View Full Version : Classic chopping like a Vegamatic

08-03-2003, 10:17 PM
I have a older mag that I just installed an ULE body on. Now I chop like a mother. Using hard nose (Foamieless) bolt, 12volt revy, nitro and RP Evil paint. Hardly chopped when using the powerfeed body. It also seems to "hiccup" every now and then. Any suggestions (other than getting LVL 10 bolt) would be appreciated.

08-03-2003, 11:48 PM
It is probably chopping from blowback gases from the vertical feed. I can only think of two things, get a longnose bolt to reduce the blowback or get the level 10 to reduce chopping forever.

08-04-2003, 01:21 AM
You could try a high rise feed neck.

08-04-2003, 02:51 PM
Try a force feed hopper, like a Halo, warpfeed or Evolution.

08-05-2003, 01:22 AM
i know you said besides the level ten, but it seems to me that that would solve the problem better than any other of the solutions. A halo or egg would also work, but the level ten would prevent you from chopping if you short stroke or if you outshoot the hopper.

08-05-2003, 02:48 AM
Hey, Take it from a guy who had the same problems as you with his mini-mag.... I sent my marker in to get it teched, fixed and upgraded with a LvLX bolt. AGD TECH JON called and asked me if I wanted to get the new X-Valve because with teching, fixing and upgrading the cost would be just under a new X-Valve by about 40 bucks. I said "sure I'll get it considering it comes with the LvLX installed". This was the single best thing I had ever done with my Mag!!! It turned my nice but blenderable Mag into a Fire breathing Dragon that spit paintballs and never, I REPEAT NEVER!!!!!!, chopped any paint. I know money is tight and it might not seem like you want to spend the money on anything to upgrade, ie. I just want it not to chop; well then you need the X-Valve. It is the best upgrade that AGD is offering and the techs at the factory will install it for you. 2 cents from a satisfied Fire breathing Dragon owner.:D

08-05-2003, 08:38 AM
Thanks for all the info guys. Looks like LVX is the way to go. Maybe even x-valve............

08-05-2003, 10:06 AM
J: if you skip one, maybe two weekends of playing...you can pay for the level 10...thats what I did when I first got mine