure they wouldnt im you. Also, the people who get in trouble are people who make sights with music downloads on them, and people who download hundreds of songs a day.