View Full Version : whats next for my gun?

08-04-2003, 01:14 AM
ok i have a poll here about what i should put next on my gun... as of right now i have: itelly frame, lvl X, freak,egg2 hopper...

wich of these is next?

x valve


ule boddy


any feed back would be great thanks alot...

08-04-2003, 01:32 AM
Personally I think the Hyperframe is useless with the Intelli and an X-Valve...my question to you is..Do you want your setup to be faster or lighter? That question decides which direction you should go..

08-04-2003, 02:51 AM
Rule #1:
Dont fix whats not broken. If theres nothing wrong with it, then use your money on paint or give it to me.

That said, if youre running lvl0 in a standard valve, get the x valve. It will rock. otherwise, unless your gun is just too heavy, why bother with an x valve or ule body. And if you get hte ule body, youll need a cocker freak back for it, remember to get that too.

08-04-2003, 09:17 AM
well if u think the hyperframe is out then there would be no point in getting the warp because the egg can keep up with the intell frame. the only thing i can think of that i would need the warp[ for is becoming more compact wich i supose is a good thing... im not sure about some thing and maybe one of u guys can help me out... i was under the impression that the x-valve is just like a regular valce except lighter and with the lvl X comming standerd on all of them. and u say that the hyperframe would be useless with the intell frame and x valve so dose that mena u can shoot faster with the x-vlave:confused: so if someone could answere that for me it would be a big help thanks

08-04-2003, 09:28 AM
Those parts dont make any part useless, per se, but their uses just negate most of the other parts strong points. IE: X valve has a reactive trigger. If you get a Hyperframe, you no longer have a reactive trigger. So all you get out of that is 300 dollars to save a few ounces. It also replaces the intelliframe so there was no point in having paid for it in the first place if youre not going to use it.
Technically speaking, if youre running a standard valve now, the X valve would be able to shoot faster than a hypermag with a standard valve, but that doesnt mean that you can shoot it faster. The x valve has a higher cycle rate than the standard valve, but if you cant pull the trigger that fast anyway then its about as pertinent as owning a Ferarri and driving the speed limit. Youll probably be able to shoot the electro triggered hyperframe faster than the x valve with intelli most of the time, but if you set it to have high reactivity then you could get fast bursts when you get used to the trigger. What it comes down to is you need to try out both and see which one you like better because its your gun to do with it what you want, not what other people think is cooler. Both upgrades are very expensive, dont waste money on something you may not even like.

08-04-2003, 10:19 AM
thanks kosmo u helped clear that up for me. and i was unawear that the x-valve cam with a reactive trigger so i think that im prolly gonna go with the xvalve rather then the hyperframe. and im prolly gonna wait untill next year to get the ule body. now the question is. how can i get an x-valve for a good price? my local store sells them but they jacki the pice up quite a bit:mad: iv heard u can send ur stok vlave into agd and they take 50 bucks off the price of the x-vlave

08-04-2003, 11:16 AM
If you send in you stock valve, AGD taks $100 of the price. If you dont send your valve in the price is $325, if you do, it is $225.

08-04-2003, 11:24 AM
thanks a lot silentdeath so all i have to do is get the adress for agd pack up my stock vlave and send it in with 225 and they send the x valve? and do they take ne more off the price if u have a lvl X on there?

08-04-2003, 11:31 AM
im not sure..but you might wanna call or email them first, so you get all the info before you send the stuff in

08-04-2003, 11:36 AM
alright ill try that