View Full Version : Creation Vs Evolution

08-02-2003, 01:42 AM
ehhh am I aloud to make this? If not I will delete.

its not really directly about religion. well, kind of. But its kind of science too.

p-p-p-please....:::: puppy dog face:::::


08-02-2003, 01:46 AM
I hope you are allowed to make the thread. But there should also be a NO IDIOTS clause made so NO IDIOTS can post with there little posts that mean nothing. But people who give thought out well written "insights" on the subject can give there input. And NO FLAMING is another rule that needs to be in there, because when you start talking about beliefs people have some people choose to be IDIOTS and start flaming when it could be a well worded, well writen, well thoughout, informative thread that everyone on AO could benifit from.

08-02-2003, 02:04 AM
I think when threads around here START well thought out and mature, they usually stay that way.

08-02-2003, 06:49 AM
due to the amount of faith it takes to believe either side of the argument, I personally think of evolutionism as a religion, as much as creationism is a part of Christianity (and other religions?)... which kinda makes the issue ENTIRELY religious...

my personal belief is that we were created, poof, the way we are... call it faith.

i have a hard time swallowing what mathmatics, thermodynamics, genetics, physics, and chemistry have all pretty much proven is not possible... so that leads me back to the faith issue.

countdown to thread closing 3...2...

(edited for spelling and a clarification)

08-02-2003, 07:11 AM
Originally posted by Fred
i have a hard time swallowing what mathmatics, thermodynamics, genetics, physics, and chemistry have all pretty much proven is not possible... so that leads me back to the faith issue.

countdown to thread closing 3...2...

(edited for spelling and a clarification)

When was this?

08-02-2003, 10:45 AM
If I can think of a topic that is even more worthless debating than cocker vs. mag or Angel4 vs. Xmag, it would be creation vs. evolution.

No one will ever be swayed in their beliefs about it. One must first consider beliefs in a man, whose vocation was a carpenter, and who lived about 2000 years ago. What one believes about him, dictates his/her beliefs about creation vs. evolution.

That said, IN BEFORE THE CLOSE BABY!!!!!!!!!!111 :D

08-02-2003, 11:06 AM
whoa gotta get in before close...

All I gotta say is that both the predominant evolution theory and the predominant creation theories both have serious problems with them...

That being said....its my personal belief that there is a God and perhaps evolution is just part of his plan...

In before close.


08-02-2003, 11:40 AM
Fred - you took the words out of my mouth... I have been saying the evolutionism is as much a "religion" as "Christianity" (or Islam, or Hindu, etc...). I have been flamed for it before and will probably again, but it is my opinion.

As for evolution, I personaly believe ing evolution. however microevolution and macroevolution are not the same thing. intraspecies (macro) evolution is as much theory as creationism. Okay, no big deal, I am a Creationist so that measn that I will just have to agree to disagree with teh evolutionists. :)

PS (my xmag is prettyier than yours and my grinder shoots faster, so na, na, nah, nah, boo, boo! [insert rasberry here] - heheheheheeeeeee)

08-02-2003, 12:36 PM
Hurm. There's lots of forums out there where you can talk about this all you want. Not that it isn't a good discussion, but it will fall apart. Sorry.