View Full Version : help?

08-01-2003, 07:09 PM
okay, I've been smoking for about 2 years, and I recently decided to quit. It's been only a day or so since i smoked, and I'm already getting some withdrawl-ish symptoms (stomach ache, shaking hands, and ive been irritable). I was wondering if anyone had any advice on what I could do to feel less crappy?
Thanks in advance

08-01-2003, 08:31 PM
Just take it one day at a time. My mom is currently doing this and trust me, it might just be harder on those around you than it is on you. Do something relaxing, like read, or draw, or watch TV, or work, or something.Oh yea, and get exercise.

08-01-2003, 10:09 PM
Well, my parents don't even know that I've ever smoked, and I don't want to turn to them. Most of my friends smoke too, so I don't know how much they can help me. So it's basically myself, my girlfriend, and a few non-Smoker friends. And now I pretty much can't do too much relaxing. My dad pretty much gave me a half hour speech, outlining the following:
a) I am a fat lazy slob
b) I never finish what I start
c) I take no responcibility for anything
d) I am totally irrisponsible (c and d are 2 different things)
e) I USED to have talents
f) I USED to be gifted
g) I will have no future and will go to a crappy community college (besed on 2 C's that I got)
now I "can't make any of my bull**** promises, and [I] have to make things happen NOW..." If I "dont find something worthwhile to do, [he'll] make me do something worthwhile". Here is what he is MAKING me do:
a) a minimum of one hour of SAT study every day
b) go to bed no later than 12 AM every night
c) wake up no later than 10 AM every morning
d) volunteer
I am entering my sophmore year in highschool, and am trying to enjoy my summer. I guess he doesn't understand that I want to spend time with my friends, and relax, and not spend all day volunteering and doing yardwork and studying. He treats this like im "Wasting [my] life and future". He says that I'm going to go to a 3rd rate community college and that I'm going to be a failure in life. Why does he say this? Two C's in my report card and the fact that I spend all day with my friends and/or online...HE DOESNT DO WORK IN THE SUMMER!? :eek: WHAT WILL BECOME OF THIS CHILD?!

anyway, just wanted to blow off some steam there...
if this situation stays like this im gonna havea hell of a time quitting...

e mag
08-01-2003, 10:30 PM
if you plan on going to a good college then you really should take your SAT's seriously and take a few practice ones.

08-01-2003, 10:35 PM
Oh dude, don't get me wrong, I know that SAT's are VERY important, and I plan on doing plenty of practice and taking practice tests. What pisses me off is that the way he talks about it, if I don't start studying and working my *** off IMMEDIATELY, that I will have no future and will end up flipping burgers. My point is that it's the summer and I want to spend time ******* around and hanging out with friends, not getting to bed at 12 and waking up at 10 and studying

08-01-2003, 10:57 PM
Originally posted by poolshark5226
Oh dude, don't get me wrong, I know that SAT's are VERY important, and I plan on doing plenty of practice and taking practice tests. What pisses me off is that the way he talks about it, if I don't start studying and working my *** off IMMEDIATELY, that I will have no future and will end up flipping burgers. My point is that it's the summer and I want to spend time ******* around and hanging out with friends, not getting to bed at 12 and waking up at 10 and studying Take a step back and look what your saying. Hopefully you will realize how selfish you are being.

As for quiting smoking, try to exercise, if you get a craving chew gum and try to put it off for a couple of minutes, it usually goes away (thats what my dad says, and my health book too).

08-02-2003, 03:41 AM
Originally posted by poolshark5226

go to bed no later than 12 AM every night
wake up no later than 10 AM every morning

:eek: Holy crap!!! :eek: that's 10 HOURS of sleep! wow... I go to bed every night at 2:30 - 3:00 a.m. and get up bright and early at 6:30 to feed the cattle and get out to the farm and start the day...

08-02-2003, 04:54 AM
Billybob I love you.

With that said, I just graduated and got into Steven's Institute of technology, Rutgers University and Drexel University (where I'm goin). I did it with a 1300 on my SATs and a 3.14. Throughout my ENTIRE high school career I took 1 honors class. 1!

Honestly, as long as your grades break a 3.0 and you have a real good essay on your application, you'll be fine. Usually your essays taken more seriously than your SAT.

Now, I did it the easy way, and I look back half wishing I had taken more honors classes (mostly cause that's where all the hot girls go.... NOT) and I don't really feel like I accomplished anything, now that I have my diploma. But, I'm not the stressed out turd burgler your dad sounds like.

08-02-2003, 05:08 AM
I recently quit smoking also( I denied that I smoked on here, but I actualy smoked quite alot), I could have been smoking all summer, because my dad smokes and leaves packs of ciggarets laying around everywhere, but I told myself I was going to quit and start excercising, well I have done it, the cravings sucked very badly, and I smoked a couple ciggs after I quit for within about 2 months. But I still stopped. And another thing, my dad buys some cheap asian ciggs he gets for like $20 a carton and they are the most horrible things in the entire world. They are called rogers, buy some and you will never want to smoke again:D That was also another motivation for me, I wasn't going to go a whole summer smoking Rodgers:eek:

08-02-2003, 07:14 AM
Originally posted by FreshmanBob
Billybob I love you.

With that said, I just graduated and got into Steven's Institute of technology, Rutgers University and Drexel University (where I'm goin). I did it with a 1300 on my SATs and a 3.14. Throughout my ENTIRE high school career I took 1 honors class. 1!

Honestly, as long as your grades break a 3.0 and you have a real good essay on your application, you'll be fine. Usually your essays taken more seriously than your SAT.

Ummm, no.

08-02-2003, 08:09 AM
I smoked heavily for over 15 years, and quit for good 3 years ago (both me and my wife at the same time!). What I found helpful was Welbutrin. It took the “edge” off, but didn’t take away the craving…. Just that sharp edge. And that was what I needed.

I tried the patch and it only burned my skin. LOL Welbutrin and keeping my hands busy was the key for me. I suggest a pencil or chopstick to hold and fiddle with in your hand (your normal smoking hand). Your hands get accustom to having something IN them… sort of like when you wear a ring all the time and when you have it off, it feels odd, or you keep trying to push it back on.. but it isn’t there.

Hope this helps in some way… and good luck.

08-02-2003, 11:54 AM
As for me being "selfish", I don't see how I am. If he had a reason for doing what he's doing, not only would I not be angry, but I would be grateful. The thing is...he doesnt. I do well in school, and when I need to buckle down and work hard, I work my *** off. There's NO point in me getting to sleep at 12 and waking up at 10. Not in the summer at least. There's NO point in making me study for SAT's over a year before I have to take them and IN THE SUMMER. I understand that SAT's are important, but getting to bed early (and it IS early for me during summer vacation) and waking up early (ditto) doesn't help me at all, neither does calling me a lazy irresponsible fat*** who never finishes what he starts and wont have a future. He acts like me relaxing with my friends and fooling around and stuff IN THE SUMMER is the destruction of my future life. Let me also add, that all but one of my classes last year and this coming year are honors, and the 2 C's I got were in junior level physics and a marking period of sophmore Geometry in which we had a crappy sub for most of the MP...
but that's not what I want this thread to be about. I started this thread because I feel like **** and need help quitting and relieving nicotene withdrawl symptoms. My hand have been shaking non stop and I have a nasty nasty stomach ache, and have also been getting mild headaches. As I said before, my parents don't know, which means patches and such are out. I've been chewing on pens and pencils like mad, and have gone through 20 pieces of gum since yesterday morning.

08-02-2003, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by FreshmanBob
Billybob I love you.

LOL! I love you too man... but you're still not getting any of my bud lite... ;)

LOL. anyone else remember those commercials? :p

08-03-2003, 08:31 PM
yeah at this point im thinking death would be easier (jk)
I threw up twice this morning, and my fingers are shaking non-stop. int he past few days ive eaten 37 pieces of gum (going on 38 right now), chewed basically through 2 pens, and a pencil. Ive gotten into an arguement with a good friend, and in the past 4 nights have gotten into 3 with my parents...
any other symptom relief tips?

08-03-2003, 08:59 PM
Seeing as I have never smoked (being 13) and, I never plan to (it's just stupid and irresponsible) I probably am not going to be any help. But, I suggest chewing on guitar picks until they break. Also, try telling your parents...they won't care as long as you are trying to stop and the will support you through it.

08-03-2003, 10:49 PM
I use tortex picks...
for those of you who dont know, tortex=teh gross

08-03-2003, 11:08 PM
Originally posted by poolshark5226
There's NO point in making me study for SAT's over a year before I have to take them

Yes there is.

08-03-2003, 11:20 PM
in the summer? i dont disagree that SAT's are important and so is studying for them, but theres a time and a place to do things, and summer vacation isnt my time to study for a test that I'm going to take in over a year

08-04-2003, 12:08 AM
Originally posted by poolshark5226
in the summer? i dont disagree that SAT's are important and so is studying for them, but theres a time and a place to do things, and summer vacation isnt my time to study for a test that I'm going to take in over a year THERE IS A POINT! Dont you understand? Your parents love and care for you; they just want the best for you. If you study, you will do better, and until your 18, it's not your time, it's your parents.

08-04-2003, 12:31 AM
a) I am a fat lazy slob
b) I never finish what I start
c) I take no responcibility for anything
d) I am totally irrisponsible (c and d are 2 different things)
e) I USED to have talents
f) I USED to be gifted
g) I will have no future and will go to a crappy community college (besed on 2 C's that I got)
now I "can't make any of my bull**** promises, and [I] have to make things happen NOW..." If I "dont find something worthwhile to do, [he'll] make me do something worthwhile".

First off it seems that talking about how your dad frustrates you is making you feel better, so keep doing it as long as it takes your mind off of smoking. Next thing (heres my background) I'm 16 and going into my junior year of highcschool, My dad likes to drink alot, and at times he comes home intoxicated 4 to 5 nights a week. It gets extremely nerve wrecking especially when he downgrades me and talks of me negatively, so whenever he does it regardless of the situation or outcome of the arguement I'll proove him wrong. Example: if he seys I'm lazy and I dont do anything during the day, I'll wait till he's sitting down and watching tv or somthing (acting lazy) and then proceed to clean the house, and directly get his attention. I'll make alot of noise, or stand in front of the tv so he'll understand that I am taking direct action against what he said. Heres where this all comes into play, take every one of the things your dad told you (I quoted them above) and proove him wrong, if you just do one action (3min to 5min each) pertaining to everything he's upset about, you have something to defend yourself with if he confronts you about it again. And better yet, it'll keep your mind off of smoking. Every time you get a craving, pretend your dad just yelled at you and proove him wrong (even if he really did never yell at you).

And just as a suggestion, take KornKamp02's advise and gradually alert your parents of your goal to quit. A good idea to break the news to them might be to gather up all the cigaretts that your dad leaves laying around (like you said) and stash them untill you acquire a reasonable amount. Then one day just make a pile on the table or in the middle of the floor, and when your parents confront you pertaining to the large sum of cigaretts that just appeared out of nowhere, shrug, and casually tell them that those are the cigaretts that you COULD HAVE but CHOSE NOT TO indulge upon in your quest to break the habbit...

Thats my $0.02 on the subject, take it any way you choose to...


08-04-2003, 09:03 AM
If you plan on going to any concerts any time soon.. cancel. At any of the shows that you or I would go (with the exception of ska shows).. the place would be filled with smoke.. and you'd have to give in. Ive seen plenty of people break in at shows.

08-04-2003, 03:27 PM
^ and the smoke at alot of the concerts I go to aren't usually coming from a cigarette so that makes it worse...

08-04-2003, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by KornKamp02
^ and the smoke at alot of the concerts I go to aren't usually coming from a cigarette so that makes it worse...
Why would that make it worse?

He never said he was quitting THAT kind of smoking (i think we're on the same track)

I'm pretty sure THAT kind of smoke is at 'most any concert.... 'cept classical and country.

We were talking about crack right... ;) ;)

08-04-2003, 04:28 PM
We were talking about crack, weed, and any other smokable drug. I was simply saying that he shouldn't get into drugs because his life isn't going as well as he wants.

08-04-2003, 06:07 PM
well as for pot, been there, done that, still doing that. I have no desire to quit pot right now (I am at the end of the summer) and have quit before...quitting pot is easy. SMoking cigs is all around more harmful to me, and it's a hell of a lot harder to shake nicotene than THC.

08-04-2003, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by poolshark5226
well as for pot, been there, done that, still doing that. I have no desire to quit pot right now (I am at the end of the summer) and have quit before...quitting pot is easy. SMoking cigs is all around more harmful to me, and it's a hell of a lot harder to shake nicotene than THC. :( I seriously have pity for you....

08-04-2003, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by KornKamp02
:( I seriously have pity for you....

Why's that?

08-04-2003, 10:16 PM
SMoking cigs is all around more harmful to me, and it's a hell of a lot harder to shake nicotene than THC. You do know that marijuana has hundreds more carcinogens than cigs right? It's definantly more harmful for you than "regular" smoking, there's a reason why it's illegal.

08-04-2003, 10:28 PM
1) When's the last time you heard of a death directly attributed to weed smoking? Especially a cancer death?
2) There certainly is a reason that it's illegal. I'd gladly explain it, except I didnt start this thread for a mj debate. If you want the story about why mj is illegal and my arguements for it to be legal, go to my page www.pcpages.com/farkshat and go to "sweet leaf". it hasnt been updated in a while and the pic that i wanted isnt there, but i gotta say its a good arguement.
but like I said, I didnt start this thread for that, I started it for help with nicotene withdrawl symptoms

08-04-2003, 10:45 PM
Keep telling yourself that you aren't doing harm to your body when you smoke anything, that will keep you safe :rolleyes:. Just because you havent heard of a death from smoking pot doesnt mean that it cant cause cancer and it wont kill you.

Now back on track: your problem with quiting smoking.
Your doing a great job! Keep up with the good work, i cant personally say that i feel what you are experiencing, but i have seen it, and i would expect that its very difficult.

More suggestions to help you. Keep very busy, dont allow yourself the time to smoke, some hobby might help. Stay w/ people you wouldnt normally smoke around, you cant somke around them right. (I suggest telling your parents, its going to be even harder quiting alone. Im sure that they will be happy to know htat you are quiting and will help you along your way. W/ their help, you could get some patches or gum, that will help you a bunch.)

BTW, I feel that anything that can impare your judgement and reflexes should be illegal, for obvious reasons. Lets end the discussing at that. This thread is to help him w/ quitting his smoking, not to debate pot.

08-04-2003, 11:31 PM
:rolleyes: I have sadly lost all my respect for you trying to quit.... if you don't quit Mary Jane you have no reason to quit smoking, you may as well just stop trying and give up....

08-05-2003, 09:46 AM
hmmmm what's worse? Smoking about 10 cigs, which have been PROVEN to cause cancer, a day, or a few bowls, of pot, which has NEVER been directly linked to causing cancer, and in fact plays a major role in programmed cell death (since you're arguing with me, I'll assume that you know not only that MJ plays a role in PCD, but also what PCD is, as well as other things that marijuana causes/helps with...because without full knowledge of the situation, only a *insert explative* would argue) 1 or 2 times a week?
Also, if you had bothered to read the post that YOU YOURSELF replied to (a novel concept perhaps? reading the post you replied to?), I said that I'm quitting pot at the end of the summer... I don't want it interfering with my school work, and am quitting for no reason other than that.

Now once again this thread has gotten off track. If you've lost respect for me trying to quit and want me to take up smoking again, don't post, because I don't recall asking whether or not I should give more of my cash to Joe Camel.