View Full Version : AO representing in NorCal

08-03-2003, 10:42 PM
Okay, SPS16 (Emag), Zaust (Mag), and I (Viking)entered a 3 man tournament today in Northern California. We called ourselves the "AO Army." It was the first tournament for any of us, and my 4th day of play since getting back into paintball after a 6 year hiatus. Heres some highs and lows from the day:

Beginning problems:
-This was supposed to be a "Rookie Tournament." However, teams with names like "Team XYZ" (with XYZ being local stores and paintball parks) showed up in droves. Customized jerseys, display stands for their multiple timmys, the works. Even the person who organized it commented on the derth of actual "rookies" there.

-2000 psi max for air fills. The flyer said nothing about this. With my Viking, that was more than enough, but SPS16 and Zaust were both running mags with 45/45 tanks. Needless to say, that air didnt last long once gameplay started.

-Zausts mag. His poor mag needs help. About 2 BPS max. The guy kicked butt considering that he had to deal with his mag issues.

The games:

Game 1-VS some well equipped "rookies" (note sarcasm). Our first tournament game EVER. We got spanked bad, total loss. I was first out, of course. SPS16 ran out of air pretty quickly.

Game 2-VS some well equipped kids (2 timmys, a matrix). I went out after nailing one of their guys. First out, again. Zaust and SPS16 cleaned up the rest of the guys, and capped the flag. However, one of the kids claimed Zaust had wiped a hit on his loader. If you looked, you could see green paint from the last game in a crease on his hopper. The kids pointed at it and claimed it invalidated the hang. Catch was, none of them shot green paint. Ref gave us a stern warning on proper cleaning(hello moron, were rookies, remember), but let us keep the win. Kids literally went crying to their mom, who was on the sidelines. Truly sad.

Game 3-VS a well equipped sponsored team. They quickly finished off Zaust and SPS16, while I had taken one of theirs out. I had called about 5 paint checks because of multiple hits I had recieved, but none of them had broken. I guess the other team though I was out, cause their 2 guys came trotting accross the field. I popped out and got one. I tried to advance on the other but got nailed. A good game.

Game 4-VS a friendly rookie team with NICE impulses. We took out two while Zaust got nailed. Their remaining guy then offed me and SPS16. Well played by them.

Game 5-VS the top team at the tournament. Sponsored, again. We actually managed to take out two, giving them their lowest game total out of their 5 games.

We followed up with some rec play at the great new field, Thunder something in Galt, that the tourney was at.

All in all, it was amazing we did so well. Zaust was a demon, and played well with a gun that shot slower than my old VM. SPS16 did a great job of dealing with a pathetic air supply and a gas-hungry gun. We placed 20th out of 24, but I'm very happy with our first tourney experience. And the look on peoples faces when they realized that they had been taken out by Zaust's and SPS16's mags was PRICELESS.

08-04-2003, 12:04 AM
woot! Glad ya made it past your first tourny. Ive been playin 7 years and I still havent done a tourney. Hey, one of these days I gotta gotta hookup with yall and do a local 3 Man.:D Anyway it sounded like you guys had a blast. What were they giving away as the grand prize. I was wondering if the field in Galt was cool enuff to do a Bay area AO day III there? In anycase good luck with your future tourny games.

08-04-2003, 12:41 AM
Oh yeah, the field was VERY good. They're even installing their own air compressor, and a day of play is only $10.

Grand prize was a BKO for each of the players on the winning team. Its sad that all the amatuer teams had to beat up on the rookies just to get the BKOs. The people I felt the worst for were a group of 3 kids that defined "rookie." They had a spyder, stock old cocker, and an older Angel LCD, and played their hearts out. They never got a single kill or point. I watched advanced teams shoot loads of paint at 'em, scream at 'em, gloat when they got the kills or the flag hang. It was pathetic. I just hope the kids stick with it. Thats who the tourney should have been about.

08-04-2003, 12:42 AM
Oh, and I highly recommend a tourney. Despite the problems, it was a very fun day, and we learned a lot in a very short space of time.

I also got to show SPS16 how to correctly adjust his emag trigger, so the day wasnt a complete waste ;)

08-04-2003, 01:41 AM
wow, i actually look pretty good in that review of the tourney. :D :D but seriously, this tournament was a blast to play in. despite the fact that we were playing against several amature teams, the ao army represented itself quite well. i believe we played much better than our score indicated, and we were only maxed out our first game. we met some other mag guys there, a team called five-e. im not sure if they post here on ao, but they were cool guys none the less.the rednecks, as the three rookie kids called themselves, really showed me what paintball is all about. they played crazy hard, often going up against teams whose total worth in equipment was about 20 times that of the 'necks. i have a lot more respect for them than some of the other teams there(coughteam lostcough). as for the field, i give it a thumbs up. the staff, expecially john, were very cool. plus, he has a mag! and if someone were to point out that we came in 20, i would reply that any day with wendys and paintball is awesome, no matter what. im off to see what i can do to help me old mag. thanks to ryan and chris for dealing with my misguided gun and letting me rip with the electros.

Gitaroo Man
08-04-2003, 02:12 AM
where in nor cal?

08-04-2003, 02:34 AM
Where am I? Antioch.

Where was the tourney? Galt, which is sandwiched between Lodi and Elk grove, south of Sacramento on 99.

08-04-2003, 09:57 AM
WOOOHOo! did you guys get our picture on the internet? XYZ, you mean as in Twisted XYZ? theres one guty on there with a blue trix, clint, really nice guy. we got our butts handed to us (my dad me, my cousin) at our firsyt tourney, but it was a BLAST! sometime we should get six of us nor cal AO guys and play a local tourney as AO armys 1 and 2. AO would have double the chance of winning! or placing! and having a great time!

08-04-2003, 09:59 AM
and maybe after we could go to chevys. i know theres one around there somewhere, like, on the other side of the freeway.;) :D

08-04-2003, 12:50 PM
Hey guys...
Here are some places to look for good rookie tournies:

WAP on 505 near woodland, run by Les and Deb. Very friendly, proffessional, and go out of thier way for your enjoyment.If you play out on thier field, you will also get to play with, and be spanked by, some of the best players and teams in Nor-Cal. Look for a 3-man rookie in the middle of Sept. My team (Pink Fluffy Ballerinas) may be reffing this one.

Ace Paintball Arena in Folsom. We Are sponsered by these guys, so I am Biased. But, they love rookies, and are OK at weeding out AM's and Pro's. Expect a couple though.

Ace Paintball Park in Rancho Murietta. Woods for rec, concept stuff for tournies. PFB reffs these too. Look for mid-august rookie, novice.

Combat Zone in Oroville...even the rookies are good.

Sykes in Marysville. Good, small tournies. No cakewalk, so don't expect to win, even in rookie.

Best resource is www.sacpaintball.com
Everything happening is on there.
Brent Jackson, PFB.

08-04-2003, 01:22 PM
I've been playing paintball for 4 years now. I live like 10 minutes from Ace's rodeo field but have never played there. I have been going to Action paintball for the full 4 years but have been meaning to try out Ace's field.

Quick question about it. I have a Stock Class Phantom as well as my Minimag and was wondering if Ace ever held stock class events or tournaments? Not many of those ever happen around here and I just wanna make sure I'm not missing out on something.

08-04-2003, 08:24 PM
connor, we gotta make a trip out to your field in modesto, what was the name?

08-04-2003, 09:02 PM
Anyway, This tournament was fun we met a lot of nice people (for the most part), learned a ton and next time we'll do twice as good :)

08-04-2003, 09:37 PM
Yeah, not too bad at all. I figured out that I've only played paintball 8 times in my entire life, so the fact we won any at all is amazing. Next time we'll do much better. There were two games where we were a hair away from winning, and where a little more experience would have swung things in our favor.

Lets hope they have a 5 or 7 man tourney, then we could all gang up on em.

08-04-2003, 10:05 PM
Yea, i'm keeping my eye out for tournaments in the area, there is so much about that on sacpaintball.com

08-04-2003, 11:04 PM
Originally posted by Steeratt
Yeah, not too bad at all. I figured out that I've only played paintball 8 times in my entire life, so the fact we won any at all is amazing. Next time we'll do much better. There were two games where we were a hair away from winning, and where a little more experience would have swung things in our favor.

Lets hope they have a 5 or 7 man tourney, then we could all gang up on em.

wow ryan.. 8 times? thats it? you play a lot better than that. it would be awesome if we could enetr some 5 or 7 man tourneys.. then we could gte the real ao army out there.

08-04-2003, 11:10 PM
Yep, I counted, 8 times. 4 times in 1997 (1 time with a pump, 3 times with a VM68) and 4 times this year (Once with an Emag, 3 times with my Viking). Im so glad I got back into the sport, I forgot how much fun it was.

5 or 7 man tourneys seem to be populated by the better teams, but I think it would be fun. Imagine the shock they would feel getting beaten by a rag tag AO bunch.

08-04-2003, 11:14 PM
and we gotta stick with the name "just met in the parking lot," just to enhance the ragtag image.

08-04-2003, 11:50 PM
Chris- its called Extreme paintball. www.extremepaintballfield.com .

08-04-2003, 11:59 PM