View Full Version : Hopper for warp?

08-03-2003, 11:23 AM
I plan to order a warpfeed either today or tomorrow and cannot decide which hopper to get to go along with it...

The 2k Ricochet? ($67.95)
The 12vt Revvy? ($49.95)

I like the Ricochet, but is it worth the extra $20?, also is the plastic that it's made out of "tougher" than the revvy's shell? (it seems like the feed necks like to snap off of the new revvy)

The bottom line is if I can plan on the revvy's shell breaking and ordering the extra shells ($12) I'll just go with the ricochet...

any advice will help...


Load SM5
08-03-2003, 11:29 AM
I use an X-board revvy and it works fine. It seems to keep up pretty well.

08-03-2003, 12:16 PM
Me too...just get the revvy...its all you need.

08-03-2003, 12:21 PM
I also use a 12V Revvy with X-Board and it works great. Although I admit mine is a pre-plastic change model.

Added: Doh! Need more sleep! I don't have a Warp. LOL sorry.

Nick O time
08-03-2003, 01:13 PM
I really like my Empire Reloader. It feeds like a Rico and i think it is even less expensive then a 12 Volt. The shells are much stronger than 12 Volt Revvies too.

08-03-2003, 01:21 PM

08-03-2003, 01:31 PM
I would say go with the richochet. I've seen some used ones sell here at the boards for a Low of $30. I would suggest trying to get one of those.

Load SM5
08-03-2003, 01:44 PM
How do you guys prime the warp with a reloader? Dry fire? Snap the lid shut over and over?

08-03-2003, 05:29 PM
i wouldn't go with the richo. i mean, you'll be tucked in enough where the warp woould still be mostly behind the bunker anyways, least i hope.

20 dollars for a for a deflection engineered hopper when its on the side of the gun? for a SLOWER feeding hopper vs 12v xboard?

i have a 12v x on my warp, works just fine, but i want a halo so i can lean more better with it.

08-03-2003, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by Load SM5
How do you guys prime the warp with a reloader? Dry fire? Snap the lid shut over and over?

Hold down the warp prime button and press the on/off button on the Re:loader. It will feed (spin paddle) but not turn off. You have to hold the button down to turn off the loader.

08-03-2003, 10:26 PM
reloader is pointless with the warp because there is no way it will feed at all or even remotely reliably :) xboard revvy should suffice

08-03-2003, 11:26 PM
Get a halo B...wink wink;):) :p

08-03-2003, 11:31 PM
Originally posted by AutomagRT1483
Get a halo B...wink wink;):) :p

darn blimps

08-03-2003, 11:32 PM
I know, but I wouldn't have it any other way. :)

08-03-2003, 11:44 PM
I could never have anything other then a revvy... for now at least...

The day I got rid of my warp was the day I became free :) I used it for a year and I didn't even know how much it hurt my game until I got rid of it :)

08-04-2003, 11:52 AM
I've actually used both..

The Richochet is nice due to the fact it has a game timer already in it. I did find however that it was a little scary refilling paint. The lid on the 'chet seems to be a bit tougher to get open than a revvy, and unless you've really cranked the warp screws down, you can feel it pull up a bit out of the warp when you open the top. (I was always nervous I'd rip the thing off during a game)

Nothing fancy about the Revvy, but I like the fact that RobAGD has documented powering your revvy and warp with the EMAG (I currently use that setup), and also Tom documents how to melt your revvy for an even tighter fit to your gun.

Currently I'm using a Revvy, but mainly b/c I had to give the 'chet back.....I don't care either way....most of my purchaces are cost vs. function based (cheapest thing that'll feed paint into my marker :D )

08-04-2003, 03:17 PM
I would suggest going with the Ricochet. Unless you really need the game timer and ball counter, you won't need the 2k. There is also the Ricochet AK, same shell, o-ring feed neck, just no fancy LED readouts. I've had a Rico on top of my warp since Jan, no mods needed to the shell for a nice fit.

The one item that I find very reassuring about the company that makes the Rico, their customer service. I've heard that they replace broken shells for free. I called them up, telling them that I wanted to upgrade my existing shell (no o-rings) to the new o-ring shell. They asked for my address. A couple of days later, I had a shiney new o-ring shell, a brace of o-rings and some stickers arrive on my doorstep. I was billed a grand total of zero. No shell cost, no S/H.


08-04-2003, 05:18 PM
Ricochet sends you new shells for your hopper no questions asked. I had the older shells on mine, without the Orings on it for my warp(it'd fall off midgame). I emailed them, the next day I had a reply email saying "what is your address" Three days later, i had new shells and 10 orings in my mailbox. This even works if you break them playing. They'll send you new ones right away. Does Brass Eagle (revvy) do this? Also, the richochet feeds plenty fast for me with a warp. Without a warp, they couldnt keep up, but adding on the warp means I can shoot 15 bps pretty easily. The orings on my ricochet made it so it cant fall out of the warp also. I've seen revvy's spin around real easy because they dont have the oring. Spend less and get an Ricochet AK also. Its just a timer is all thats added.

E==Mag MAN
08-04-2003, 11:19 PM
I have a 12 volt rev, Drilled for a warpfeed hose to go through one side "right handed player". Its black Ill give it to you for 25 shipped. I know it's not a forsale thread thought he might want it though, its just laying around from my warpfeed days. Feedbacks in my profile

08-04-2003, 11:21 PM
Originally posted by E==Mag MAN
I have a 12 volt rev, Drilled for a warpfeed hose to go through one side "right handed player". Its black Ill give it to you for 25 shipped. I know it's not a forsale thread thought he might want it though, its just laying around from my warpfeed days. Feedbacks in my profile

Isn't it nice not to have a warpfeed ;)

08-04-2003, 11:32 PM
I'll give you 20 shipped for it. I have a warp, and I play right handed, only thing is that I only have 20 bucks in my account right now. I can paypal, send you a check, or if you take visa/debit. Does it have the Xboard?

08-05-2003, 04:20 AM
Im retireing my old revey for a ricochet..........

mostly cause the factory for Rico's is less than a mile from my apartment. The only other reason im switching is cause I like how it fits on my warp without interfeering with the hose at all.

08-05-2003, 04:34 AM
Rico AK
For reasons already stated:
-customer service is the greatest
-better shells
-about the same price as the revy
-only one battery-and last forever
-design allows for it to fit on warp fine without hose troubles like with a revy.

Don't waste your money on the 2k......the lcd isn't worth it.

E==Mag MAN
08-05-2003, 10:55 AM
Originally posted by LaW

Isn't it nice not to have a warpfeed ;)

Yes:) I've been working hard on left handed and now I am a machine out both sides of the bunker it was really hindering my game.

08-05-2003, 07:43 PM
CAUTION, Ricochet logic doesn't work well with the warp!!!! The ricochet only agitates when a ball drops past the paddle switch in the neck. If you lay the marker on its side to shoot out the warp side of the bunker and then bring the marker back upright, the balls will occasionally jam in the neck (It happens more often than you think, and more often than I found acceptable). In that situation you will not have any balls dropping past the sensor and thus the paddles won't spin. YOU WILL SOON RUN OUT OF BALLS IN THE WARP AND DRY FIRE.

Go with the revy or the Halo. I will never go back to the Rico with a warp.

08-05-2003, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by E==Mag MAN

Yes:) I've been working hard on left handed and now I am a machine out both sides of the bunker it was really hindering my game.

Totally the way I felt. I can shoot faster left handed then I can right handed....

The warp made me play lazy but of course that was my fault. When I switched back to pretty much norise on my sfl, honestly I played a lot better, more confident, more accurate, got shot out LESS....

But hey I used the warp for a year and I did like it, but I guess right after I switched back after a year I finally realized it just wasn't for me

08-05-2003, 08:15 PM
I've shot a ricochet for awhile now, and have Never had that problem. I've had the warp battery run low. I've had some dirt fall into my warp, causing it to jam. I've had a double ball(the ball was connected by a little bit of shell, thus the ball looked like two balls just sitting there, but they were in fact just a single mass) the two balls fed through the ricochet, through the warp, then when it got to the more than 90 degree drop into the bolt chamber, it couldnt round the corner. Maybe you shoot faster than me or something, but I have got my mag to shoot 13 pretty consistently. The ricochet is pretty loud, but i've used an Evo2, and it was louder when it ran out of paint and when it runs out of paint it just Stays in the ON moving position. The ricochet stops. Now for shooting upside down, you are right, the ricochet uses gravity, but you can shoot about 10 balls upside down with it. You can only shoot a couple more with forcefeed system, then they too need gravity.

08-05-2003, 08:18 PM
Save the 20 bucks get the revy and an x board, cause with a warp you should never take a hit there and it would take quite a bit to try and rip it of the side of your marker to bust the feed neck.

08-06-2003, 12:09 AM
Both work well, i use my revy since i never had a problem with it.

08-06-2003, 12:22 AM
Revy will suit you just fine. i have been hit plenty of times in the revy and no problems.

08-06-2003, 12:27 AM
Empire Reloader! mine rules, faster than revvy, and strong too, but still cheap, amine was like $35 new